~Minutes of Meetings~


Board of Review

Building Codes


Elections and Ballots
Hall Rental

Master Plan

Meeting Calendar
Minutes of Meetings
Pet Licensing
Planning Commission
Public Safety
Road Issues
Taxes & Assessing      (information is free to taxpayers but you must "sign up" to access)




DECEMBER 11, 2008


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on December 11, 2008 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 6:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


All members were in attendance.  Township  residents from Hallenius Rd attending were Dave Jones, Karyn Warsow, Kim Wagar-Hart, Tom and Vickie Frost, Donna & Ted Lange .  Ron Geiger, Ordinance Officer also present.


Karyn Warsow, spokesperson for a group of residents on Hallenius Rd, gave a presentation on hazards of high speeds and heavy truck traffic on their road.


Diane P. made a motion to write a letter to the Otsego County Road Commission to consider Halleniuis Road when traffic studies are done and possibly implement a solution that could help alleviate some of the current problems.  Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.



Debbie continues to analyze some of the values currently on the roll and plans to adjust the lake front values.  There were three corrections at the December BOR and all were Principle Resident Exemption reinstatements. 


The Consumer Price Index was announced at 4.4% increase to taxable value.  This will make it difficult to explain how property values continue to decrease but taxable values continue to increase.


Debbie recommends purchasing the Apex Sketch program since it can be integrated with the BS&A program.  It will take a while to get all the sketches on the computer but if we are to do a reappraisal next year, it would be a good time to do them.


Diane P made a motion to purchase the Apex Sketching Program.  Seconded by Sue and carried unanimously.



Ron reported that the stipulation order on the Hall property was waived and didn’t go to court and a Quit Claim Deed was issued to the township.  When the snow has melted an ad will be placed in the newspaper to advertise for removal of the building.


The process server had no luck on serving Renee.  Ron will write a new ticket and mail to her and also hang a copy on a tree on the property and take a photo.  He will do this all on the same day.  The court will then contact her.


He stated that Wells Fargo had a wrong address in their system and apologized.  Since then there has been activity on the property.



Sue presented a revision of the Bill Board Ordinance.  The board will review it at the meeting in January.



3905    Barbara Lewandowski, deputy treasurer                                  47.50

3912    Theresa Plachta, trustee, salary                                               175.08

3913    Susan Schaedig, Clerk’s salary                                            1,116.91

3914    Ron Geiger, Ordinance Officer, Liquor Inspector                    224.52

3915    Leonard Skop, trustee salary                                                  175.08

3916    John Middleton, PC                                                               110.00

3917    John Ernst, PC                                                                       110.00

3918    James Theisen, PC                                                                  110.00

3919    Gloria Torello, PC                                                                   130.00

3920    Duane Hoffman, PC                                                               110.00

3921    Diane Purgiel, Treasurer salary                                            1,441.66

3922    Diane Franckowiak, Supv Salary                                            893.16

3923    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                       37.50

3924    MMTA, dues-treasurer                                                             35.00

3925    Diane Franckowiak, reimb                                                      125.00

3926    Susan Schaedig, reimb                                                              53.67

3927    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                 97.89

3928    WalMart                                                                                  52.36

3929    Waste Management                                                                  46.08

3930    Great Lakes Energy                                                                  22.44

3931    Michigan Townships Association, MTA conference                 470.00

3932    United States Postal Service                                                     84.00

3933    D & D Assessing                                                                 2,000.00

3934    Roderick Wright                                                                       50.00

3935    Cynthia Prusakiewicz, BOR                                                     50.00

3936    Holton’s LP Gas                                                                     407.20

3937    D & H Excavating                                                                  281.25

3938    Otsego County Rd Comm, Mt Jack project                      229,100.28

3939    Great Lakes Energy                                                                265.31

3940    CenturyTel                                                                                86.40

3941    Young, Graham & Elsenheimer, P.C.                                         89.00



Diane P made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.



CD 77,072.03         116,609.36   100,868.72    99,035.77    Gen Fund Ckg  2156,243.79

TOTAL  609,829.67


Northwestern Tax Acct  1,050.80    Northwestern Tax Acct Money Mkt  87,208.42     88,259.22


Diane F stated that she did not return a hall deposit to Tracy and Greg Stilson who rented the hall on November 29, 2008.  They had no proof of liquor liability but still served and the hall was left in a mess.  Diane sent a letter.



Leonard made a motion to reappoint Gene Fleming, Cindy Prusakiewicz and Rocky Wright to the Elmira Board of Review.  Kim Wagar will be an alternate.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


All Township Board members have been sworn in.


The next Township Association meeting will be held on January 20, 2009 at Hayes Township at 6:00 p.m.


There being no further business to come before the board, Theresa made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 7:58 p.m..


Susan Schaedig, Clerk





NOVEMBER 13, 2008


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on November 13, 2008 at the Elmira Township Hall commencing at 6:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


All members were present.  Ordinance Officer, Ron Geiger and Assessor, Deb Dunham were also in attendance.


Diane P made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.



Deb stated that Bill agrees with the sales study.  The major problem will be the judgement calls of classifications on homes.  She plans on having the reassessments done in a year. 


Deb & Diane have looked at all the new construction in the township.



Ron reported that a title search on the Hall property revealed that only back taxes are owed and will have a clear title.  He also stated that the township must place a picnic table on the property because the law states that it must be owned and occupied.  When the township obtains the property an ad will be placed in the newspaper for bids on the demolition of the building.


Township attorney, Laurie Luckett has issued a ticket to Renee and is being served by a process server.


On October 22, 2008 someone from Wells Fargo e-mailed Ron stating that he could not find the loan.  Diane P said a person called her today inquiring about the delinquent taxes. 


The trailer on Chalmers has been torn down and cleaned up.


The boats are still on the M-32 property.  The owner said he had them inspected by the Sheriff. 



Sue reported that the PC discussed the non-compliant wind generator that resident, Lynn Kleckner would like to construct on his property.  Otsego County should be putting new language into the master plan to allow for a wind generator 100 feet from bottom to top which would include the tip of the blade.  John Ernst and Jim Theisen reported that Otsego County is moving forward on generators.


The PC continues to work on revisions for the Billboard Ordinance.



Diane F reported that they have set the 2009 budget at 65,420.  The have 75,000 in a money market, 15,000 in savings and 48,000 in checking.


Diane F also stated that the Fire Authority will pay about 1,100 to have the fire hall wired for the generator.



3870    Theresa Plachta, trustee                                                           125.08

3871    Susan Schaedig, Clerk                                                          1,066.91

3872    Ron Geiger, Ordinance Officer, Liquor Inspector                     274.52

3873    Roderick Wright                                                                        99.00

3874    Leonard Skop, trustee                                                             125.08

3875    John Middleton, PC                                                                 110.00

3876    John Ernst, PC                                                                         110.00

3877    James Theisen, PC                                                                   110.00

3878    Doreen Ostrander, election inspector                                        250.00

3879    Diane Purgiel, treasurer                                                          1,441.66

3880    Diane Franckowiak, supervisor                                              1,048.16

3881    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                       237.50

3882    Waste Management                                                                   48.44

3883    Diane Franckowiak, reimb                                                          50.00

3884    Deb Puroll, hall dep reimb                                                           50.00

3885    Susan Schaedig, reimb                                                               158.19

3886    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                   115.64

