~Minutes of Meetings~ 2007 |
A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on December 13, 2007 at 6:10 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.
All board members present. Assessor, Margaret Black and taxpayer Godlewski were present.
Diane P made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
ASSESSOR’S REPORT: Margaret stated that she continues to work on the files and will make site visits this winter.
The December Board of Revue went well. There were 7 items; 2 ag exempt, 4 PRE and l value change.
Tax Tribunal a. Dismissal on all petitions with Great Lakes Energy b. Water pollution control exemption applications. DEQ recommends they be granted i. Quicksilver Resources ii. DTE Gas and Oil c. New Cases-received this week and will respond promptly. i. Wayne & Sarah McGregor, 11317 East Shore Drive, Brighton, MI. Protesting the denial of PRE. They claim that it is the only home they own in Michigan. ii. Doyle Edson. The taxable value was changed from 87,000 to 79,700 at March BOR. Owner wants taxable value to be 70,000. He has certified appraisal with a market value of 140,000.
The Polus issue has been resolved.
ORDINANCE OFFICER REPORT: A warrant has been issued for the burned out property. Dorothy Layman will be going to court with the owner, Renee Kowalski.
PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT: Leonard brought the board up to date with the billboard issue. Recall the “un-permitted” billboard in Elmira Township on the south side of M-32 just west of Camp Ten Road for Railside Bar. During the transition time after Richard Edmonds left employment with Otsego County, the Railside Bar made an application to Otsego County for the placement of the billboard. The permit was issued by Otsego County even though it was outside of the County’s purview to do so. The County is willing to work with Railside Bar to transfer the billboard to another part of the County where there is not a billboard ordinance as there is in Elmira Township. The sign was supposed to be removed by December 1, 2007.
The PC had discussed the possibility of placing “Way fare” signs at the township boarders along M-32. Leonard asked for the township board’s opinion. After discussion the board decided to stay with the current ordinance and not allow “way fare” signs.
The next PC meeting is scheduled for January 22, 2008.
FIRE AUTHORITY REPORT: Diane F stated that member, Bruce Ogden will be going to Florida for three months and asked if the board would allow Don Cherry to fill in. Carl Essenmacher is ill and therefore Elmira Township is at a disadvantage.
Leonard made a motion to appoint Don Cherry to fill the temporary vacancy of Bruce Ogden to the Elmira-Warner Fire Commission. Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.
Diane P reported that the tax season is slow.
CD’s 71,788.86 104,986.10 75,242.08 110,722.08 107,682.27 Gen Fund 52,855.71 TOTAL 523,277.10 Tax Acct 2786 1,173.90 Tax Acct 2787 61,163.68 TOTAL 62,337.58
READING OF THE BILLS: 3489 Theresa Plachta, trustee 171.41 3490 Susan Schaedig, clerk 979.75 3491 Ron Geiger, liquor inspector, ordinance officer 224.66 3492 Leonard Skop, trustee, PC 281.41 3493 John Middleton, PC 110.00 3494 John Ernst, PC 110.00 3495 James Theisen, PC 110.00 3496 Diane Purgiel, treasurer 1,400.75 3497 Diane Franckowiak, supervisor 788.25 3498 Margaret Black, assessor 868.75 3499 Diane Franckowiak, reimb 50.00 3500 Diane Purgiel, reimb 97.70 3501 Ron Geiger, reimb 90.02 3502 Joanne Gee, hall dep reimb 50.00 3503 Duane Hoffman, PC 110.00 3504 Gloria Torello, PC 130.00 3505 D & H Excavating, snowplowing 96.75 3506 MMTA, Diane Purgiel dues 35.00 3507 New Urban News, Gloria Torello subscription 79.00 3508 Warner Township, reimb Maple Hill Cemetery 901.00 3509 WalMart, phone 58.96 3510 Great Lakes Energy 22.72 3511 Waste Management 65.46 3512 Dunn’s Business Solutions 40.23 3513 Sam’s Club, membership 35.00 3514 Susan Schaedig, reimb internet 14.99 3515 Great Lakes Energy 297.61 3516 CenturyTel 86.44 3517 Diane Franckowiak, Twp Convention 100.00 3518 Theresa Plachta, Twp Convention 100.00 3519 Independent Bank, Dec 07 taxes 613.77 3520 Roderick Wright, Dec BOR 50.00 3521 Eugene Fleming, Dec BOR 50.00 3522 Cynthia Prusakiewicz, Dec BOR 50.00 3523 Michigan Dept of Treasury, Oct, Nov, Dec 07 taxes 517.09 8,786.72
Theresa made a motion to pay the bills. Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.
OLD BUSINESS: Diane F read a letter from the OCRC in regard to the Mt Jack Road project. Wade-Trim gave an updated construction cost estimate for $660,340. The OCRC anticipates final construction costs to be less as this is a conservative cost estimate and this project will be part of a MDOT letting if approved by Elmira Township.
The recent soil boring information(l,500.00) indicated good drainage material, however, the gravel base averages approximately three inches in thickness topped by an average pavement thickness of less than two inches. An on-site meeting early next spring to review the preliminary plans is suggested.
Leonard made a motion to accept an agreement with the Otsego County Road Commission to proceed with the following work: Mt Jack Road(from Skop Road north 1.4 miles): crushing and shaping, add aggregate base, improvements to super elevations, vertical crest reduction, lane widening and shoulder pavement, drainage improvements, bituminous pavement and safety item upgrades. Elmira Township will reimburse the OCRC 100% of the estimated cost of materials upon completion of the work. Estimated cost $654,340, Township contribution $254,340. Upon MDOT approval of final construction plans, this project will be bid through MDOT and a revised cost estimate will be provided to Elmira Township. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
NEW BUSINESS: Theresa will check into a program for placing township information on the internet.
The board discussed the Maple Hill Cemetery billing and the clerk will contact Sally Skop. Diane F suggested that it may be appropriate at this time to have a joint meeting in regard to the cemetery.
Theresa made a motion to pay wages and registration fees for Diane F, Gene Fleming and Cindy Prusakawicz to attend the BOR training at Treetops on February 19, 2008. Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.
Diane F appointed Leonard Skop to conduct the January, 2008 meeting since she will be attending the MTA conference along with Theresa.
Sue made a motion to appoint Janelle Crawford, Doreen Ostrander, Barb Fleming and Peggy Hall as election inspectors for the January 15, 2008 Presidential Primary.
There being no further business to come before the board Leonard made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m..
Susan Schaedig, Clerk
A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on November 8, 2007 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 6:10 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Purgiel calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.
All board members present. Assessor, Margaret Black, Mike Roper and Gene Fleming of the Otsego County Road Commission were present.
Leonard made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Seconded by Diane P and carried.
OLD BUSINESS: Mike Roper of the OCRC stated that MDOT has approved the release of safety money for the proposed Mt. Jack Road Safety Project which is l.4 miles northwest starting from Skop Road. Funding will include 80% Federal Safety Funds(not to exceed $400,000) and a local match by Elmira Township of $218,810.00. The estimated 2008 construction cost(w/contingency) is $538,310. Design Engineering & Topo Collection $35,500 and Estimated Const. Eng/Inspection Cost(MDOT record keeping) $45,000.
Sue made a motion to proceed with the proposed 2008 Mt. Jack Road Safety Project. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
Sue reported that Jill is being paid unemployment by the State of Michigan and the township will be billed in September of 2008.
Diane reported that the O.I.L. contract has been signed and returned.
The board discussed Bill Kerr’s proposal of maps in 2008. The maps would be updated on a yearly basis, there would be new aerials and two training sessions at a cost of $1,396.00. The board felt the township would not benefit from these maps and no action was taken.
