~Minutes of Meetings~ 2009 |
A regular meeting of the Elmira Township board was held on December 10. 2009 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 6:10 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.
All members were present. Mike Roper and Tom Deans of the Otsego County Road Commission also attended.
Diane P. made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.
Mike Roper addressed the board in regard to the Mt Jack Road Project where there is a small section that requires either fill or guard rail that was overlooked by Wade Trim and OCRC. Mike stated that fill or guard rail will cost about $9,110.00 The OCRC and Wade Trim are willing to each pay one third of the $9,110.
Diane P. made a motion to accept the OCRC proposal of Elmira Township paying 1/3 of $9,110.00 for installation of 390 Lft of guard rail on Mt Jack Road. Seconded by Dale and carried unanimously.
Tom Deans will contact J & J Contracting on December 11th and the guardrail should be installed the following week. Eight foot long posts will be used on the job.
Mr. Roper also stated that the Road Commissioners turned down the posting of a 15 Ton limit on Hallenius Rd but plan on posting a 20 Ton limit possibly in the next six months. He stated that the 15 ton would impact the Cattle Auction.
ASSESSOR’S REPORT: Deb stated that she wasn’t happy about the residential sales study and will meet with Bill Kerr. Any decreases made because of the results of the studies will probably be in land values and economic condition factors.
She has sent the answer to the FOIA request by the Otsego Taxpayers for Accurate Assessments and has not heard from the attorney since. The assessors and Bill Kerr are trying to communicate with them.
The December Board of Review will be on December 15, 2009 at 9:00 a.m..
ORDINANCE OFFICER REPORT: Ron is working with the residents on West Lake and hopes to wrap things up in the spring. The PC will meet in January.
PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT: Sue reported that the PC continues to work on a power point presentation for the Village of Elmira.
READING OF THE BILLS: 4312 Susan Schaedig, Clerk’s Salary 1,116.91 4313 Ron Geiger, Ordinance Officer, Liquor Inspector 224.52 4314 Leonard Skop, Trustee Salary 175.08 4315 John Middleton, PC Mtg 110.00 4316 John Ernst, PC Mtg 110.00 4317 James Theisen, PC Mtg 110.00 4318 Gloria Torello, PC Mtg 130.00 4319 Diane Purgiel, Treasurer’s Salary 1,441.66 4320 Diane Franckowiak, Supv Salary 883.16 4321 Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning 143.75 4322 Dale Holzschu, Trustee Salary 125.08 4323 United States Postal Service, postage 88.00 4324 Diane Franckowiak, reimb 50.00 4325 VOID 4326 Donald Hopp, hall dep refund 50.00 4327 Diane Purgiel, reimb 86.12 4328 Waste Management 49.07 4329 Great Lakes Energy 22.58 4330 Holton’s LP Gas 410.81 4331 Barbara Lewandowski, Deputy Treasurer 67.50 4332 Sam’s Club, dues 35.00 4333 D & D Assessing 2,000.00 4334 Gleaners Life Insurance Society, Dale Holzschu 184.00 4335 CenturyLink 41.23 4336 Apex Software 215.00 4337 Kenneth Stevens, hall dep refund 50.00 4338 Water Systems Management, hall testing 137.95 4339 Great Lakes Energy 198.12 4340 Susan Schaedig, reimb 29.99 4341 Diane Purgiel, 2010 convention-misc 100.00 4342 Michigan Township’s Association, convention reg 260.00 7 EFTPS , Dec taxes 538.82
Diane P made a motion to pay the bills. Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT: CD 105,595.18 CD 100,721.84 CD 80,021.02 General Fund 152,358.43 TOTAL 438,696.47
A CD is coming due at the end of December.
OLD BUSINESS: The board reviewed and signed the zoning agreement contract.
NEW BUSINESS: Leonard made a motion to pay the registration and mileage for all Board of Review members and the alternate, Supervisor and Assessor to attend the BOR class to be held in February. Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.
Diane F read a letter from the Gaylord Country Club Estates Owners Association. Since a “golf cart” is considered an ORV the Association is requesting use of a golf cart on the roads within the Association to access the golf course.