3887    Ron Geiger, reimb                                                                      128.55

3888    Margaret Hall, election inspector                                                 156.75

3889    Barbara Fleming, election inspector                                             175.75

3890    Janelle Crawford, election inspector                                            137.75

3891    Heidi Mead, election inspector                                                    137.75

3892    Ann Wright, election inspector                                                    137.75

3893    Young, Graham & Elsenheimer, P.C.                                          532.00

3894    D & D Assessing                                                                     2,000.00

3895    Otsego Conservation District, greenhouse                               1,000.00   

3896    Sam’s Club, membership                                                             35.00

3897    United States Postal Service, POB                                               32.00

3898    Carquest Auto Parts Stores                                                         250.61

3899    Mid North Printing, letterhead, envelopes                                    116.80

3900    Great Lakes Energy                                                                      22.44

3901    Roderick Wright, reimb                                                                 20.68

3902    Susan Schaedig, reimb                                                                  57.66

3903    Independent Bank, taxes-Nov 08                                                542.17

3904    United States Postal Service, postage tax bills                              558.10

3906    United States Postal Service, stamps-tax bills                               420.00

3907    Holton’s LP Gas                                                                         140.84

3908    CenturyTel                                                                                    86.40

3909    Great Lakes Energy                                                                     327.81

3910    Young, Graham & Elsenheimer, PC                                             406.00

3911    GBS INC, encoding ballot, smart test deck                                  345.00



Diane P made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.



CD 92,986.10  CD 77,072.03  CD 116,609.36  CD 100,868.72  Gen Fund 219,568.45

TOTAL 607,104.66

Northwestern Tax Acct 2786  1,050.00   Money Mkt Tax Acct 4,218.14   5,268.14


Diane P is giving all board members a copy of the bank statements.



Mt Jack road project is completed.


The board decided to place a bid in the Herald Times for two weeks for the demolition of the building on the Hall property once all the paper work has been completed.


Diane F stated that an article had been written about the work the scouts had completed in the Elmira Township Park.



Leonard reported that Deer Hunting Season opens on Saturday, the 15th.


The board agreed to pay the 75.00 renewal fee for Diane Franckowiak’s assessor’s certification fee.


There being no further business to come before the board, Sue made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.


Susan Schaedig, Clerk





OCTOBER 9, 2008



A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on October 9, 2008 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 6:03 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


All members were present.  Ron Geiger, Deb Dunham, Janet Hancock and Caleb Hancock were also in attendance. 


Caleb Hancock, a Boy Scout with Troop 1 in Gaylord reported that he had completed his Eagle project in 160 hours at the Elmira Township park. 


The board commended Caleb on a great job.


He received donations for most of the project but he had to purchase six gallons of stain out of his own pocket.  Diane P made a motion to reimburse Janet Hancock $184.36 for the stain.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


Leonard made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected.  Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.



Deb reported that she is working on the residential sales study and has been reviewing the sales and will share them with Bill upon his return from vacation.  She is hoping that the commercial and ag studies will be very close to 50%.


She has completed the L 4029.


There are a couple of description problems Deb is working on with the records from the register of deeds.  In the past when a parcel was split or combined the “old” parcels had been deleted rather than retired.  This makes it difficult to back track the steps to make corrections when a mistake is made.  She will make it a practice of making the “old” parcels inactive and keep the information .


Building permits are down so she will devote extra time to data entry corrections. 



Sue reported that the PC is currently working on updating the Bill Board Ordinance.



3834    US Postal Service                                                                     161.74

3835    Michigan Dept of Treasury, taxes                                              577.67

3836    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                  130.56

3837    James Theisen, PC                                                                   110.00

3838    Theresa Plachta, trustee salary                                                  285.08

3839    Susan Schaedig, Clerk salary                                                 1,166.91

3840    Ron Geiger, Ordinance Officer, Liquor Inspector                      224.52

3841    Nicholas Purgiel                                                                          30.00

3842    Leonard Skop, trustee salary                                                    175.08

3843    John Ernst, PC                                                                         110.00

3844    Gloria Torello, PC                                                                    130.00

3845    Duane Hoffman, PC                                                                 110.00

3846    Doreen Ostrander, clean flower bed                                            70.00

3847    Diane Purgiel, Treasurer’s salary                                            1,601.66

3848    Diane Franckowiak, Supervisor’s salary                                 1,063.16

3849    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                         87.50

3850    D & D Assessing                                                                   2,000.00

3851    Arrow Sanitation                                                                 11,772.00

3852    Gaylord Herald Times, clean up day ads                                     74.75

3853    Young, Graham & Elsenheimer, PC                                          105.00

3854    WalMart                                                                                    13.88

3855    Great Lakes Energy                                                                    66.84

3856    Waste Management                                                                    49.47

3857    Mark Rygwelski, lawn mowing                                                  130.00

3858    Moore Power Electric                                                              294.95

3859    Diane Franckowiak, reimb                                                          50.00

3860    Susan Schaedig, reimb                                                                25.00

3861    Otsego County Treasurer                                                            25.57

3862    Water Systems Management                                                     138.95

3863    GBS Inc                                                                                   345.00

3864    Michigan Dept of Treasury, water testing                                     18.00

3865    Janet Hanckock, reimb                                                              184.36

3866    Century Tel                                                                                 85.72

3867    Ann Moorhead, reimb hall rental                                                 50.00

3868    Great Lakes Energy                                                                  329.67

3869    Independent Bank, Oct taxes                                                    478.19



Leonard made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.



CD  92,986.10  CD 77,072.03  CD 116,609.36  CD 100,868.72  Gen Fund 210,630.37

TOTAL 598,166.58


Tax Acct 2786  1,047.97     2787  39,817.70


Diane reported that she does not feel comfortable with having money in some of the banks where the township has CD’s.  She is considering going to Boyne City when some of the CDs mature in November and December.


Diane P made a motion in the form of a resolution establishing policy for the electronic deposit of payments made by E-Check or credit cards for real and personal property taxes, special assessments and related fees..  Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.    Ayes  Diane F, Sue, Diane P, Theresa, Leonard  Nayes  None  Absent None


Diane P made a motion to adopt the 2008 Tax Rate Request(L-4029).  Allocated .8850, Voted Fire 1.0000.  Seconded by Sue and carried unanimously.



Ron met with Attorney, Bryan Graham in regard to the Hall property.  Dr James R Hall cannot afford to pay the taxes on the ½ lot he owns in Elmira.  He is close to default.  There will be a formal hearing on November 13, 2008.


The building is dangerous and the board felt that there is no other way but to have it demolished.  Leonard made a motion to allow the township to accept the property and have it demolished.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


Bids will be put in the Gaylord Herald Times.


Ron is awaiting word from Dorothy in regard to the boats on M-32.


Wells Fargo has a new person handling the property on M32.  Ron has the number and will contact them.


Renee did not pick up the letter Ron sent to the PO Box.  He spoke to Marsha at the Sheriff’s Dept and it was suggested to use a process server at her place of work.  Ron will speak with Chief Howard.



Diane P made a motion to support the Otsego County proposed ORV ordinance which will allow an ORV to ride along side of the right of way.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


Sue made a motion to conduct a Township Cleanup in 2009 at Arrow Sanitation on September 12, 2009.  Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.


Sue made a motion to allow any board member to attend the MTA Convention on January 25 -30.  Registration, wages, hotel, mileage and $100.00 for meals to be paid by the township.  Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.


Sue made a motion to appoint Doreen Ostrander, Barb Fleming, Peggy Hall, Heidi Mead, Janelle Crawford and Ann Wright as election inspectors for the 11-4-08 General Election.  Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.


There being no further business to come before the board Diane P made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Sue and carried unanimously.   Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m..


Susan Schaedig, Clerk





SEPTEMBER 11, 2008


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township board was held on September 11, 2008 at the Elmira Township Hall commencing at 6:04 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


All members were present.  Others attending the meeting were Ron Geiger, Debbie Dunham and Dan Smith.