ASSESSOR’S REPORT: Margaret reported that the preliminary report numbers on the sales study show that Elmira is the only entity in the county that was not in target range on residential assessment. It will take about two years to fix.
The December Board of Review will be held on Tuesday, December 11 at 9:00 a.m..
PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT: Leonard reported that the Rail Side Bar sign is in violation. According to attorney, Bryan Graham the large pieces of public property the County put into residential has to be put into a classification by itself(Right to Own).
There will be no Planning Commission meeting in December.
FIRE AUTHORITY REPORT: Diane F reported that the officers are as follow: Ken Figiel, Chief, Don Franckowiak, Assistant Chief, Peggy Kennedy, EMS Captain.
TREASURERS REPORT: Diane P reported on the treasurer’s seminar and the meeting with Tom Wagar regarding Title Companies. CD 67,625.40 CD 104,986.10 CD 75,242.08 CD 110,722.08 CD 107,682.27 General Fund 60,711.64 TOTAL 526,969.57
Tax Acct 2786 1,149.71 Tax Acct 2787 6357.88 TOTAL 7,507.59
READING OF THE BILLS: 3458 Theresa Plachta, Trustee 121.41 3459 Susan Schaedig, Clerk 929.75 3460 Ron Geiger, Ordinance Officer, Liquor Inspector 257.43 3461 Leonard Skop, Trustee 231.41 3462 John Middleton, PC 110.00 3463 John Ernst, PC 110.00 3464 James Theisen, PC 110.00 3465 Gloria Torello, PC 130.00 3466 Duane Hoffman, PC 110.00 3467 Diane Purgiel, Treasurer 1,790.75 3468 Diane Franckowiak, Supervisor 713.25 3469 Diane Purgiel, reimb 642.27 3470 Diane Franckowiak, reimb 50.00 3471 Mark Rygwelski, lawn mowing 325.00 3472 Roderick Wright, reimb 142.54 3473 Waste Management 64.44 3474 Great Lakes Energy 22.72 3475 Margaret Black, assessor 868.75 3476 Roderick Wright, wages hall & park 132.00 3477 Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning 131.25 3478 Susan Schaedig, reimb internet 13.04 3479 United States Postal Service, POB 117 Elmira 32.00 3480 Great Lakes Energy 362.32 3481 CenturyTel 86.44 3482 Michigan Townships Association, MTA conference reg 420.00 3483 Alpine Computer 194.99 3484 Dunn’s Business Solutions 70.35 3485 Independent Bank, Nov taxes 641.33 3486 Holtons LP Gas 149.24 3487 United States Postal Service, tax bills postage 437.47 3488 United States Postal Service, postage, clerk 82.00 9,482.15
Theresa made a motion to pay the bills. Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.
NEW BUSINESS: Diane F brought to the board’s attention that when the exit signs need to be replaced there is a superglow sign that does not need bulbs or electricity. There are $30.00 each.
There being no further business to come before the board Leonard made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m..
Susan Schaedig, Clerk
A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on October 11, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Members present were: Diane F, Susan Schaedig, Diane P and Leonard Skop. Theresa was excused.
Leonard made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Diane P and carried.
CORRESPONDENCE: The OCRC informed the board that there are two more private roads in Elmira Township; Rolling Oaks and Peaceful Drive.
Diane P made a motion to pay for registration, wages and mileage for any board member to attend the Introduction to Township Laws workshop on December 11, 2007 in Grayling. Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.
ASSESSOR’S REPORT: Diane F read Margaret’s report. She reported that she signed and sent in a stipulation on the Wolverine Power Tax Tribunal. It looks like we really had no choice in the matter and there was no “wiggle room”. So, we will owe approximately $5600 on 2000-2005. The tax was figured appropriately in 2006 and 2007 so nothing is owed on those years. We will proceed once the determination comes down from the Tax Tribunal.
I am continuing to input the backlog of information for the year. I am about half done. I hope to be able to put some concentrated time to finish soon.
I am compiling a list of items for the December Board of Review. So far, there are 2 PRE requests and one change at the Alltel building at the cell tower site on Flott Road. I’m sure there will be more as I wade through the information.
I contacted BS&A about the software printing out the wrong township licensing information and they have sent me the correction CD. I was not able to finish the download/upload for the GIS that you have been working on with BS&A. Hope to get that done early next week.
I have an appointment with Lawrence Polus on Saturday at 10 am to go over his land use and figure out what can be done there. That will probably add another one to the December BOR.
Mr Kerr at Equalization okayed Jill dropping off any mail she receives at Equalization and I will pick it up on my weekly trips. Jill agreed as well.
PLANNING COMMISSION: Leonard reported that they are continuing to work on the Master Plan.
FIRE COMMISSION: Diane F reported that they are in the process of hiring a Chief, Assistant Chief and EMS captain.
TREASURER’S REPORT: CD 67,625.40 104,986.10 CD 73,000.00 CD 110,722.08 CD 107,682.27 Gen Fund 48,450.70 TOTAL 512,466.55 Tax Acct NW 1,149.71 Tax Acct MM 6379.22 TOTAL 7,528.93
READING OF THE BILLS: 3430 Theresa Plachta, trustee-Oct 171.41 3431 Susan Schaedig, clerk’s wages 979.75 3432 Ron Geiger, Ord officer, Liquor Inspector 219.99 3433 Leonard Skop, trustee-Oct 281.41 3434 John Middleton, PC meeting 110.00 3435 James Theisen, PC meeting 110.00 3436 Duane Hoffman, PC meeting 110.00 3437 Doreen Ostrander, flower beds 187.50 3438 Diane Purgiel, treasurer’s salary 1,400.75 3439 Diane Franckowiak, Supv Salary 738.25 3440 Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning 75.00 3441 Diane Purgiel, reimb 126.05 3442 Margaret Black, assessor’s contract 868.75 3443 Diane Franckowiak, reimb 50.00 3444 WalMart 16.57 3445 Waste Management 64.26 3446 Dunn’s Business Solutions 1,000.00 3447 Great Lakes Energy 66.73 3448 MMTA, treasurer’s conference 305.00 3449 Susan Schaedig, reimb internet 43.99 3450 Great Lakes Energy 336.80 3451 Accident Fund 294.00 3452 CenturyTel 86.44 3453 Water Systems Management, town hall 124.89 3454 Young, Graham & Elsenheimer, PC 272.00 3455 VOID 3456 Independent Bank, Oct taxes 492.81 3457 Crossroads Industries, Inc., newsletters 540.31 9,072.66 Leonard made a motion to pay the bills. Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.
OLD BUSINESS: Sue informed the board that Jill Kassuba filed for unemployment and the township is liable for the payments since she was considered an employee.
Diane F stated that attorney, Bryan Graham reviewed the O.I.L. contract which is only for the Antrim Formation. Changes have been made and all is in order.
NEW BUSINESS: Leonard made a motion to allow any board member to attend the 2008 MTA conference in January. Registration fees, mileage, wages, hotel and $100.00 for meals & miscellaneous to be included. Seconded by Diane F and carried unanimously.
The next Township Association meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 20, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. at the Gaylord Fire Hall.
There being no further business Leonard made a motion to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m. Seconded by Diane P and carried.
Susan Schaedig, Clerk
A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on September 13, 2007 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 6:03 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.
All members were present. Others attending were Adam Gandolphi, Joseph Holt and Jacob Allen, Margaret Black and Ron Geiger and Duane Hoffman.
Leonard made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
OLD BUSINESS: Joe Holt of O.I.L. Energy Corporation came back to the board and offered a full non development lease with no surface rights; the well has to be 300 foot from a water well, 200 foot from a home; the lease term is three years with a two year option to renew; the royalty was raised to 1/6th which is same as the state and an extension payment bonus of $50.00 per net mineral acre.