Leonard made a motion to allow golf carts to be driven only on the roads within the Gaylord Country Club. These roads are Fairway Drive, Golfview Drive, Greenview Drive and Woodside Lane. Seconded by Dale and carried unanimously.
There being no further business to come before the board Leonard made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Dale and carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m..
Susan Schaedig, Clerk
A regular meeting of the Elmira Township board was held on November 12, 2009 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 6:05 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane F calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.
All members were present. Others attending were Jim Theisen, Mary Dickerson, Ron Geiger, Bruce Brown and Debbie Dunham.
Leonard made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Seconded by Dale and carried unanimously.
ASSESSOR’S REPORT: The Equalization Dept has met with the assessors and discussed the pending ratios. Studies have shown that the property values are going down and will be decreasing approximately the same as last year. Revenues will be hit this year.
There has been very few building permits this year and one new home.
Taxable value has been going down, 5.70%.
The Ag and Commercial will probably remain steady due to lack of sales or decrease.
The State Tax Commission and the State Assessor’s Board have merged into one agency.
Debbie reported that there is a group of business persons in the county that has started a crusade for “fair assessments”. They are known as Otsego Taxpayers.
This group reported that they have done a sales study but have not qualified their sales.
Attorney, David Rowe sent a FOIA request to Debbie for any correspondence, memoranda, e-mail transmissions, directives or orders to, from, or in your possession, or other written or recorded material concerning the following:
(1) sales ratio studies, land value studies and/or appraisal studies for 2007 to present, whether or not prepared by you or other parties; and
(2) guidelines, directives, policies, procedures, directions used, suggested, or employed by or to you in determination of assessed values during the years of 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010.
Township Attorney, Bryan Graham has been informed of the situation.
ORDINANCE OFFICER: Ron reported that he has been working on a complaint on West Lake.
PLANNING COMMISSISON: Jim Theisen of the Elmira PC presented a request from Eric & Mary Dickerson for a variance to construct a 24’ x 26’ detached accessory building ten feet from the front property line. This will require a dimensional variance of fifteen feet.
Sue made a motion to refer Eric & Mary’s variance request(V090005) without prejudice to the Otsego County ZBA due to the lack of time for research by the Elmira PC or the Township board. Seconded by Dale Holzschu and carried unanimously.
The ZBA hearing is scheduled for November 24, 2009.
FIRE AUTHORITY: Diane F reported that the Authority is looking to replace the 30 year old pumper in 2010.
She presented the 2010 budget of the Elmira-Warner Fire Authority. Their expenses are running around $50,000 per year. Checking 63,308.52 Savings $15,567.21 Money Market 107,774.98
READING OF THE BILLS: 4283 Theresa Plachta 60.00 4284 Susan Schaedig, Clerk’s wages 1,236.91 4285 Ron Geiger, ordinance officer, liquor inspector 224.52 4286 Leonard Skop, trustee 295.08 4287 John Middleton, PC meeting 110.00 4288 John Ernst, PC meeting 110.00 4289 Gloria Torello, PC meeting 130.00 4290 Duane Hoffman, PC meeting 110.00 4291 Diane Purgiel, treasurer’s wages 1,561.66 4292 Diane Franckowiak, supervisor’s wages 1,028.16 4293 Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning 300.00 4294 Mid North Printing, window envelopes 69.90 4295 Diane Franckowiak, reimb 50.00 4296 Diane Purgiel, reimb 97.20 4297 D & D Assessing 2,000.00 4298 DEQ State of Michigan 103.97 4299 Waste Management 49.10 4300 Joanne Kucharek, hall dep reimb 50.00 4301 Mark Rygwelski, lawn mowing 185.00 4302 Great Lakes Energy 22.58 4303 Dale Holzschu, trustee wages 235.08 4304 Otsego County Treasurer, taxes on former Hall property 273.96 4305 CenturyLink 41.23 4306 Great Lakes Energy 311.67 4307 Nancy Topel, hall dep reimb 50.00 4308 Joanne Kucharek, hall dep reimb 50.00 4309 Postmaster, PO Box rental 36.00 4310 Susan Schaedig, reimb 29.99 06 EFTPS, taxes Nov 624.49 4311 United States Post Office, tax postage 572.44
Leonard made a motion to pay the bills. Seconded by Dale and carried unanimously.