Diane P made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected.



Debbie stated that she and Diane F have inspected the residential parcels that are listed on the sales study.  She is analyzing the sales that they determined to be good arms length transactions and determining a fair sales ratio.  The preliminary factor is at 41% and Debbie is hoping to get it closer to 48%.


She has found problems with the information entered in the computer.  Another problem is with some of the multipliers used like an ECF(economic condition factor).  They are not defined, just named with no explanation, so it is difficult to know how they were arrived at and which parcels they are affecting.


In the next few weeks she hopes to decipher some of those parcels and switch them over.  It will take some time since she has to be careful not to add or subtract value from parcels unknowingly.


Hopefully a roll can be produced that is more equitable and also satisfy the equalization factor.


Leonard made a motion to accept the contract with D & D Assessing Services.  Work shall begin August 15, 2008 and the term will last until August 31, 2010.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.



#1        Ron reported that Mr. Hall had been served on 7-31-08 in West Branch.


#2        Renee is still the owner of record on the property in Elmira.  The township attorney sent an order on 8-22-08 to the District Court to issue a citation.  Attempts to serve her in Boyne City were unsuccessful but the citation can be put into a PO Box..


#3        A lady may be interested in purchasing the property on M 32.  A letter has been sent to Wells Fargo along with pictures to Des Moines on 8-16-08.  A citation may have to be issued.


#4        One more vehicle has been removed on Trunk lane.


#5        The board requested Ron to visit  the person that has the four to five boats for rent on his property on M32.


Dan Smith presented and explained the audited financial statements for Elmira Township for the year ended March 31, 2008. 


He also explained to the board why an off year audit would be wise.  It would cost about $1,500.



Sue reported that the township has three years to comply with the new act establishing Planning Commissions.  The county PC will be discussing wind turbines in the near future and the Elmira PC will be working on the Bill Board ordinance changes.



3800    Great Lakes Energy                                                                 407.68

3801    Theresa Plachta, trustee                                                           125.08

3802    Susan Schaedig, clerk                                                           1,066.91

3803    Ron Geiger, ordinance officer, liquor inspector                         224.52

3804    Leonard Skop, trustee                                                             125.08

3805    John Middleton, PC                                                                110.00

3806    John Ernst, PC                                                                        110.00

3807    James Theisen, PC                                                                  110.00

3808    Gloria Torello, PC                                                                   130.00

3809    Duane Hoffman, PC                                                                110.00

3810    Diane Purgiel, Treasurer                                                       1,441.66

3811    Diane Franckowiak, Supervisor                                              758.16

3812    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                     125.00

3813    Donald Hopp, hall dep refund                                                   50.00

3814    Diane Franckowiak, reimb                                                        54.03

3815    Susan Schaedig, reimb                                                            278.97

3816    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                               122.54

3817    Alpine Computers                                                                    10.00

3818    Great Lakes Energy                                                                  23.58

3819    Waste Management                                                                  49.99

3820    WalMart                                                                                   25.76

3821    Municipal Underwriters of Mich, Inc.                                    6,783.00

3822    Mark Rygwelski, lawn mowing                                                390.00

3823    Dan Smith, CPA                                                                  3,250.00 

3824    United States Postal Service                                                     84.00

3825    Doreen Ostrander, reimb                                                          10.34

3826    Crossroads Industries, Inc                                                      318.12

3827    Void

3828    Independent Bank, taxes                                                        628.34

3829    Independent Bank, taxes                                                        595.19

3830    D & D Assessing                                                                 2,000.00

3831    Diane Franckowiak, Supervisor                                              120.00

3832    CenturyTel                                                                               93.20

3833    Great Lakes Energy                                                                385.82



Leonard made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.



CD 92,986.10  CD 77,072.03  CD 100,000. CD  116,609.36 

CD  100,868.72     GEN FUND  125,648.48   TOTAL  613,184.69


The board agreed to allow Diane P to accept credit cards for payment of a tax bill..  She will contact the township attorney in regard to adopting a policy.



Leonard made a motion to agree to provide a total of $1,760 per year to assist in covering the costs of operation and staffing of the Planning & Zoning Department of Otsego County for two years beginning April 1, 2009 and continuing in effect until March 31, 2011.  Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.



Theresa made a motion to accept Doug Franckowiak’s bid for snowplowing for the 2008-2009 season at a cost of $47.00 per hour.  Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.


Holton’s Propane sent a letter stating that their rate for Elmira Township will be at 2.299 through April 30, 2009.


Diane P made a motion to pay wages for Diane F to attend the two, 2 day NIMS classes.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


Diane P made a motion to pay an hourly wage of $10.00 to Diane F to assist Debbie Dunham in assessing.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


There being no further business to come before the board Theresa made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Leonard and carried.  Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.

                                                                                        Susan Schaedig, Clerk





AUGUST 14, 2008


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township board was held on August 14, 2008 at the Elmira Township Hall commencing at 5:35 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


All members present.  Others present were Ron Geiger, Duane Hoffman and Debbie Dunham.


Leonard made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


Debbie Dunham reviewed the Elmira Township assessing files with the board.  She is currently working with Diane F and stated that they plan on looking at the homes in question and doing a sales study before they visit with Equalization Director, Bill Kerr.


Debbie agreed to assume the duties of Elmira Township Assessor and have Diane F assist.  She will present a contract at the September meeting.



Ron reported that he hasn’t received any information on the Hall complaint.  The bank has not contacted him on the M-32 complaint. 


He still hasn’t heard from Dave Hublick.  Ron will check to see if the property has been sold or if Renee is still the owner.  If she is he will issue her a citation. 


Diane F stated that Bob Peterman is interested in buying and cleaning up the two parcels of which Lot 25 is part of.


Ron reported that he has not had any luck in contacting Jaime Schaeffer on the Trunk Lane complaint.



Duane Hoffman reported that Elmira Township’s zoning plan language does not fit the Otsego County Zoning Plan.  The PC is waiting for the new County Plan to be completed possibly by October 1st or maybe by the end of the year.


He stated that the PC reviewed the Township Billboard Ordinance and felt the language should be all right with a few minor changes in regard to electronic bill boards.



The PC plans on investigating the wind generator issue, looking at a Township recreation plan, the new act that takes effect on September 1, 2008 that applies to planning commissions and have Dorothy look at the language of the blight ordinance and how it applies to the county zoning.



Diane F reported that Don Franckowiak is the new fire chief.



3763    Theresa Plachta, trustee                                                   125.08

3764    Susan Schaedig, clerk                                                      956.91

3765    Ron Geiger, ordinance officer, liquor inspector                  224.66

3766    Roderick Wright, cement pad, BOR                                 446.00

3767    Leonard Skop, trustee                                                      125.08

3768    Eugene Fleming, BOR                                                        50.00

3769    Diane Purgiel, treasurer                                                  2,051.66

3770    Diane Franckowiak, supervisor                                         918.16

3771    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                  87.50

3772    Cynthia Prusakiewicz, BOR                                                50.00

3773    Doreen Ostrander, reimb mileage                                        37.44

3774    Diane Franckowiak, reimb                                                  54.37

3775    Midge Calano, hall dep refund                                             50.00

3776    Susan Schaedig, reimb                                                      203.14

3777    GBS Inc, minute book                                                      153.39

3778    Waste Management                                                            47.80

3779    Gaylord Herald Times                                                         30.00

3780    Great Lakes Energy                                                            23.58

3781    United States Post Office, postage                                     420.00

3782    Alpine Computers, backup issue                                          45.00

3783    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                           140.42

3784    John Ernst, reimb PC training                                              115.00

3785    WalMart                                                                              45.46

3786    Michigan Townships Association, Michigan Civil Infractions  27.00

3787    Heidi Mead, election inspector                                            156.75

3788    Janelle Crawford, election inspector                                     156.75

3789    Barbara Fleming, election inspector                                      175.75

3790    Margaret Hall, election inspector                                          156.75

3791    Margaret Black, assessor                                                     868.75

3792    Ann Wright, election class                                                      19.00

3793    Mid North Printing, window envelopes                                 173.20

3794    BS & A Software, Equalizer Assessing System/support        465.00

3795    Doreen Ostrander, election inspector, hall cleaning                233.25

3796    Diane Purgiel, reimb hotel for conference-treasurer’s             800.00

3797    CenturyTel                                                                             85.24

3798    Accident Fund  , workmen’s comp                                       750.00

3799    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                              271.97



Diane P made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.