Diane P. made a motion to accept the revised oil and gas lease from O.I.L. Energy Corporation pending review and approval of an attorney. Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.
ASSESSOR’S REPORT: Margaret stated that the sales study of homes sold in 2006 compares with the assessed value although she is finding some of the assessed values low. In Glen Meadows the homes have been assessed on inside measurements. She found a home listed on a real estate site with a square footage of 3,200 square feet but in our computer as 1,824 square feet single story w/basement-recreation finish and a 784 square foot, 1 story attached garage. The listing information did not compare with our cards.
Diane F. read a letter from Larry Polus whose land had been taken out of Ag. Margaret will contact Larry. She also informed the board that former assesser, Jill Kassuba had a stroke.
The board told Margaret that she is off to a great start and is happy with the work she has completed so far.
PLANNING COMMISSION: Duane Hoffman presented a height variance for a house over 35 feet in height requested by Craig and Jennifer Harwood at 2615 Cynthia Lane. The proposed house will be 50 feet above grade and the understanding that the structure being built with the third floor being the top floor and that all building materials used above the standard height of 35 feet above grade are non-combustible and the driveway be widened to enable larger trucks easier access.
Diane P. made a motion to accept Elmira Township Planning Commission’s motion to recommend to the Otsego County Planning Commission to approve the height variance of Craig and Jennifer Harwood at 2615 Cynthia Lane; Gaylord, MI based on the Land Use Map. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Diane P. presented a proposal from BS & A Software. Option A: Elmira Township can use the Internet Services free of charge and BS & A will charge the users a convenience fee. Township pays no money. BS & A will set up the system, configure the web site, and the users pay a per-hit fee using a credit card to view the daily updated or real-time data. Elmira’s cost is free. End Users’ cost; Assessing/Equalization System $2.00/record; Comparable Sales Search-Assessing Records(allows searches for comparable sale date based on query and Neighborhood filters). $2.00/record. Tax System $2.00/record. Option B: Users of the web site pay nothing to view the data available and the Township pays $2,000.
Diane P stated that tax payments could be made electronically at a charge of $3.95 per payment. The board does not wish to use this option of payment at this time but will consider it from year to year.
Diane P read a letter of appreciation from the Otsego County Historical Society for the $100.00 contribution to further preservation efforts.
Leonard made a motion to accept the Option A proposal from BS & A Software. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
CD 67,625.40 CD 104,986.10 CD due 9-19 104,810.47 CD 73,000.00 CD 110,722.50 General Fund 48,596.50 TOTAL 509,740.55 Tax Acct Northwestern 1,055.60 Tax Acct Northwestern 371,163.13 372,218.73
The board discussed the one mill collected by the township for operating expenses which has been rolled back to .8880. Since the fire department will be asking for a renewal the board decided to wait before asking the voters for the additional millage to take it up to the one mill.
FIRE AUTHORITY REPORT: Diane F reported that Don Cherry has retired. She also stated that there is no one to man the fire department during the day when she is gone.
READING OF THE BILLS: 3388 Accident Fund 750.00 3389 Diane Franckowiak, reimb 50.00 3390 Susan Schaedig, reimb 15.75 3391 Jill Kassuba, mileage 70.81 3392 Hefco Farms 182.00 3393 Graham, elsenheimer, Wendling & Kazim, P.C. 42.00 3394 Waste Management 61.60 3395 Diane Franckowiak, supv wages 688.25 3396 Theresa Plachta, trustee wages 121.41 3397 Susan Schaedig, clerk wages 929.75 3398 Ron Geiger, Liquor Inspector, Ordinance Officer 219.99 3399 Roderick Wright 319.00 3400 Jill Kassuba, final assessor wages 853.44 3401 Walmart 16.24 3402 Diane Purgiel, reimb 100.67 3403 Diane Purgiel, treasurer’s wages 1,350.75 3404 United States Postal Service, postage 82.00 3405 Leonard Skop, trustee wages 341.41 3406 John Middleton, PC meeting 110.00 3407 John Ernst, PC meetings 220.00 3408 James Theisen, PC meetings 220.00 3409 Gloria Torello, PC meetings 240.00 3410 Duane Hoffman, PC meetings 220.00 3411 Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning 81.25 3412 Municipal Underwriters of Mich, Inc. 7,600.00 3413 Carquest, hall cleaning supplies 115.66 3414 Great Lakes Energy 22.72 3415 Keskine, Cook, Miller, Smity & Alexander 400.00 3416 Diane Purgiel, reimb 34.95 3417 Theresa Plachta, reimb internet 106.80 3418 Complete Lawn Care 455.00 3419 Margaret Black, contract 1,125.79 3420 Gloria Torello, special meeting 85.00 3421 Gloria Torello, reimb 110.98 3422 CenturyTel 86.50 3423 Great Lakes Energy 345.52 3424 United States Postal Service, postage 443.40 3425 Michigan Dept of Environmental Quality, water sampling 18.00 3426 Susan Schaedig, reimb internet 43.99 3427 Donna Polus, hall dep reimb 50.00 3428 Independent Bank, Sept taxes 842.07 3429 Michigan Dept of Treasury 671.10 19,903.80
Leonard made a motion to pay the bills. Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.
NEW BUSINESS: Sue made a motion to retain Doug Franckowiak of D & H Excavating for the 2007-2008 snow plowing season. His rates remain the same. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
Sue made a motion to pay for conference fees, wages, mileage and meals for Diane P to attend the 29th Annual State Treasurer’s Conference on October 14th through the 17th. Seconded by Theresa and carried.
There being no further business to come before the board Sue made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Diane P and carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Susan Schaedig, Clerk
A regular meeting of the Elmira Township board was held on August 9, 2007 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 6:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane F calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.
All township board members present. Others in attendance were Bob DeLong, Margaret Black, Ron Geiger and Joe Holt.
Leonard made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Seconded by Diane F. and carried unanimously.
Joe Holt of O.I.L. Energy Corporation presented to the board a mineral rights lease for 7.20 acres. He left the lease for the board to review.
The board discussed the lease and decided not to act upon it. Diane F will inform Mr. Holt of the board’s decision.
Bob DeLong of Dunn’s Business Solutions demonstrated a used copier and presented a copier comparison to the board.
Sue made a motion to purchase two, used Savin 2513f copier/fax from Dunn’s for $500.00 each. Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.
The board decided to sell the treasurer’s copier for $200.00 and the hall computer will be given to the Fire Authority if they will accept it.
ORDINANCE OFFICER REPORT: Ron reported that Charlie Beckner has cleaned up half of his mess. Doug Franckowiak estimated the cost for demolishing and removing the building from the Northern Land complaint at $6,000.00. The issue was tabled.
TREASURER’S REPORT: CD 67,625.40 CD 101,582.95 CD 104,810.47 CD 73,000.00 CD 110,722.08 GEN FUND 44,543.14 TOTAL 502,284.04 TAX ACCOUNTS 1,030.89 39,741.56 TOTAL 40,772.45
Diane P reported that she has a CD coming due on August 25, 2007.
Diane P. presented a proposed newsletter to be sent out to the taxpayers. Cost estimate of the project for mailing 1,450 pieces by Crossroads Industries, Inc. is 638.04. Printing of a 1 sided, black ink newsletter @$.07, 101.50 or 2 sided @$.12, 174.00. A color, 1 sided copy would be $.30 or 435.00 and a 2 sided would be $.37 or 536.50.
Leonard made a motion to print and send a black ink newsletter to Elmira Township taxpayers. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
ASSESSOR’S REPORT: Jill handed the computer, records and all materials relating to the assessor over to Margaret Black on July 31, 2007. She will work with Margaret during the transition period through August 25, 2007 at which time Jill will receive final payment for services.