OLD BUSINESS: The property taxes are owed for 2007 and 2008 on the former Hall property now owned by Elmira Township. The December Board of Review can clear the 2008 taxes but the township is liable for 2007. The Otsego County Treasurer will waive all penalties.
Diane F made a motion to pay the taxes of 273.96 for 2007 on the former Northern Land(Hall) property. Seconded by Dale and carried unanimously.
Diane F reported that the Otsego County Road Commission denied Elmira Township’s request to place signage limiting trucks to 15 ton on Hallenius Road. They stated that it could lead to more requests and it would place a hardship on the livestock people.
Diane F reported on the MDOT meeting she attended. They plan on doing a survey on M32 West to North Townline and the new traffic signal.
TREASURER’S REPORT: CD 105,595.18 100,721.84 80,021.02 Gen Fund 158,815.64 445,153.68
Sue made a motion to pay registration fees, wages, mileage, food and motel for four days on April 18 thru the 23rd in Mt Pleasant for Diane P for the MMTA Institute. Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.
The board worked on the Policy and Procedures.
There being no further business to come before the board Dale made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m..
Susan Schaedig, Clerk
A regular meeting of the Elmira Township board was held on October 8, 2009 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 7:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane F calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.
All board members were present. Others attending were David Johanningsmeier, Ron Geiger, Dale Holzschu, Janet Hancock and Randy Stoltz.
Diane P made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
ASSESSOR’S REPORT: Debbie has been working with the Equalization Department on Elmira’s numbers for the coming year. Elmira will be at least 50% if not higher.
She is busy working on the Economic Condition Factor in neighborhoods due to the lack of sales.
The Inflation Rate Multiplier(IRM) is anticipated as 1% or less, which means there will not be any increase in taxable value.
There were two Tax tribunals that finally came to hearing. One a 2007 appeal and the other was a 2009 appeal. Debbie settled with the one before going in to speak with the hearing officer. She is waiting to hear from the MTT on the other one. The difference in contention isn’t enough to be a worry.
PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT: Sue reported that the PC continues to work on a Multiple Use Center for Elmira and hopes to finish up a presentation at October’s meeting. The PC would like to attend Elmira Township’s board meeting on December 10th to present it to the citizens of the Village of Elmira.
READING OF THE BILLS: 4255 Theresa Plachta, Trustee 175.08 4256 Susan Schaedig, Clerk 1,166.91 4257 Ron Geiger, Ordinance Officer 224.52 4258 Leonard Skop, Trustee 225.08 4259 John Middleton, PC meeting 110.00 4260 James Theisen, PC meeting 110.00 4261 Gloria Torello, PC meeting 110.00 4262 Duane Hoffman, PC meeting 110.00 4263 Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning 125.00 4264 Walmart 34.82 4265 State of Michigan Dept of Treasury, taxes 569.67 4266 D & D Assessing, Sept 09 2,000.00 4267 Arrow Sanitation, trash day 9-19-09 10,859.50 4268 Great Lakes Energy 64.63 4269 Waste Management 48.69 4270 Susan Schaedig 50.00 4271 Leonard Skop 50.00 4272 Diane Purgiel, treasurer 1,541.66 4273 Diane Franckowiak, Supervisor 908.16 4274 Diane Purgiel, reimb 133.35 4275 Michigan Dept of Treasury, boiler inspection 130.00 4276 Amanda Lange, hall dep reimb 50.00 4277 Elaine Hart, hall dep reimb 50.00 4278 Diane Franckowiak, internet & use fax & computer 50.00 4279 Family Heating & Cooling 183.90 4280 Susan Schaedig, reimb internet 29.99 4281 Great Lakes Energy 330.31 4282 CenturyTel 41.23 4283 EFTPS, taxes Oct 551.10
Theresa made a motion to pay the bills. Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT: CDs 105,595.18 100,721.84 78,262.64 Gen Fund 148,988.48 433,568.14 Northwestern Tax Accts 1,014.94 6,654.25 7669.19
Diane P shared a letter of protest from a taxpayer and Diane P’s response to her. A spreadsheet was included in the response showing where her payment and interest gets disbursed.