Diane P reported on the treasurer’s conference she attended.  She discussed how to check on a bank’s rating to find out if they are failing.  She found Independent Bank, Community Financial and First Federal to have bad ratings.  She will investigate other financial institutions where Elmira Township may invest funds. 


Crossroads billing for the post cards for trash day on the 13th of September is estimated to be about 316.84.


Diane Franckowiak reported on the Township Association meeting.  She will attend a meeting on August 19, 2008 regarding a 2 year agreement for Otsego County Zoning Funding which will cost Elmira Township $1,700.00. 


The board confirmed  that Elmira Township agreed to help fund the Otsego County Conservation District project.



Theresa reported that Elmira Township taxpayers can now view their tax information on line.


Leonard Skop made a motion to accept Michigan Par Plan Insurance for September, 2008 to September 2009 with a $500.00 deductable for a cost of $6,783.00.  Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.


Moore Power Electric will be contacted to wire all of the township hall to be on the generator.


There being no further business to come before the board, Leonard made a motion to adjourn.  Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m..  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


Susan Schaedig, Clerk






JULY 10, 2008


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township board was held on July 10, 2008 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 6:03 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Members present were Diane Franckowiak, Leonard Skop and Theresa Plachta.  Margaret Black, Assessor, Ron Geiger, Ordinance Officer Maureen Derenzy, Susan Defeyter, Janet, Scott and Caleb Hancock were also in attendance.



Maureen Derenzy from the Otsego County Library came and asked for support of the Library millage renewal.  It is at the same rate.  Sixty per cent of the library budget is from the millage.  The library is self-supporting, the millage is for operations only.


Susan Defeyter came to ask for support in the upcoming election.  She started working for the county in 1994 and has 14 years experience.  One of her goals is to improve the county web site.  She has also started performing marriages as an added service to the county.


Caleb Hancock is a Boy Scout working towards his Eagle Scout rank.  He has offered to do some work in the Elmira Park including staining the play structure, sign, picnic table and posts.  He has a number of other projects he plans on doing as well.  The board offered to pay for supplies.  As part of earning this rank, Caleb has to find a way to fund his project.  Leonard made a motion to allow Caleb to do the repairs in the Elmira park.  Diane F. seconded and carried unanimously.



Margaret reported that she has made some farm visits and is preparing to turn things over to the board.  She reported that a taxpayer was unhappy because his taxes increased.  Margaret said that last year the property was vacant and this year a 70’ single wide trailer had been brought in.  It is not a PRE.


Margaret also reported that she has jury duty the last two weeks of July and may have a problem with BOR.  Susan Defeyter said she is the one who excuses people from jury duty and all Margaret has to do is write a letter stating the problem.  Susan said she would be excused.



Ron said he sent the Hall property information to the attorney.  He is not sure if they have been served.  The building has been condemned.  Ron will look into the Hublick property.  The junk cars on Trunk Lane have been partially removed.  There are two and a half more cars to go.  He sent a letter to Wells-Fargo regarding the house on M-32.



Diane F said there was no report regarding the fire authority.



3727    Margaret Black, assessor                                                        868.75

3728    Theresa Plachta, trustee                                                           125.08

3729    Susan Schaedig, clerk wages                                                1,066.91

3730    Ron Geiger, liquor inspector, ordinance officer                         224.66

3731    Leonard Skop, trustee                                                             125.08

3732    Diane Purgiel, treasurer wages                                              1,721.66

3733    Diane Franckowiak, supervisor wages                                     708.16

3734    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                403.52

3735    Susan Schaedig, reimb                                                              39.80

3736    Diane Franckowiak, reimb                                                        50.00

3737    Mid North Printing, envelopes                                                   49.80

3738    Dunn’s Business Solutions, copy paper, ink, roller                      42.96

3739    United States Postal Service, tax bills postage                          580.02

3740    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                        75.00

3741    Ron Geiger, reimb                                                                    114.23

3742    CenturyTel                                                                                 85.54

3743    Michigan Election Resources, voter stickers                                17.75

3744    Gaylord Herald Times, publish minutes                                        30.00

3745    GBS Inc, election supplies                                                        238.77

3746    Young, Graham, Elsenheimer & Wendling, ordinance violation   142.50

3747    Waste Management                                                                    69.75

3748    Margaret Newton, hall dep reimb                                                50.00

3749    Debra Lamberson, hall dep reimb                                                50.00

3750    Rhonda Davis, hall dep reimb                                                      50.00

3751    Otsego County Treasurer                                                              2.26

3752    Otsego County Equalization Dept, maint Jan-June 08              1,220.80

3753    Mark Rygwelski, mowing                                                          390.00

3754    D & H Excavating, dumpster                                                     898.00

3755    Dunn’s Business Solutions, toner                                                  26.67

3756    Leonard Skop, planning commission                                          110.00

3757    John Middleton, PC                                                                   110.00

3758    John Ernst, PC                                                                           110.00

3759    Gloria Torello, PC                                                                      130.00

3760    Independent Bank, July 08 taxes                                                 493.43

3761    Great Lakes Energy                                                                    494.38

3762    Roderick Wright, reimb materials dumpster                               1,200.77



Leonard made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.




CD 104,986.10   CD 77,072.03   CD  100,000.00  CD  116,609.36  CD  100,868.72

Gen Fund  108,241.05  TOTAL 607,777.26

Tax Accounts  2786   1,001.43    2787    37,493.72   TOTAL 38,495.15



Diane F said that Holton Propane has the best prices again this year at $2.29.9.  We are staying with them again this year.


The cement pad for the dumpster has been poured and the posts have been set for the fence.





There being no further business to come before the board Leonard made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m.


Theresa Plachta, Trustee






JUNE 12, 2008


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township board was held on June 12, 2008 at the Elmira Township Hall commencing at 6:04 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


All members were present.  Ron Geiger and Margaret Black also attending.


Diane P made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.



Margaret attended a meeting with Glen Meadows residents and felt she was well received.  She explained the assessing system which she hoped helped them understand it better.


The State Tax Commission has Michigan Transmission, McGregor, Doyle Edson and Midwest Home(will stipulate) on the their docket.


The County has sent 15 PRE denials out.  This means that their Homestead status has been taken away.  Any Tribunal case that may result will be handled by the County.  There may be three or four but only one currently has a Docket number assigned.


She has found a couple of errors for the July Board of Review which will be held on July 22, 2008 at 9:00 a.m..


Margaret has estimated that overall she has completed about 150 site visits since last August.  One hundred completed in the past month.



Ron reported that two tickets have been issued for the Hall case.  The tickets request a formal hearing to bring the property into compliance with the Township Ordinance and also reimburse the township for costs incurred.