Sue made a motion to pay Margaret Black starting from August 1, 2007 since she has started her duties early. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
Margaret reported that she has started checking each parcel in Section 1. The last time this was completed was in 1998.
PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT: Leonard advised the board about the Harwood pre- application for a variance for the construction of a house 49 feet above grade. The PC also discussed attorney, Bryan Graham’s objections on the Large Parcel text.
FIRE AUTHORITY REPORT: Diane F informed the board that Kristine Francis has resigned from the Fire Authority.
Diane F. made a motion to appoint Bruce Ogden to the Elmira-Warner Fire Authority to fill the two year vacancy left by Kristine Francis’ resignation. Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.
OLD BUSINESS: The board discussed the equalization department’s offer for mapping services. Theresa commented that it is very difficult to learn and is not often logical. The township had purchased maps and photos earlier and this would be the same system with different photos. No action on this subject.
Attorney, Bryan Graham explained that since the assessor is an independent contractor and not a township employee, the assessor would not be covered by the Township Insurance policies for errors and omissions. It is always possible for the assessor to make a mistake when performing duties under the contract. The purpose of the E & O policy is to provide insurance coverage for those potential mistakes. Without such coverage, the assessor and potentially the Township could have to pay damages for those mistakes. The cost of the errors and omissions policy should be a cost of doing business as an independent contractor.
NEW BUSINESS: Diane F. reported that she had checked propane prices for the 2007-2008 season. Holtons remains the same at 1.59 per gallon. The board will continue to purchase propane from Holton’s.
The board discussed the installation of a programmable thermostat. Rocky will be contacted to check on costs.
Diane F. reported that Otsego County Sheriff’s Deputy, Trevor Winkel was requesting Elmira Township have No Thru Truck signs placed at both ends of Mt. Jack Road. Discussion followed and the board took no action on this request.
Sue made a motion to adopt the 2007 Tax Rate Request(L-4029). Allocated .8880 and voted Fire .9781. Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously. READING OF THE BILLS: 3351 Jill Kassuba, assessor wages 1,491.56 3352 Theresa Plachta, Trustee 281.41 3353 Susan Schaedig, clerks wages 1,089.75 3354 Michigan Dept of Treasury 13.84 3355 Diane Franckowiak, reimb internet, fax, computer 50.00 3356 Darwin & Barbara Swank, hall dep refund 50.00 3357 Diane Purgiel, reimb 109.08 3358 BS & A Software, Equalizer Assessing System 455.00 3359 Otsego County Historical Society 100.00 3360 Great Lakes Energy 22.47 3361 Otsego Conservation District, plat books 17.00 3362 Waste Management 61.67 3363 Dunn’s Business Solutions, Fire King file 1,566.47 3364 Fidlar Companies, ballot bag 87.00 3365 Cynthia Prusakiewicz, July BOR 50.00 3366 Ron Geiger, liquor inspector, ordinance officer 219.99 3367 Roderick Wright, July BOR 50.00 3368 Leonard Skop, Trustee 341.41 3369 John Middleton, PC meeting 110.00 3370 John Ernst, PC meeting 110.00 3371 James Theisen, PC meeting 110.00 3372 Gloria Torello, PC meeting, county meeting 180.00 3373 Eugene Fleming, July BOR 50.00 3374 Duane Hoffman, PC meeting, county meeting 160.00 3375 Diane Purgiel, Treasurer wages 1,510.75 3376 Diane Franckowiak, Supv wages 873.25 3377 Susan Schaedig, reimb mileage 61.59 3378 Holton’s LP Gas 476.44 3379 Doreen Ostrander, election inspector 155.00 3380 Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning 87.50 3381 Janelle Crawford, election inspector 137.75 3382 Barbara Fleming, election inspector 137.75 3383 Danielle Davis, hall dep refund 50.00 3384 Great Lakes Energy 345.92 3385 CenturyTel 86.50 3386 Susan Schaedig, reimb internet 43.99 3387 Independent Bank, Aug taxes 880.01 11,624.00
Leonard made a motion to pay the bills. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
There being no further business to come before the board Theresa made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Leonard and carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m..
Susan Schaedig, Clerk
A special meeting of the Elmira Township board was held on July 25, 2007 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 6:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.
All board members were present. Assessor candidates, Jill Kassuba, Deb Dunham and Margaret Black were also present.
The purpose of this meeting was to discuss purchasing a file cabinet and copy machines and interview candidates that had submitted a sealed bid at the July, 2007 regular board meeting. Deb, Margaret and Jill agreed to be interviewed together.
Diane Purgiel asked each candidate the following questions: In regard to field work what do you plan on doing first if you get the job? How do you handle and assess personal property? How do you assess fences? How would you assess play structures? What is your attitude and goal for the assessor’s position? What is your view on agricultural classification? How soon do your answer phone calls? What is your view on the Errors and Omissions clause?
Diane F. informed the candidates that a decision was being made at this meeting and Deb Dunham offered to step outside with the other candidates while the board reviewed their answers and bids.
Leonard made a motion to accept Margaret Black’s bid of $10, 425.00 for assessing services. Seconded by Sue and carried unanimously.
Diane F. thanked Margaret, Jill and Deb for their bids and informed Jill that she would be Elmira Township’s assessor for thirty days(August 25, 2007).
Jill stated that she would go to the tribunal hearing for Norbert Skibinski with Margaret and work with her through the thirty day period.
OTHER BUSINESS: Theresa made a motion to purchase a Fire King file cabinet from Dunn’s Business Solutions for $1,550.00. Seconded by Sue and carried unanimously.
Sue stated that she has been researching new and used copiers. Bob DeLong of Dunn’s will come to the August board meeting to present options.
There being no further business to come before the board Sue made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m..
Susan Schaedig, Clerk
A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on July 12, 2007 at the Elmira Township Hall commencing at 6:20 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.
All board members present. Others attending were Ron Geiger, Jill & Vern Kassuba, Margaret Black, Deb Dunham, Mr. Dunham, Dorothy Layman, Erma Backenstose and Duane Hoffman.
Leonard made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Seconded by Theresa and carried.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Dorothy Layman addressed the trailer cleanup problem on Division. The owner pays the fine on the citations and it then goes back to square one. Three months has to pass before any action can be taken.
She is working on a special motion that has to be signed by Judge Morse that would direct a person to appear before the judge and they would be given a limited amount of time to clean the problem up.
Dorothy has not made any progress in regard to the building owned by Northern Land(James R. Hall, POB 931) The taxes have been paid for 2005. She suggested the possibility of posting a building department complaint on the building which is a misdemeanor(criminal offense). If Mr. Hall does not answer the complaint the township would possibly have to get involved in removing the building. The cost added to the tax bill.
The township will contact Doug Franckowiak for an estimate on the removal of the Northern Land building.
ORDINANCE OFFICER: Ron reported a new complaint on Webster Road.
PLANNING COMMISSION: The township board reviewed the draft for Large Parcel. It was suggested that publicly owned parcels be described in more detail so it is clarified for the reader.
Duane Hoffman stated that the Large Parcel will be on the agenda of the Otsego County Planning Commission on July 16th at 7:00 p.m. in the Multi Purpose room.
Diane P. made a motion to approve the draft of the Large Parcel with clarification of publicly owned lands. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
Leonard reported that all the officers of the PC remains the same.
TREASURER’S REPORT: CD 67,625.40 CD 101,582.95 CD 104,810.47 CD 73,000.00 Gen Fund 62,325.87 TOTAL 409,344.69
ASSESSOR’S REPORT: Jill continues to work on the 2008 Assessment Work Roll. Building permits continue to come in. She is compiling the fieldwork, field notes and follow-ups for late summer or early fall inspections.
No land divisions this month.
