About our Pastor

   Reverend Kate Huddelson accepted the call to be our new pastor as of September 11, 2011.  Kate brings over 25 years of experience in non-profit administration of church ministries.  Philanthropic organizations such as The American Red Cross and The Cystic Fibrosis Foundations helped develop her leadership skills as well as ecumenical relationships.  While residing on the west coast she served on the Board of Directors and in staff positions of several ministerial organizations.  Work and training followed as she served as a counselor and then Director of Development and fundraising consultant to The Pregnancy Resource Center and Medical Clinic of Santa Cruz, CA, Inc.  Kate established and executed extensive fundraising programs and garnered prayer and financial support from over 40 churches county wide.  From training and supervising volunteers to teaching and public speaking at organizations and churches, she was able to see first hand the significant impact of cross-denominational Christian ministry.  She has served in numerous women's leadership agencies such as The Association of Junior Leagues and Bible Study Fellowship, International.  Various board of directorship and professional training activities in public advocacy and educational speaking were a strong part of her professional background prior to full time ministry.

   While attending Pittsburgh Theological Seminary she served in numerous ministerial leadership capacities.  She served locally at Gratiot Avenue Presbyterian in Detroit, First Presbyterian of Farmington, and Mount Clemens and Birmingham Presbyterian churches. She also served as a Chaplain at Henry Ford Medical Center in Detroit.  She was selected to become a member of "The Company of New Pastors", of which she was one of six senior students chosen for their leadership potential.  Kate most recently served as pastor of Ionia Presbyterian & Congregational Care Parish Assistant at The Kirk in the HIlls Presbyterian Church, as well as with the Office of Theology & Worship of the Presbyterian Church (USA) with the Academies for Missional Preaching in the Western Synod.

   Kate is a native Washingtonian.  She graduated from the University of Maryland with a B.A degree in Urban Planning/Behavioral & Social Sciences and a M. Div. from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary.  Kate strongly feels called to First Presbyterian Church of Gaylord.  She tells us "I am excited about how my background and unique skills will coalesce into guiding this wonderful congregation!  I am grateful that my ministry training will serve well members at FPC of Gaylord.  The church is uniquely poised for expanding its local outreach and has a wonderful potential for growth and impact for Christ's Church."


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Reverend Kate Huddelson