Dave Hublick is slowly making progress on cleanup.


Ron is not making any head way on the rented house on Trunk Lane but now knows who the owner is.


The house on M-32 is owned by Wells Fargo and Blaker Real Estate has a sign posted so he may be able to make some progress on the cleanup.



Leonard reported that they set the agenda for the next year which includes wind turbines and research on how to cleanup sites.


The Township board invited the PC to attend the July meeting and not hold their meeting on June 24, 2008


Diane P heard a rumor that a PC member is saying that the Planning Commission is a waste of time.


Leonard made a motion to reappoint Jack Middleton to the Planning Commission.  Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.



Diane F reported that Ken Figiel resigned as Fire Chief due to job conflicts.  Don Franckowiak is acting chief in the interim.


The party for Don Cherry was a success.



3683    Michigan Townships Association, registration-Roads seminar    100.00

3684    Theresa Plachta, Trustee,                                                         175.08

3685    Susan Schaedig, Clerk                                                          1,116.91

3686    Ron Geiger, ordinance officer, liquor inspector                         224.66

3687    Leonard Skop, Trustee,                                                          285.08

3688    John Ernst, PC mtg                                                                  110.00

3689    James Theisen, PC mtg                                                            110.00

3690    Gloria Torello, PC mtg                                                             130.00

3691    Duane Hoffman, PC mtg                                                          110.00

3692    Diane Purgiel, Treasurer                                                        1,601.66

3693    Diane Franckowiak, Supervisor                                               893.16

3694    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                      100.00

3695    Municipal Retirement Systems, Inc., admin fee                         195.00

3696    Diane Franckowiak, reimb                                                         50.00

3697    Susan Schaedig, reimb                                                               44.12

3698    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                   88.00

3699    JoAnn Franckowiak, reimb hall deposit                                    100.00

3700    Jennifer Davidson, reimb hall deposit                                         50.00

3701    Fidlar Companies, receipt books                                             179.36

3702    BS & A Software                                                                    250.00

3703    Great Lakes Energy                                                                   23.58

3704    Waste Management                                                                   69.30

3705    Young, Graham & Elsenheimer, P.C.                                        210.00

3706    Ing USA Annuity & Life Insurance Co                                   1,437.24

3707    Gleaners Life Insurance Society                                              4,417.45

3708    Margaret Black, Assessor                                                         868.75

3709    Independent Bank, June taxes                                                    573.87

3710    Holton LP Gas, 1,261.98                                                          615.46

3711    Alpine Computer, repair                                                              75.00

3712    United States Postal Service, postage                                          84.00

3713    Citizens Bank, transfer from general fund for new CD           27,000.00

3714    Mark Rygwelski, spring cleanups & mowing                           1,470.00

3715    United States Postal Service, postage-tax bills                              72.70

3716    Association of Public Treasurers,

            registration Grand Rapids Conference                                        435.00

3717    MMTA, registration-seminar                                                       55.00

3718    State of Michigan Dept of Treasury, April, May, June taxes       547.39

3719    Centurytel                                                                                   86.50

3720    Michigan Townships Association, registration                             105.00

3721    Michigan Association of Planning, 5 memberships                       300.00

3722    Otsego County Equalization Department                                  1,312.01

3723    Susan Schaedig, reimb copyef paper                                            34.99

3724    New Urban News                                                                       69.00

3725    Great Lakes Energy                                                                   411.73

3726    Alpine Computers                                                                     929.97




Diane P made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.



CD  71,788.86        CD  104,986.10    CD  110,722.08  CD 76,171.69

CD  100,000.00    Gen Fund  129,642.63   TOTAL  593,311.36

Tax Accounts  2786  1,001.02   2787  1,926.25  TOTAL   2,927.27


Diane reported that she transferred 27,000 from the General Fund to open a CD at Citizens Bank.


Leonard made a motion to purchase a replacement computer for the treasurer from Alpine Computers.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


Sue made a motion to pay a registration fee of $55.00, mileage, wages and $65.00 for a hotel room in Marquette for a treasurer’s training session by MMTA on June 20, 2008.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


Leonard made a motion to pay a registration fee of $435.00, mileage, wages and hotel for an  APTUS&C conference in Grand Rapids in August for Diane P.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


Diane P presented a newsletter that will be going out with the July tax bills. 



The board will contract with Crossroads to send a postcard out to taxpayers in regard to the clean up day on September 13, 2008.  The same criteria that Chester Township uses will be followed.


Rocky and Doug should be pouring the pad for the dumpster soon.



The board discussed Dorothy Layman’s presentation at the Association meeting on clean up problems in the County.


Sue made a motion to appoint Doreen Ostrander, Barbara Fleming, Peggy Hall, Heidi Mead and Janelle Crawford as election inspectors for the August 5, 2008 Primary.  Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.


Sue made a motion to pay registration and wages for any board member to attend Special Assessment Procedures and Ordinance Enforcement Strategies workshops on July 17, 2008 at Treetops Resort.  Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.


Sue and Diane P will not be able to attend the July board meeting so the board decided to discuss the assessor’s contract which will end July 31, 2008. 


The board asked Diane F if she would consider undertaking the assessor’s duties in August.  It was decided to seek someone that would work closely with Diane F for the next contractual year.  The board will also discuss this with the current assessor at the July meeting.


Diane P made a motion to appoint Sue Schaedig to the Elmira Township Planning Commission.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.  Sue will replace Leonard.


There being no further business to come before the board Leonard made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 7:36 p.m..


Susan Schaedig, Clerk





MAY 8, 2008


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township board was held on May 8, 2008 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 6:04 p.m. with Supervisor,  Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


All members were present.  Margaret Black, Assessor, Ron Geiger, Ordinance Officer, Rocky Wright and Mark Krumel were also in attendance.



Township resident Mark Krumel  inquired if there were any plans for a traffic light at North Townline &  M 32.  Diane F informed him that the state released information that west M 32 all the way to 131 will be improved and Elmira Township will be using funds to match a safety grant(80-20) from the Federal government on Mt Jack Road. 



Margaret reported that she has made some site visits and is hoping to make more  in the following month.  The MBOR report is in order and has been turned into the County. 


She has been working on address changes and they will be available on line within a week and will accept any input. 


Diane P suggested that Margaret do her own sales study instead of Bill.


Margaret stated that the way the contract reads that she must have E & O and liability insurance cannot be issued until proof of E & O is available or the contract changed not to require it.  Diane F stated that the township is covered under E & O and will speak with attorney, Bryan Graham to take it out of the next contract.


The Norbert Skibinski issue has been resolved.  He has to pay $68.00.



Ron spoke with Bryan Graham in regard to the Northern Land complaint.  He sent a copy of the citation to him and Bryan will have it served to Mr Hall in Chicago.


He stated that Dave Hublick, Jr is slowly cleaning up the trailer & mess on Renee’s property.  He didn’t know if he plans on buying the property.


Ron is still working on the complaint on Trunk Lane.


Dorothy Layman will be at the next Township Association meeting to present her ideas about cleaning up in the County.



Diane F reported that she contacted Bryan Graham in regard to the renewal of the Fire Millage.  He made some changes.  The township doesn’t have to do anything but collect the taxes.  The issue will be on the ballot in August.