Michigan Tax Tribunal: Wolverine Power(Amended to include 2005-MTT calling for a Pre Hearing Conference) Norbert Skibinski(scheduled for August 6, 2007 1:00 p.m. Bagley Township Hall)
The July Board of Review is scheduled for the 17th at 9:00 a.m. Jill has completed forms for the known corrections as well as 1 poverty/hardship exemption. She will get the forms to Diane P for reissuing necessary bills appropriately on the 17th as well as the county treasurer.
READING OF THE BILLS: 3310 Theresa Plachta, trustee salary 121.41 3311 Susan Schaedig, clerk salary 929.75 3312 Ron Geiger, ordinance officer, liquor inspector 219.99 3313 Roderick Wright 231.00 3314 Susan Schaedig, reimb 18.43 3315 Diane Franckowiak, reimb use fax & computer, internet 50.00 3316 Ass’n of Public Treasurers of US & Canada 115.00 3317 Diane Purgiel, reimb 85.37 3318 Hefco Farms 99.76 3319 Waste Management 61.44 3320 Otsego Conservation District, Hazardous Waste 500.00 3321 Great Lakes Energy 62.38 3322 WalMart 19.34 3323 Dunn’s Business Solutions 66.60 3324 Gaylord Herald Times , assessor notices 321.07 3325 Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning 110.76 3326 Leonard Skop, Trustee wages, PC mtg 231.41 3327 John Middleton, PC meeting 110.00 3328 Jill Kassuba, assessor wages 1,491.56 3329 Gloria Torello, PC meeting 130.00 3330 Duane Hoffman, PC meeting 110.00 3331 Doreen Ostrander, hall cleaning 125.00 3332 Diane Purgiel, treasurer salary 1,350.75 3333 Diane Franckowiak, supervisor salary 738.25 3334 Vicki Savory, hall dep refund 50.00 3335 Otsego County Equalization Dept 1,216.80 3336 Patricia Meixell, hall dep refund 50.00 3337 Tap Enterprise, hall dep refund 50.00 3338 Graham, Elsenheimer, Wendling & Kazim, PC 224.00 3339 Susan Schaedig, reimb 36.11 3340 Michigan Dept of Treasury, taxes, 1st ¼ 709.80 3341 Michigan Dept of Treasury, taxes 2nd ¼ 588.13 3342 Great Lakes Energy 327.61 3343 CenturyTel 86.50 3344 Tim’s Masonary, Inc, basketball court 6,100.00 3345 Mark Rygwelski, lawn mowing 520.00 3346 Otsego Lake Association, lake signs 200.00 3347 Independent Bank, taxes-July 821.20 3348 Susan Schaedig, reimb 43.99 3349 Jill Kassuba, mileage 136.77 3350 Skop’s Asphalt Maintenance, repair cracks, sealcoat 1,650.00 20,174.42
Theresa made a motion to pay the bills, seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.
OLD BUSINESS: Three sealed bids for the assessor’s job were opened and reviewed. Jill Kassuba quoted a bid of $23,648.72. Deb Dunham of D & D Assessing submitted a bid of $20,000.00. Margaret Black’s bid price is $10,425.00.
The board decided to hold a special meeting on July 25th at 6:00 p.m. to interview the candidates.
Tim Wells has completed the 50 foot by 50 foot basketball court at the township park. Site work is $600.00 and the concrete is $5,500.00.
Diane Purgiel made a motion in the form of a resolution to adopt the Michigan Emergency Management Assistance Compact(MEMAC) which authorizes Elmira Township to provide emergency aid and assistance in the event of a disaster or emergency. Seconded by Leonard Skop and carried unanimously.
AYES: Diane Franckowiak, Diane Purgiel, Susan Schaedig, Theresa Plachta, Leonard Skop. NAYES: None ABSENT: None
NEW BUSINESS: Leonard made a motion contract with Skop’s Asphalt Maintenance of East Jordan, Michigan to repair cracks, seal coat and stripes lanes in the township hall parking lot for a cost of $1,650.00. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
Sue made a motion to appoint Doreen Ostrander, Barb Fleming and Janelle Crawford as election inspectors for the Primary Election on August 7, 2007. Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.
The next Township Association meeting will be held on July 17, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. at Otsego Lake Township.
There being no further business to come before the board Leonard made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m..
Susan Schaedig, Clerk
A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on June 14, 2007 at the Elmira Township Hall commencing at 6:20 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.
All board members present. Ron Geiger, Al Bentz and Jill Kassuba were also present.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Al Bentz informed the board that Planning & Zoning Director, Richard Edmonds had resigned.
Leonard made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Seconded by Diane P and carried.
ASSESSOR’S REPORT: Jill has rolled over to the 2008 Assessment work roll. Drawings of new building have been added for files and Principal Residence Exemption forms have been filed with state and added to the township notebooks. She is currently compiling fieldwork and follow-ups for late summer or early fall.
There are no land divisions.
Michigan Tax Tribunal Wolverine Power (Amended to include 2005-entered August 22, 2006)last communication Norbert Skibinski (scheduled for an in person conference, no date yet)
Bill Kerr, Equalization Director has set an assessor’s meeting June 21st. At the meeting the up and coming sales studies and information, land division information, communication and map updates/aerials will be discussed.
The July Board of Review will be held on July 17th at 9:00 a.m.. There are currently 13 known corrections(6 are 2007 changes). Upon adjournment of the BOR Jill will give a copy of the changes to Diane P and County Treasurer for appropriate refunds.
ORDINANCE OFFICER: Ron stated that Dorothy Layman has issued another ticket to Renee because the trailer has not been cleaned up.
There has been no further progress with Northern Land.
PLANNING COMMISSION: Leonard reported that the PC is reviewing Otsego County Zoning Ordinance section on Large Parcels.
Leonard made a motion to reappoint Gloria Torello and James Theisen to a three year term on the Elmira Planning Commission. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
READING OF THE BILLS: 3276 Susan Schaedig, reimb 129.18 3277 Susan Schaedig, wages 1,089.75 3278 United States Postal Service, postage 82.00 3279 Diane Purgiel, reimb 79.79 3280 Diane Franckowiak, reimb 50.00 3281 Michigan Association of Planning, dues 300.00 3282 Michigan Townships Association, dues, legal defense 1,207.40 3283 Dunn’s Business Solutions 61.60 3284 Gleaners Life Insurance Society 3,960.69 3285 Ing Usa Annuity & Life Insurance Co 1,465.99 3286 Municipal Retirement Systems, Inc 190.00 3287 Waste Management 61.44 3288 WalMart 173.40 3289 Great Lakes Energy 21.81 3290 Gaylord Herald Times 30.00 3291 Mark Rygwelski, lawn mowing 325.00 3292 Diane Franckowiak, wages 873.25 3293 Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning 137.50 3294 Theresa Plachta, wages 121.41 3295 Ron Geiger, ordinance officer, liquor inspector 219.99 3296 Leonard Skop, wages 281.41 3297 Jill Kassuba, assessor wages 1,491.56 3298 James Theisen, PC wages 110.00 3299 Gloria Torello, PC wages 130.00 3300 Duane Hoffman, PC wages 110.00 3301 Diane Purgiel, treasurer wages 1,400.75 3302 46th District Court 34.50 3303 Diane Franckowiak, assessor’s class 11 days 1,210.00 3304 Diane Franckowiak, reimb expenses assessor’s class 1,704.90 3305 Independent Bank, June taxes 929.56 3306 Great Lakes Energy 325.91 3307 CenturyTel 86.44 3308 United States Postal Service, tax postage 422.71 3309 United States Postal Service, tax postage 542.43 19,360.37
Leonard made a motion to pay the bills. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT: CD 67,625.40 CD 101,582.95 CD 104,974.71 CD 104,810.47 CD 73,000.00 GEN FUND 56,107.24 TOTAL 508,100.77
Diane reported that the Fifth Third CD comes due on 6-16-07 and she will renew.