The board also discussed State Revenue Sharing which has dropped $3,000 - $4,000 about 5%. It will be dropping more, possibly 11% or more.
Diane P stated that she still has not received her request from Debbie Dunham for a download of the summer tax roll. Now she will need the Winter Tax Roll so she can practice printing our own tax bills.
OLD BUSINESS: D & H Excavating submitted a bid for snowplowing for the hall and fire hall @ $45.00/hour and tractor & blower to move snow piles or deep snow @ $65.00/hour.
Leonard made a motion to accept D & H Excavating’s bid for the 2009-2010 snowplowing season. Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.
Sue reported the breakdown of trash day held on September 19, 2009 at Arrow Sanitation. The total cost is $10,859.50.
Diane F reported that Mike Roper had spoken with people from the stock yards and suggested that a 15 ton weight limit would be a better solution for Hallenius Rd.
Leonard made a motion to post 15 ton weight limit signs on Hallenius Rd. Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.
Diane F reported that the Engineer failed to take into consideration the drop off on Mt Jack Rd. It will need to be filled or use a $9,000 guard rail. There may be issues of right of way.
The board discussed the situation and felt since it was the Road Commission’s oversight and they should be responsible for the additional cost.
NEW BUSINESS: Sue made a motion to adopt the 2009 Tax Rate Request(L-4029). Allocated Operation .8850, Voted Fire Millage 1.000 which expires in 2011. Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.
The board discussed Recycling and felt that since the economy wasn’t doing well and Arrow Sanitation has a program that Elmira Township would not participate in any county wide program at this time.
Diane P made a motion to allow any board member to attend the 2010 Michigan Township Convention and wages, hotel, mileage, registration and a $100 stipend for food to be paid by the township. Seconded by Sue and carried unanimously.
Diane P made a motion to deny spending $2,200 for the Otsego County Recycling Program. Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.
The board discussed the request for funding to continue operating County-Wide Zoning.
Diane P made a motion to accept Otsego County’s funding proposal for the zoning function based on SEV and Populations combined. Elmira’s share to be $6,388.21 and with the stipulation that the contract be rewritten with a one year partnership, a special fund be created, township appoints a representative to the Otsego County Planning Commission and updates from the county. Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.
David Johanningsmeier explained what a Capital Improvements Program is and which is required by the Michigan Enabling Act for municipalities that have adopted a master plan. It is basically a wish list on paper for the long term. ie New and expanded physical facilities.
Elmira Township is not required to have a CIP.
Elmira Township will hold a special meeting on October 15, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. to rewrite the Policies and Proceedures. Diane F will post the meeting.
The board thanked Theresa Plachta for her years of service on the Elmira Township Board as Trustee and wished her the best. The members expressed their enjoyment of working with her and she will be missed.
Leonard made a motion to appoint Dale Holzschu to the vacant trustee position until the next General Election in 2010. Seconded by Diane P and carried. Theresa abstained.
Diane F made a motion to appoint Janet Hancock as an alternate to the Elmira Township Board of Revue. Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.
There being no further business to come before the board Theresa made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m..
Susan Schaedig, Clerk
A regular meeting of the Elmira Township board was held on September 10, 2010 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 6:03 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.
All board members were present. Others attending were Ordinance Officer, Ron Geiger, Dale Holzschu, Karyn Warsow, County Commissioner, Bruce Brown and Janet Hancock.
Diane P made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Seconded by Theresa and carried.
ASSESSOR’S REPORT: Debbie is out of town. Everything is the same, nothing to report. She will have the 2009 Tax Rate Request ready(L-4029) for the October meeting.
ORDINANCE OFFICER’S REPORT: Ron reported that the original vehicles on M-32 have been taken care of.
PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT: Sue reported that Rick Doule attended the meeting and the board worked on Multiple Use Zoning for the village of Elmira.