Don Cherry’s Retirement party will be held on May 24th from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm



3655    Susan Schaedig, Clerk                                                              956.91

3656    Ron Geiger, Ordinance Officer, Liquor Inspector                      224.66

3657    Leonard Skop, Trustee                                                             125.08

3658    Diane Purgiel, Treasurer                                                         2,101.06

3659    Diane Franckowiak, Supervisor                                                758.16

3660    Unemployment Insurance Agency, Jill Kassuba                      2,488.24

3661    Diane Franckowiak, reimb                                                         56.82

3662    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                 643.75

3663    Janet Hancock, reimb hall dep                                                    50.00

3664    Dunn’s Business Solutions                                                            2.26

3665    Gaylord Herald Times, minutes                                                 118.13

3666    Waste Management                                                                    68.27

3667    Wal Mart, office supplies                                                            29.97

3668    Great Lakes Energy                                                                    23.58

3669    Theresa Plachta, Trustee                                                           235.08

3670    Doreen Ostrander, election                                                       150.00

3671    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                        112.50

3672    Susan Schaedig, reimb                                                              387.36

3673    Barbara Fleming, election                                                          137.75

3674    Margaret Black, Assessor-May                                                 868.75

3675    Theresa Plachta, reimb                                                                80.10

3676    Michigan Townships Association, registration                              85.00

3677    Otsego County Historical Society                                              100.00

3678    Century Tel                                                                                 86.50

3679    Great Lakes Energy                                                                   416.51

3680    Michigan Townships Association, dues, legal fee                     1,300.14

3681    Ass’n of Public Treasurers- US & Canada, member renewal     120.00

3682    Independent Bank, May taxes                                                   542.04




Diane P made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.




CD  71,788.86   CD  104,986.10   CD  75,242.08  CD  110,722.08  CD  100,000.00     Gen Fund  151,895.56  TOTAL  614,634.68


The M Bank CD comes due on May 21st.  Diane stated she will take money from the General Fund to make the total 100,000.00.


Theresa made a motion to pay the membership of 120.00 in the Association of Public Treasurers of the US and Canada.  Seconded by Sue and carried unanimously.


Diane P requested a bar code scanner for the tax bills in order to save time and accuracy.


Leonard made a motion to purchase a bar code scanner at $250.00.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.



Sue reported that she had contacted Arrow Sanitation, American Waste and Waste Management in regard to the collection of trash at the township hall.  Waste Management offered a one year agreement, no auto-renewal clause, no environmental surcharge and keep the rate of  $43.00 for a 4-yard container serviced every other week or a 2-yard container serviced once a week at $56.51 per month.  Arrow and American Waste were much higher: $75.00 and $70.00 respectively for a 4-yard picked up two times a month.


The board discussed the relocation of the garbage dumpster up front. It will be placed on a 6” thick cement pad with a gravel drive to it.  A lock will be placed on the dumpster and a fence with a gate will be constructed around it.



Diane P will be sending out a newsletter with the July tax bills. The board will discuss the contents at the June meeting.


Diane P made a motion to pay $100.00 for dues to the Otsego County Historical Society.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


Diane P made a motion to retain Complete Lawn Care for the spring cleanup and lawn mowing for 2008.  Fire Hall: repair areas damaged from plowing $85.00;  Playground:  cleanup dead end road, pick up limbs, leaves, rake flower bed & play area, repair damaged areas  $225.00  Cemetery:  not to exceed $800.00, trim limbs $100.00

Lawn Mowing:  same as 2007.  Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.


Sue made a motion to pay the registration and wages for any board member to attend the MTA Spring District meeting on May 21, 2008 at Treetops.   Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.


The Township Association meeting will be held at Chester on May 20, 2008.


There being no further business to come before the board Leonard made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.   Meeting adjourned at 7:17 p.m..


Susan Schaedig, Clerk






APRIL 10, 2008


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on April 10, 2008 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 6:03 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


All board members were present.  Others attending were Haider Kazim, Christopher Cooke, Ron Geiger and Margaret Black.


Leonard made a motion to approve the minutes as presented.  Seconded by Diane P and carried. 


Haider Kazim and Christopher Cooke of Cummings, McClorey, Davis & Acho a law firm specializing in Municipal Law spoke about their services and rates.



Margaret reported that the MBOR report was turned into the county and everything is in order.  She needs to get the Roll certified.


She is having difficulty with obtaining liability insurance since there has to be proof of E & O.  Sue will check with Adam Gandolphi to clarify his statement that the assessor was covered for E & O under the township.


Margaret stated that she is preparing to start on the site visits.



Ron will furnish new pictures and all material to attorney Graham in regard to the Hall property on April 15, 2008.  Mr. Swantek of Otsego County has condemned the building.


He reported that Dorothy Layman spoke with Renee.  Apparently Dave Hublick paid the back taxes on 3-3-08 and Renee’s name is no longer on the deed.  Ron will contact Dave in regard to the clean up of the property.


Ron is awaiting the melting of the snow on Trunk Lane before he proceeds with the removal of the junk cars.



Leonard reported that the wind turbines are all but a dead issue in Otsego County.



Diane F reported that the wording for the millage request is ready to submit to the County for the upcoming primary election in August, 2008.



3624    Great Lakes Energy                                                                     67.77

3625    Theresa Plachta, trustee-April                                                    125.08

3626    Susan Schaedig, Clerk wages                                                  1,006.91

3627    Alpine Computer, repair assessor computer                                149.99

3628    Ron Geiger, Ordinance Officer, Liquor Inspector                        224.66

3629    Waste Management                                                                     67.80

3630    Roderick Wright, BOR                                                                50.00

3631    D & H Excavating, snowplowing                                                172.00

3632    Leonard Skop, trustee-April                                                       235.08

3633    Margaret Black, assessor                                                           868.75

3634    John Middleton, PC                                                                   110.00

3635    Stephanie Figiel, reimb hall dep refund                                          50.00

3636    James Theisen, PC                                                                     110.00

3637    Linda Franckowiak, reimb hall dep refund                                    50.00

3638    Gloria Torello, PC                                                                      130.00

3639    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                     94.73

3640    Eugene Fleming, BOR                                                                  50.00

3641    Diane Franckowiak, reimb                                                           50.00

3642    Duane Hoffman, PC                                                                   110.00

3643    Diane Purgiel, treasurer wages                                                 1,391.66

3644    Diane Franckowiak, supervisor wages                                       758.16

3645    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                          50.00

3646    Cynthia Pruzakiewicz, BOR                                                         50.00

3647    County of Otsego, 2008 Planning & Zoninig Services              1,760.00

3648    Susan Schaedig, reimb                                                                37.48

3649    Great Lakes Energy                                                                  389.18

3650    Syscom Central North                                                               209.95 3651            Margaret Black, reimb                                                         14.99

3652    Young, Graham & Elsenheimer, P.C.                                           42.00

3653    CenturyTel                                                                                  86.50

3654    Independent Bank, April Taxes                                                  546.26                                                                                                                                                                                                        9,058.95


Leonard made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.



Diane P reported that she has collected all the personal property taxes.  A CD was renewed at 2.84%.

CD  71,788.86        CD  104,986.10     CD  75,242.08    CD  110,722.08  CD  100,000.00   Gen Fund  139,087.81      TOTAL  601,826.93



Sue reported that she will contact Waste Management, Arrow Sanitation and Northern A-1 for prices on garbage pick up at the hall.  May 1, 2008 is the dead line to inform Waste Management regarding our contract.


The board discussed the upcoming audit for the township.  It was decided to place an ad in the Gaylord Herald Times for bids.



Diane F received a phone call and follow-up letter from Otsego County Commission on Aging informing the township that the Senior Program will no longer be held at Elmira Township Hall.


Sue made a motion to pay registration fees and wages for any board member to attend the Spring District meeting at Treetops on May 21, 2008.  Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.