Diane discussed with Jill CIT personal property statement. They did not respond to a personal property statement that was sent to them.
OLD BUSINESS: Diane F reported that she sent the assessor’s contract to attorney, Bryan Graham to be reviewed.
Leonard made a motion to accept the proposed assessing contract for 2007-2008 as revised by Bryan Graham. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
Sue will place an ad for sealed bids in the Gaylord Herald Times four times asking for a resume of experience with references and a copy of their certification. Theses bids will be opened at the next regular board meeting in July.
Tom Deans of the Otsego County Road Commission informed Elmira Township that it was not selected for the safety funds that were applied for on Mt Jack Rd due to no serious accidents. The township will reapply in 2008.
Diane F explained to the board what NIMS(National Incident Management Systems) training is. The township is currently compliant since she has all the certifications but another board member should be certified. This enables the township to receive grants.
NEW BUSINESS: Diane P made a motion to accept the Summer Tax Collection Agreement for 2007 with Gaylord Community Schools. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
The board discussed the building of a basketball court at the township park. Rocky was able to find a local contractor, Tim Wells.
Sue made a motion to contract with Tim’s Masonry to build a 50’ x 50’ basketball court at the Elmira Township Park for $5,500.00 and site work estimate of $600.00. Total $6,100.00. Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.
The board discussed placing of signs which would advise people using the public launches in Elmira Township how to keep their watercraft clean so they will not contaminate the lake that they are launching at. Diane P made a motion to pay the Otsego Lake Association $200.00 which would cover three signs and the placing of them at the lakes. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
The board decided to purchase two more Plat Books.
Leonard made a motion to pay Diane F for all expenses(Schooling tuition, manuals, exam fee, license fee, mileage and motel fees incurred while obtaining her Assessor Level I certification. Seconded by Theresa and carried. Diane F abstained.
There being no further business to come before the board Leonard made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Theresa and carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:48 p.m..
Susan Schaedig, Clerk
A regular meeting of the Elmira Township board was held on May 10, 2007 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 6:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Board members present were Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak, Clerk, Susan Schaedig, Treasurer, Diane Purgiel, Trustee, Theresa Plachta and Trustee, Leonard Skop. Others attending were Vern & Jill Kassuba, Ron Geiger and Commissioner, Erma Backenstose.
Diane P made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
ASSESSOR’S REPORT: Jill stated that she continues to maintain the 2007 Assessment Roll and works on building drawings for files and updating our Principal Residence Exemption forms/notebooks. Building Permits for 2007 continue to come in. There were no Land Divisions.
In regard to the Michigan Tax Tribunal she stated that Great Lakes Energy is completed, the last communication with Wolverine Power was August 22, 2006 in which they amended to include 2005 and the Norbert Skibinski case was scheduled for a telephone conference on July 3, 2007 at 3:00 p.m. but Jill has received a written request from the petitioner for an “in person” hearing but MTT has not confirmed or denied this request.
Bill Kerr, Equalization Director has set an assessor’s meeting for June 21st.
Jill has begun working on the L-4029 Tax Rate Request. The Township does not have any mileage proposals on the upcoming ballots.
Jill asked the board if there were any concerns about her work since she heard through the “grape vine” that some of the board members had concerns about her work.
Diane F responded by telling Jill that she had recently taken a Level 1 Assessor’s course and passed. Since her job as supervisor required her to be secretary of the Board of Revue and she felt she was in the dark when it came to assessing and doing her job she felt that it would help the township if she took the course.
Diane F told Jill that the assessor’s contract will be discussed under new business.
PLANNING COMMISSION: Leonard reported that the PC is working on the issue of public properties reverting back from the state to the owners and not having the state trade properties. The PC has a copy of Burt Lake Township’s plan.
FIRE AUTHORITY: Diane F stated that they are seeking another FA member to replace Laurie Hermann.
TREASURERS REPORT: Diane P reported that the treasurer’s class she attended was excellent and she was advised not to use a personal e-mail address for township business.
Leonard made a motion to pay dues of $115.00 for Diane P for the Association of Public Treasurers of United States & Cananda. Seconded by Theresa and carried.
CD 67,625.40 CD 101,582.95 CD 104,974.71 CD 104,810.47 CD 73,000.00 Gen Fund 69,807.46 TOTAL 521,800.99
Tax Acct 2786 1,007.00 2787 1,955.92 TOTAL 2,962.92
Diane P informed the board that she plans on contacting attorney, Bryan Graham in regard to sending personal property correspondence certified mail and return receipt because she cannot charge the taxpayer.
ORDINANCE OFFICER: Ron reported that an ultimatum was given to the owner of the trailer house to clean it up since debris is blowing around. He has seen a rollback on the property.
He has not made any progress on contacting James R. Hall of Northern Land.
Diane F thanked Ron for the fine job he is doing.
0LD BUSINESS: Sue made a motion to adopt an ordinance to amend the Elmira Township Hallock Cemetery Ordinance. Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously. AYES: Diane Franckowiak, Susan Schaedig, Diane Purgiel, Theresa Plachta, Leonard Skop NAYES: None ABSENT: None
PUBLIC COMMENT: The board shared concerns about the Equalization Director with Erma Backenstose, County Commissioner.
READING OF THE BILLS: 3234 Theresa Plachta, trustee wages VOID 3235 Susan Schaedig, clerk wages 929.75 3236 Diane Purgiel, treasurer wages 2,010.75 3237 Diane Franckowiak, supervisor wages 688.25 3238 Leonard Skop, trustee wages 231.41 3239 Ron Geiger, ordinance officer, liquor inspector 219.99 3240 Roderick Wright, hall repair 55.00 3241 John Middleton, PC meeting, April 110.00 3242 Jill Kassuba, assessor’s wages 1,491.56 3243 James Theisen, PC meeting, April 110.00 3244 Gloria Torello, PC meeting, April 130.00 3245 Duane Hoffman, PC meeting, April 110.00 3246 Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning 125.00 3247 Dunn’s Business Solutions 19.99 3248 Diane Franckowiak, reimb 50.00 3249 Diane Purgiel, reimb 556.93 3250 Great Lakes Energy 21.81 3251 Waste Management 61.58 3252 United Building Centers 13.20 3253 D & H Excavating, snowplowing 172.00 3254 Kary Burke, hall dep refund 50.00 3255 Susan Schaedig, reimb 66.95 3256 County of Otsego, 2007 Planning & Zoning Services 1,760.00 3257 Janelle Crawford, School Election 133.00 3258 Doreen Ostrander, School Election 160.00 3259 Barbara Fleming, School Election 133.00 3260 Doreen Ostrander, mileage 22.31 3261 Theresa Plachta, internet May/April VOID 3262 County of Otsego, reimb for overpymt 06 settlement 876.15 3263 Graham, Elsenheimer, Wendling, & Kazim, P.C. 392.00 3264 Jill Kassuba, reimb 76.59 3265 Great Lakes Energy 339.03 3266 Mark Rygwelski, spring cleanup 902.50 3267 CenturyTel 86.44 3268 Otsego Conservation District 159.00 3269 Susan Schaedig, internet service reimb 32.00 3270 Doreen Ostrander, hall cleaning 112.50 3271 Theresa Plachta, internet reimb, replace ck 3261 52.40 3272 Vi Davis, hall cleaning 112.50 3273 Independent Bank, May taxes 851.37 3274 Linda Bentz, hall dep refund 50.00 3275 Theresa Plachta, replace check 3234 121.41 13,330.37
Sue made a motion to pay for registration, mileage and wages for any board member wanting to attend the workshop on Township Personnel Policies on June 14th at Houghton Lake and the workshop on At Your Service: Meeting Township Needs in Mt Pleasant on June 25th . Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.