There will be a meeting at the Alpine Center on September 23, 2009 at 1:30 p.m. in regard to financial support from the townships for County Zoning.
READING OF THE BILLS: 4220 Theresa Plachta, trustee wage 125.08 4221 Susan Schaedig, Clerk wage 1,256.91 4222 Ron Geiger, Ordinance Officer 224.52 4223 Leonard Skop, trustee wage 125.08 4224 John Middleton, PC meeting 110.00 4225 James Theisen, PC meeting 110.00 4226 Gloria Torello, PC meeting 110.00 4227 Duane Hoffman, PC meeting 110.00 4228 Diane Franckowiak, Supervisor wage 783.16 4229 Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning 156.25 4230 Dunn’s Business Solutions, hall cleaning supplies 613.40 4231 Diane Franckowiak, reimb 32.14 4232 Ron Geiger, reimb 30.80 4233 Theresa Plachta, reimb internet 186.15 4234 Judy Graczyk, reimb hall dep 50.00 4235 Elaine Dobzrlewski, reimb hall dep 50.00 4236 D & D Assessing 2,000.00 4237 Crossroads Industries Inc, clean up day post cards 360.03 4238 Waste Management 48.80 4239 VOID 4240 Great Lakes Energy 22.58 4241 Doreen Ostrander, hall cleaning 87.50 4242 Diane Purgiel, Treasurer wage 1,441.66 4243 Holton’s LP Gas 301.30 4244 Diane Franckowiak, assist assessor 110.00 4245 Diane Purgiel, reimb 170.68 4246 Diane Franckowiak, reimb 25.00 4247 VOID 4248 VOID 4249 Mark Rygwelski, mowing 195.00 4250 Great Lakes Energy 304.92 4251 Susan Schaedig, reimb internet 29.99 4252 VOID 4253 CenturyTel 41.32 4254 Doreen Ostrander, reimb-election 19.07 EFTPS, Sept 09 taxes 555.13 9,806.47
Theresa made a motion to pay the bills. Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Renewed CD at 1.75% Diane P has asked Debbie Dunham for a download of the summer tax roll three times and has not received it. She is now requesting the winter tax roll so she can practice printing our own tax bills. Citizen CD 1.7% 105,595.18 M Bank 1.75% 100,721.84 5/3 3% 78,262.64 Gen Fund 158,276.07 442,855.73
OLD BUSINESS: The board reviewed the minutes of December 11, 2008 in regard to a motion made by Diane P to write a letter to the Otsego County Road Commission to consider Hallenius Road when traffic studies are done and placing a No Thru Truck sign. It was seconded by Leonard.
There was discussion in regard to a weight limit versus no thru trucks.
Ron Geiger commented that the weight limit of Ten Ton on Martindale Road in Livingston Township has worked well.
Diane P made a motion to rescind her original motion on December 11, 2008 in regard to placing a No Thru Truck sign on Halllenius Road. Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.
Diane P made a motion to have the Otsego County Road Commission place Ten Ton Weight Limit signs at Hallenius and North Townline Rd and Hallenius and M32. Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.
Sue will write a letter on 9-11-09 in regard to the signs on Hallenius Rd.
Sue made a motion in the form of a resolution to adopt a Code of Ethics which applies to all Township Employees, commissions, elected or appointed officials and requires the following pledge: Responsibility, Fairness, Respect and Honesty. Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.
AYES: Diane F, Sue S., Diane P., Theresa Plachta, Leonard Skop NAYES: None ABSENT: None
Sue read the Code of Ethics in its entirety.
The Clean Up Day will be held on September 18, 2009 at Arrow Sanitation from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m..
The Township Association meeting will be held at the City Hall on Tuesday, September 14, 2009 at 6:00 p.m.. Recycling will be discussed.
Diane P stated that she felt that taxes should not be raised to support recycling due to the poor economic times.
NEW BUSINESS: Diane F read a letter from residents of Hallock Road requesting a lowering of the current speed limit of 55 mph to 35 mph due to child safety.