Sue made a motion to appoint Doreen Ostrander and Barbara Fleming as election inspectors for the school election to be held on May 6, 2008.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


Sue made a motion to pay wages for any board member attending the Cornerstones of Local Government Seminar on April 24, 2008.  Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.


Sue made a motion to pay registration fees and wages for the clerk and treasurer to attend a Quick Books seminar.  Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.


There being no further business to come before the board Theresa made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 7:14 p.m..


Susan Schaedig, Clerk





MARCH 13, 2008


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township board was held on March 13, 2008 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 6:05 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance. 


All members were in attendance.  Gene and Barb Fleming, Assessor, Margaret Black, Patricia Osburn and Ordinance Officer, Ron Geiger were also present.


Leonard made a motion to approve the minutes as read.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.



Gene Fleming stated that the Board of Revue went well and that he was very impressed by the quality of work done by Margaret and how well she handled the complaints and calmed the people down.  He also appreciated the team effort of Diane F and Margaret.


Patricia Osburn of the Otsego Conservation District petitioned the board to consider supporting the District by investing $1,000 to help build a 30x48 foot greenhouse which would help in securing a funding avenue for a forestry position in Otsego County. 


The funding opportunity of raising and marketing native plants will assist in the wise use and management of Otsego County’s natural resources for a healthy environment and sustained economic growth.  These plants will also be marketed to other Northern Michigan counties.


Diane P made a motion to support the Otsego Conservation District by investing $1,000 to help build the 30x48 foot greenhouse in order to raise native plants which would help fund a forestry position in Otsego County.  Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.



Margaret reported that with her first BOR she found areas needing improvements and it helped to identify them.  She will make a priority list and give those neighborhoods extra attention as soon as the snow melts.



Ron reported that he has an address for James R Hall of Northern Land.  He paid the 2006 taxes on January 23, 2008.  The board directed Ron to have the township attorney write a letter to Mr. Hall.



Leonard stated that the draft Large Track forestry and Mixed Use ordinances are still being discussed by the Otsego County PC. 



Diane F read a letter she sent to Carl Essenmacher thanking him for his service with the Fire Authority.  Alice Traylor attended her first Authority meeting and all went well.



3594    Theresa Plachta, Trustee-March 08                                          121.49

3595    Susan Schaedig, Clerk                                                               929.75

3596    Ron Geiger, Ordinance Officer, Liquor Inspector                       224.74

3597    Nicholas Purgiel                                                                          80.00

3598    Leonard Skop, Trustee-March 08, PC, Rd Comm mtg              281.49

3599    John Middleton, PC                                                                  110.00

3600    James Theisen, PC                                                                   110.00

3601    Gloria Torello, PC                                                                    130.00

3602    Duane Hoffman, PC                                                                 110.00

3603    Diane Purgiel, Treasurer                                                         1,354.75

3604    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                       118.75

3605    Dunn’s Business Solutions                                                           66.29

3606    Diane Franckowiak, reimb                                                          50.00

3607    Susan Schaedig, reimb                                                                  8.08

3608    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                  112.31

3609    Margaret Black, Assessor March 08                                         868.75

3610    D & H Excavating, snowplowing                                               560.25

3611    Waste Management                                                                    66.54

3612    Great Lakes Energy                                                                    23.58

3613    Diane Franckowiak, Supervisor                                                873.25

3614    Roderick Wright, BOR                                                             250.00

3615    Eugene Fleming, BOR                                                              250.00

3616    Cynthia Prusakiewicz, BOR                                                      250.00

3617    Pat & Buds, lunch BOR                                                              26.46

3618    Independent Bank, March 08 taxes                                           713.83

3619    Susan Schaedig, reimb internet, office supplies                             29.40

3620    Great Lakes Energy                                                                  355.07

3621    CenturyTel                                                                                 86.30

3622    Holton’s LP Gas                                                                       327.78

3623    Michigan Dept of Treasury, taxes                                              578.72



Theresa made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Diane P and carried.



CD  71,788.86  CD  104,986.10   CD  75,242.08  CD  110,722.08    CD  107,682.27  Gen Fund  134,223.68   TOTAL  604,645.07


Leonard made a motion to amend the Investment Policy to include all banks in Michigan.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.



Theresa reported that she now has the minutes on line. 


The board discussed the clean-up day scheduled for September 13th.  Diane P presented a post card that Chester Township uses for their clean-up day.  A newsletter will be sent out in July along with the tax bills.



Leonard reported that there will be a meeting on 3-27-08 at 6:30 p.m. in regard to wind turbines. 


The board discussed a complaint by a taxpayer in regard to conflict of interest by John Ernst as Elmira’s appointed County Planning Commissioner.


Sue made a motion to amend General Fund Clerk 320.00 to come from Fund Balance.  Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.


Sue made a motion to amend General Fund Street Lights 219.00 to come from Fund Balance.


Meeting recessed at 7:00 p.m. for the budget hearing and called back to order at 7:35 p.m..


Theresa made a motion to accept the budget as presented.  Seconded by Diane Purgiel and carried unanimously.


There being no further business to come before the board Leonard made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m..


Susan Schaedig, Clerk






FEBRUARY 14, 2008 


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on February 14, 2008  at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 6:10 pm with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


All members of the board were present.  Assessor, Margaret Black was also in attendance.


Diane P made a motion to approve the minutes as read.  Seconded by Leonard and carried.



Sue read a letter from Municipal Underwriters of Michigan.  About two years ago the Par-Plan hired regional appraisers to appraise all buildings owned by every member.  Since that time, building replacement values have raised an average of 9% and the appraised values have been adjusted accordingly on the policy.  The Public Official Bonds have been enhanced to “position bonds”.  They are provided at no additional charge to the township.



Margaret will turn the Roll in on February 15th and they will be at 50%, no lower. She created an additional land schedule for large lake front parcels because of sales.



James Pagels submitted a Freedom of Information request regarding Elmira Township’s involvement with the Future Land Use.  Duane Hoffman will address this.


The PC proposes a 2008 budget of $13,500.  The same as the previous year.



Diane F reported that Carl Essenmacher has resigned.  She will use township letterhead to thank him for his years of service.


Diane F made a motion to appoint Alice Traylor to replace Carl E on the Elmira-Warner Fire Authority Board.  Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.


Don Cherry will be a temporary member when someone cannot be there. 


The Authority has $95,000 saved to purchase a new truck.  The 1 mill is up for renewal in 2008.  They are also considering to ask for an additional new, four year millage of 1 mill in two years.



CD  71,788.86  CD  104,986.10  CD  75,242.08  CD  110,722.08  107,682.27

GEN FUND  98,859.98    TOTAL  569,281.37


Diane P reported that there are 313 delinquent winter taxes and 131 summer.  She is also looking at writing of Personal Property tax for a business such as String of Pearls that owe .85 cents.


Sue made a motion to pay registration fees of 550.00, wages, hotel and mileage for Diane Purgiel to attend the Michigan Municipal Treasurer’s Institute conference on April 20 through April 25, 2008 in Mt Pleasant.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.  