In regard to the assessor’s position, Diane P. reminded Jill that the board had discussed with her two years ago that there was a good possibility that the assessor’s position would be put up for bids as an independent contractor. There would be no retirement, mileage or classes paid for. This position would be advertised on a yearly basis.
The board assured Jill that she will continue to be the Elmira Township Assessor and receive her monthly wage until such time the board reviews the bids and awards a contract to someone. She was invited to bid.
Leonard made a motion to place an ad in the Gaylord Herald Times to advertise that Elmira Township will be accepting sealed bids for an independent contractor to do the assessing and also appoint Diane F and Sue to the personnel committee to draft the contract for the assessing responsibilities. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
There being no further business to come before the board Sue made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Theresa and carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.
Susan Schaedig, Clerk
A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on March 8, 2007 at 7:05 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.
All members present.
Diane P made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
Meeting was recessed at 7:15 p.m. for the budget hearing.
The meeting was called back to order at 7:35 p.m..
Theresa made a motion to accept the budget for 2007-2008. Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.
Sue made a motion to amend the general fund election budget, 202.99 to come from the fund balance. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
Sue made a motion to amend the general fund clerk budget, 114.70 to come from the fund balance. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
Sue made a motion to amend the general fund street light budget, 76.28 to come from the fund balance. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
Sue made a motion to amend the general fund supervisor budget, 106.00 to come from the fund balance. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
Sue made a motion in the form of a resolution to increase the Supervisor’s Salary 4% for 2007-2008 budget year. Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously. AYES: Diane F., Sue S., Diane P., Leonard, Theresa NAYES: None ABSENT: None
Diane P made a motion in the form of a resolution to increase the Clerk’s Salary 4% for 2007-2008 budget year and $300.00 for a school election. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously. AYES: Diane F., Sue S., Diane P., Leonard, Theresa NAYES: None ABSENT: None
Sue made a motion in the form of a resolution to increase the Treasurer’s Salary 4% for 2007-2008 budget year and the summer tax collection salary 4% for the 2007 summer tax collection. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously. AYES: Diane F., Sue S., Diane P., Theresa, Leonard NAYES: None ABSENT: None
Diane P made a motion in the form of a resolution to increase the Trustees Salary 4% for the 2007-2008 budget year. Seconded by Sue and carried unanimously. AYES: Diane F., Sue S., Diane P., Theresa, Leonard NAYES: None ABSENT: None
Theresa made a motion to increase the Assessor’s Salary 4% for the 2007-2008 budget year. Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.
PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT: Leonard reported that the PC adopted a budget of 14,950.00 for 2007-2008 budget year. The next meeting will be a joint township and county planning commissions.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Sue made a motion in the form of a resolution to use M Bank as a depository for Elmira Township Funds. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously. AYES: Diane F, Sue, Diane P, Leonard, Theresa NAYES: None ABSENT: NonE
101-121 CD 67,625.40 101-225 CD 103,583.05 101-226 CD 101,582.95 101-227 CD 104,974.71 101001 Gen Fund 132,704.45 TOTAL 510,470.56
2786 Tax Acct Northwestern 1,219.74 2787 Tax Acct Money Mkt 2,422.29 TOTAL 3,642.03
READING OF THE BILLS: 3165 Theresa Plachta, trustee salary 116.75 3166 Susan Schaedig, Clerk’s Salary 870.10 3167 Ron Geiger, Ordinance Officer, Liquor Inspector 243.11 3168 Nicholas Purgiel 55.00 3169 Leonard Skop, Trustee Salary , PC 226.75 3170 John Middleton, PC Feb 110.00 3171 Jill Kassuba, assessor’s salary 1,434.23 3172 James Theisen, PC, Feb 110.00 3173 Gloria Torello, PC, Feb 130.00 3174 Duane Hoffman, PC, Feb 110.00 3175 Diane Purgiel, Treasurer’s Salary 870.10 3176 Diane Franckowiak, Supervisor’s Salary 637.75 3177 Jill Kassuba, reimb mileage 173.63 3178 Diane Purgiel, reimb 97.90 3179 Great Lakes Energy 21.81 3180 Theresa Plachta, reimb internet 26.50 3181 D & H Excavating, snowplowing 526.75 3182 Dunn’s Business Solutions 65.78 3183 Waste Management 59.98 3184 Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning 112.50 3185 Mid North Printing 163.60 3186 Gaylord Herald Times 33.75 3187 Diane Franckowiak, reimb internet, use fax & computer 64.99 3188 Roderick Wright, BOR 250.00 3189 Eugene Fleming, BOR 250.00 3190 Cynthia Prusakiewicz, BOR 250.00 3191 VOID 3192 United States Postal Service, postage 78.00 3193 Independent Bank, taxes March 07 781.03 3194 M Bank, transfer to CD 73,000.00 3195 United States Postal Service, postage 39.00 3196 Great Lakes Energy 325.80 3197 Susan Schaedig, reimb 43.99 3198 Michigan Municipal Treasurer’s Ass’n, registration fee 550.00 3199 Diane Franckowiak, reimb BOR 60.84 3200 CenturyTel 89.81 81,979.45
Leonard made a motion to pay the bills. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
OLD BUSINESS: Sue reviewed the additions to the Hallock Cemetery Ordinance.
NEW BUSINESS: Diane F reported that twelve wells were selected for water samples in the Elmira area by the Groundwater Task Force.
Sue made a motion to pay the registration fee and half day wages for any board member to attend the Cable Franchising Workshop on March 21, 2007 at Tree Tops. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously
Leonard made a motion to pay the registration fee, wages and mileage for Diane P to attend the Michigan Municipal Treasurers Association Basic Institute April 29 through May 4, 2007. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
The board discussed the assessor’s mileage reports and under what circumstances that township residents filled out the questionnaire in regard to their ag property.
There being no further business to come before the board Leonard made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Theresa and carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m..
Susan Schaedig, Clerk
A regular meeting of the Elmira Township board was held on February 8, 2007 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 7:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Board members present were Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak, Clerk, Susan Schaedig, Treasurer, Diane Purgiel, Trustees, Leonard Skop and Theresa Plachta. Others present were Assessor, Jill Kassuba and Ordinance Officer, Ron Geiger.
Leonard made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.
ASSESSOR’S REPORT: Assessment change notices will be sent the last week of February or first week of March.
Jill reviewed the six Michigan Tax Tribunal cases with the board.
ORDINANCE OFFICER REPORT: Ron reported that the Northern Land property is still a problem. Ron Chapel is not the owner. PO Box 931 is still the same. He cannot write a ticket to Northern Land but only to a CEO. James R. Hall signed a letter two years ago.
Dorothy Layman will write an unsafe building ticket and attorney, Peter Wendling advised to deliver it in person.
Ron sent a citation to Renee Kowalski in regard to cleaning up and removing her trailer. Dorothy issued a ticket and Renee paid but does not have the money to remove it. The judge would not sign on it. Ron will pursue in the spring time.
PLANNING COMMISSION: Presented the Multiple Use Zoning Plan to the Otsego County Planning Commission.
FIRE AUTHORITY: Diane reported that Risk Management will make a walk through on February 13 at 1:00 p.m.