3556    Theresa Plachta, trustee wages                                      561.41

3557    Susan Schaedig, clerks wages                                                1,229.75

3558    Ron Geiger, liquor inspector, ordinance officer              224.66

3559    Leonard Skop, trustee wages                                                    231.41

3560    John Ernst, PC                                                                         110.00

3561    Gloria Torello, PC                                                                    130.00

3562    Susan Schaedig, reimb                                                    17.48

3563    United States Postal Service                                                       82.00

3564    United States Postal Service                                                       41.00

3565    Margaret Black, Assessor Feb                                      868.75

3566    Margaret Black, reimb                                                  132.25

3567    Dan Sevenski, reimb                                                                   35.22

3568    Waste Management                                                                    65.72

3569    Great Lakes Energy                                                                    23.58

3570    Carquest                                                                                  327.10

3571    Gaylord Herald Times                                                                 41.25

3572    BS & A Software, equalizer tax system                         465.00

3573    D & H Excavating, snowplowing                                               722.75

3574    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                  114.40

3575    Diane Franckowiak, reimb                                                          50.58

3576    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                       250.00

3577    Diane Franckowiak, supervisor wages                       1,263.25

3578    Duane Hoffman, PC                                                                 110.00

3579    Diane Purgiel, treasurer’s wages                                             1,350.75

3580    James Theisen, PC                                                                   110.00 3581    United States Postal Service                                                     246.00

3582    Walmart                                                                                     20.92

3583    Susan Schaedig, reimb internet                                        14.99

3584    Theresa Plachta, reimb internet-5 months                                  133.50

3585    Theresa Plachta, reimb MTA convention                                   741.90

3586    Otsego County Officers Association, dues etc               750.00

3587    VOID                         

3588    Centurytel                                                                                   86.30

3589    Michigan Municipal Treasurer’s Ass’n, registration                    550.00

3590    Holton’s LP Gas                                                                       357.94

3591    Great Lakes Energy                                                                  369.63

3592    Independent Bank, Feb 08 taxes                                               573.42

3593    United States Postal Sevice, assessor postage               588.60



Leonard made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.



Leonard made a motion to sign the agreement with Gaylord Community Schools for Elmira Township to collect summer school taxes in 2008.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


The annual meeting of the Otsego County Road Commission will be held on February 25th at 11:00 am. 


Tom Deans of the Road Commission called to report that the survey for Mt Jack Road is complete.  Diane F will view the survey and Tom will send it in for bids.



Sue reported that she contacted Arrow Sanitation for costs on a clean up day.  A 20 yard Garbage Truck @ $1,100 each; A 30 yard Metal Can @ $300.00; A 30 yard tire can @ $700.00; A 30 yard refrigerators @ $700.00; one skid for batteries @ $75.00.

First time clean up may be $3000 to $5000.


Theresa made a motion to hold a fall clean up day on September 13, 2008 at Arrow Sanitation.  Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.


Leonard made a motion to amend the Policy and Procedures FOIA 6.3 preparation fee to 10.00 per hour for employee and $1.00 per page for copies plus an additional cost for special reproductions.  Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously. 


Leonard made a motion to adopt the 2008 Poverty Exemption Guidelines Resolution.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


The board directed Theresa to research software in order to put the minutes and township information on line.


Sue made a motion to amend the General Fund Supervisor $2,0l7.00 to come from the fund balance.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


Sue made a motion to amend the General Fund Elections $650.00 to come from Fund Balance.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


Sue made a motion to amend the General Fund Parks & Recreation $223.00 to come from Fund Balance.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


Leonard made a motion in the form of a resolution to increase the Supervisor’s Salary 3% for the 2008-2009 budget year.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.

AYES: Diane F., Sue S., Diane P., Leonard, Theresa  NAYES: None  ABSENT: None


Leonard made a motion in the form of a resolution to increase the Clerk’s Salary 3% for the 2008-2009 budget year and $300.00 for a school election or any other special election.   Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.

AYES:  Diane F., Sue S., Diane P., Leonard, Theresa  NAYES: None  ABSENT:  None


Leonard made a motion in the form of a resolution to increase the Treasurer’s Salary 3% for 2008-2009 budget year and the summer tax collection salary 3% for the 2008 summer tax collection.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.

AYES: Diane F., Sue S., Diane P., Leonard, Theresa  NAYES: None  ABSENT:  None


Leonard made a motion in the form of a resolution to increase the Trustees Salary 3% for the 2008-2009 budget year.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.

AYES:  Diane F., Sue S., Diane P., Leonard, Theresa   NAYES:  None  ABSENT:  None


There being no further business to come before the board Leonard made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m..


Susan Schaedig, Clerk





JANUARY 10, 2008


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on January 10, 2008 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 6:00 p.m. with Clerk, Susan Schaedig calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Members in attendance were Clerk, Susan Schaedig, Treasurer, Diane Purgiel and Trustee, Leonard Skop.  Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak and Trustee, Theresa Plachta were excused as they were attending the MTA convention.  Margaret Black and Ron Geiger were also in attendance.


The clerk turned the meeting over to Leonard Skop.


Diane P made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected.  Seconded by Sue and carried.



Responded to the two State Tax Commission requests received in December.


Verified building permits and working on ECF(Economic Condition Factors) for neighborhoods and detail on Roll to be ready to turn over to the County on February 15.


Sue made a motion to pay the fees for Assessor, Margaret Black to attend the Board of Revue class in February.  Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.



Ron reported that he has sent all information  on Renee Kowalski-Patton to Dorothy Layman.  Renee is not allowed to pay the fine but has to appear in court.



Leonard reported that investing 90,000.00 in a CD was discussed.  These funds may possibly be used to purchase a new vehicle.



CD’s  71,788.86, 104,986.10, 75,242.08, 110,722.08, 107,682.27   

General Fund 93,201.36        TOTAL  563,622.75


Diane P reported that she had collected 700 of l500 tax bills.



3524    Theresa Plachta, trustee                                                            121.41

3525    Susan Schaedig, clerk                                                               929.75

3526    Ron Geiger, ordinance officer, liquor inspector                          224.66

3527    Leonard Skop, trustee                                                              121.41

3528    Diane Purgiel, treasurer                                                          1,500.75

3529    Diane Franckowiak, supervisor                                                 713.25

3530    Holton’s LP Gas                                                                       315.09

3531    Diane Franckowiak, reimb                                                          50.00

3532    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                  112.28

3533    Dunn’s Business Solutions                                                             9.59

3534    Walmart                                                                                     15.36

3535    Great Lakes Energy                                                                    60.35

3536    Otsego County Treasurer, charge backs                                    140.87

3537    Michigan Townships Association, BOR training                         210.00

3538    Waste Management                                                                    65.80

3539    D & H Excavating, snowplowing Dec                                        548.25

3540    Margaret Black, contract                                                          868.75

3541    Syscom Central North                                                              124.95

3542    Margaret Black, mileage                                                           111.60

3543    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                       137.50

3544    Mid North Printing, letterhead                                                     49.20

3545    Janelle Crawford, reimb lunch election workers                           17.13

3546    Doreen Ostrander, election supervisor                                       175.00

3547    Tap Enterprise, hall dep refund                                                  100.00

3548    Susan Schaedig, mileage election                                                 60.44

3549    CenturyTel                                                                                 86.30

3550    Diane Franckowiak, reimb convention, housing                          399.04

3551    Margaret Hall, election inspector                                               137.75

3552    Janelle Crawford, election inspector                                          137.75

3553    Barbara Fleming, election inspector                                           137.75

3554    Great Lakes Energy                                                                  372.71

3555    Independent Bank, Jan 08 taxes                                                441.06



Diane P made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Sue and carried unanimously.



Sue reported that she had contacted Waste Management in regard to trash pickup at the township hall.  The contract expires in September.  The board has until May 8th to decide which waste hauler to contract with. 



The next Township Association meeting will be held at Charlton Township in March.


Diane F will contact Warner Township in regard to a possible joint meeting in February to discuss Maple Hill Cemetery.


The board discussed a possible spring cleanup for the township.  Sue will contact Arrow Sanitation.


There being no further business to come before the board Sue made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Diane P and carried.  Meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m..


Susan Schaedig, Clerk





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