READING OF THE BILLS: 3128 United States Postal Service, 4 rolls stamps 156.00 3129 Susan Schaedig, Clerk’s Salary 919.90 3130 Ron Geiger, Ordinance Officer, Liquor Inspector 219.99 3131 John Middleton, Planning Commission mtg 110.00 3132 John Ernst, Planning Commission mtg 110.00 3133 Jill Kassuba, Assessor wages 1,434.20 3134 James Theisen, Planning Commission mtg 110.00 3135 Gloria Torello, Planning Commission mtg 130.00 3136 Duane Hoffman, Planning Commission mtg 110.00 3137 Diane Purgiel, Treasurer’s Salary 969.90 3138 Diane Franckowiak, Supervisor’s Salary 812.75 3139 Young, Graham & Elsenheimer, P.C. , Gerald Kyles 77.00 3140 Diane Franckowiak, reimb use fax & computer 25.00 3141 Walmart, Twp Ass’n mtg 64.08 3142 Susan Schaedig, reimb Norton Anti-Virus 42.39 3143 Holton’s LP Gas 745.92 3144 D & H Excavating, snowplowing Jan 07 408.50 3145 Waste Management 59.81 3146 Great Lakes Energy 21.81 3147 Diane Purgiel, reimb 93.85 3148 Dunn’s Business Solutions 29.97 3149 BS&A Software, Equalizer Tax System support 455.00 3150 Leonard Skop, Trustee, PC, Special mtgs 326.75 3151 Theresa Plachta, Trustee, MTA convention 606.75 3152 Susan Schaedig, special mtg 50.00 3153 Theresa Plachta, reimb 292.50 3154 Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning 87.50 3155 Diane Purgiel, reimb postage 28.08 3156 Jill Kassuba, BOR schooling 50.00 3157 Cynthia Prusakiewicz, BOR schooling 50.00 3158 Gloria Torello, 2 County Planning mtgs 100.00 3159 Duane Hoffman, 2 County Planning mtgs 100.00 3160 Susan Schaedig, reimb 43.99 3161 Independent Bank, taxes 860.65 3162 Great Lakes Energy 349.75 3163 CenturyTel 86.04 3164 Holton’s LP Gas 311.52 10,449.60
Diane P made a motion to pay the bills, seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT: CD 67,625.40 - B of NM CD 103,583.05 - CD 101,582.95 5th 3rd CC 104,974.71 Gen Fund 94,771.92 TOTAL 472,538.03
Tax Acct 2786 1,194.69 Tax Acct 2787 149,829.06 TOTAL 151,023.75
Diane P reported that Rick Riling complained to her that he had requested Jill to combine his property and was dissatisfied with the working relationship with her.
She stated that Anthony Budzinski complained about interest & penalty charges on his summer tax bill he claimed he had not received. The township does not have authority to waive the charges and it is the responsibility of the taxpayer to inform the township if they do not receive a tax bill.
OLD BUSINESS: Sue reviewed the Hallock Cemetery By-Laws with the board. A few changes will be made and presented at the March meeting.
Diane P made a motion that Elmira Pledges $500.00 to participate in the County Wide Haz Mat Collection. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
The March, 2007 Board of Revue dates are: Tuesday, March 6th at 9:00 a.m.-Organizational Meeting, Monday, March 12th from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. for petitions and Tuesday, March 13th from 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. for petitions.
NEW BUSINESS: Leonard made a motion in the form of a resolution that Elmira Township adopt the Criteria for Poverty Exemptions. Seconded by Diane P. YEAS: Diane Franckowiak, Susan Schaedig, Diane Purgiel, Theresa Plachta, Leonard Skop
Sue made a motion to amend the General Fund Election, $795.00 to come from the fund balance. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
The board discussed a 4% raise for the Board of Trustees and the assessor.
Leonard has a fax machine purchased by the township and is no longer working. He will take care of the disposal. He has his own personal machine and does not wish a replacement.
The next Township Association meeting will be held on March 20th at the Hayes Township Hall at 7:00 p.m..
On February 20, 2007 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. a Groundwater Workshop for Farmers will be held at Elmira Township Hall.
On May 8th there will be a Groundwater Workshop for Landowners at Elmira Township Hall.
There being no further business to come before the board Diane P made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:42 p.m..
Susan Schaedig, Clerk
A regular meeting of the Elmira Township board was held on January 11, 2007 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 7:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Board members present were, Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak, Clerk, Susan Schaedig, Treasurer, Diane Purgiel, Trustee, Leonard Skop and Trustee, Theresa Plachta. Others attending were Duane Hoffman, Jill and Vern Kassuba and Ron Geiger.
Leonard made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Theresa and carried.
ASSESSOR’S REPORT: No land divisions. Jill changed to the 2003 Michigan Assessors Cost Manual.
Forms L-2208 for Assessing Officer’s Report of Property Taxes levied for Revenue Sharing have been completed and sent to the state.
Personal Property Statements have been sent out.
Revised Equalization Ratios: Ag: 49.77%, Commercial: 46.45% & Res: 47.12%
Have not heard status of November 28th meeting of Tax Tribunal on Robert Brown or Leo Francis. Consumer Power – signed stipulation agreement, awaiting status update.
ORDINANCE OFFICER REPORT: Ron reported that he still cannot find out who owns the Northern Land building in Elmira. Chapel accepted the registered letter and the taxes for 2005 have not been paid.
He has to check on the burned out trailer. A meeting had been canceled.
FIRE AUTHORITY: Diane reported that in three years $50,000 had been saved. They may possibly purchase a pumper this year.
TREASURER’S REPORT: CD 67,625.40 CD 103,583.05 CD 99,351.83 CD 104,974.71 Gen Fund 93,419.62 TOTAL 468,954.61
OLD BUSINESS: Duane Hoffman reviewed Elmira Township “Multiple Use Zoning (MUZ) with the board.
The board briefly discussed township participation in a county wide Haz Mat collection. The issue will be discussed at the Township Association meeting to be held on January 15, 2007 at Elmira.
NEW BUSINESS: The board will review the budget and cemetery ordinance at the February meeting.
Board of Review training will be held on February 5, 2007 at Treetops ½ day. Gene Fleming, Cindy Prusakiewicz, Jill Kassuba and Diane Franckowiak will attend.
READING OF THE BILLS: 3094 Office Max, two Quickbooks Pro 349.98 3095 Nicholas Purgiel, assist treasurer 82.50 3096 Theresa Plachta, trustee 116.75 3097 Susan Schaedig, Clerk 869.90 3098 Ron Geiger, ordinance officer & Liquor Inspector 219.99 3099 Leonard Skop, trustee 116.75 3100 Jill Kassuba, assessor 1,434.20 3101 Gloria Torello 50.00 3102 Duane Hoffman 50.00 3103 Diane Purgiel, Treasurer 869.90 3104 Diane Franckowiak, Supervisor 637.75 3105 Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning 62.50 3106 Warner Township, reimb Maple Hill Cemetery mowing 820.00 3107 Diane Purgiel, reimb 90.64 3108 Diane Franckowiak, reimb use fax & computer 25.00 3109 Otsego County Equalization Dept, 1515 parcels maint & PPS 664.20 3110 Michigan Townships Association, BOR training 2-5-07 280.00 3111 Great Lakes Energy 59.03 3112 Dunn’s Business Solutions 72.58 3113 D & H Excavating, snowplowing 311.75 3114 Ron Geiger, reimb mileage, postage 69.40 3115 Michigan Townships Association, registration, Diane P, Theresa 470.00 3116 Detroit Marriott@ The Renaissance Center 642.44 3117 United States Postal Service, stamps assessor 546.00 3118 Susan Schaedig, reimb internet 43.99 3119 Theresa Plachta, convention 100.00 3120 Diane Purgiel, convention 100.00 3121 Jill Kassuba, reimb 139.80 3122 Great Lakes Energy 329.11 3123 CenturyTel 86.04 3124 Otsego County Township Officers Association, dues, etc 700.00 3125 Alpine Computer 294.96 3126 Independent Bank, Jan taxes 604.57 3127 United States Postal Service 78.00 11,454.67
Leonard made a motion to pay the bills. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
There being no further business to come before the board Leonard made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Theresa and carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m..
Susan Schaedig, Clerk |