Diane F commented that Hallock Road will not meet the survey criteria for the minimum number of driveways. The Sheriff’s Dept will have additional patrols as necessary.
The board accepted Theresa Plachta’s letter of resignation effective October 9, 2009.
Dale Holzschu and Janet Hancock were asked to comment why they would like to serve on the Elmira Township Board. The board will make a decision at the next regular board meeting on October 8, 2009 in regard to appointing someone to fill the vacant trustee position.
Theresa stated that she would continue to put the minutes on the township web site.
Diane asked Dale and Janet if they would also consider serving on the Board of Revue.
The board decided to meet on October 14th at 6:00 p.m. to work on updating the policy book.
There being no further business to come before the board Leonard made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m..
Susan Schaedig, Clerk
A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on August 13, 2009 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 6:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane F calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Board members present were Diane F., Diane P, Leonard and Theresa. Sue was excused. Deputy Clerk, Doreen Ostrander and Karen Warsaw were also present.
ASSESSOR REPORT: Debbie has been reviewing the information on the computer and resetting the neighborhoods. This is important for the Economic Condition Factors that will be used for adjustments in the future.
Diane F has been checking the field cards and many of the properties have not changed. Debbie & Diane F will revisit the properties with questions to analyze what is there.
The lack of sales is making everything more difficult and she is awaiting on the State Tax Commission to determine how to handle the sales studies this year.
FIRE AUTHORITY REPORT: Diane F reported that Bruce Ogden has resigned from the Fire Authority.
Diane F made a motion to appoint Lori Lancaster to the Elmira-Warner Fire Authority board. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
READING OF THE BILLS: 4184 Theresa Plachta, trustee 175.08 4185 Susan Schaedig, Clerk 1,116.91 4186 Ron Geiger, Ordinance Officer, Liquor Insp 224.52 4187 VOID 4188 Roderick Wright 182.00 4189 Leonard Skop, trustee 175.08 4190 John Middleton, PC meeting 110.00 4191 John Ernst, PC meeting 110.00 4192 Gloria Torello, PC meeting 130.00 4193 Eugene Fleming, Board of Review 50.00 4194 Diane Purgiel, treasurer ; 1,441.66 4195 Diane Franckowiak, supervisor 963.16 4196 Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning 87.50 4197 Cynthia Prusakiewicz, Board of Review 50.00 4198 Mark Rygwelski, lawn mowing 780.00 4199 Diane Franckowiak, reimb 50.00 4200 Susan Schaedig, reimb 28.60 4201 Diane Purgiel, reimb 123.16 4202 D & D Assessing, July 2,000.00 4203 Wal Mart 6.47 4204 Young, Graham & Elsenheimer, P.C. 98.00 4205 Waste Management 48.42 4206 Great Lakes Energy 22.58 4207 Doreen Ostrander, election, board meeting 290.00 4208 Janelle Crawford 142.50 4209 CenturyTel 41.32 4210 Susan Schaedig, reimb internet 29.99 4211 Accident Fund 750.00 4212 Municipal Underwriters of Mich, Inc 6,789.00 4213 Byte Jumper 52.95 4214 Northern Michigan Review Inc 185.63 4215 Heidi Mead, Election 152.00 4216 United States Postal Service 88.00 4217 Great Lakes Energy 310.18 4218 United States Postal Service 880.00 4219 BS & A Software 475.00 EFTPS, August taxes 561.83 18,721.54
Theresa made a motion to pay the bills. Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.
TREASURERS REPORT: CD 100,868.72 100,721.84 78,262.64 GEN FUND 158,911.51 438,764.71 TAX ACCT 2786 1,005.61 2787 51,175.14 52,180.75
OLD BUSINESS: KarynWarsow gave a report on the Tiger Grant. She told the board to contact Mike Roper when the grant is approved for possible work on township roads.
Clean Up day is scheduled for September 19, 2009 from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. at Arrow Sanitation. A $25.00 charge for each Freon item will be assessed and there will be a limit of 12 tires off the rim and 3 car batteries.
Theresa made a motion to have Cross Roads Industries print and mail cards out to the residents. Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.
The board discussed Hallenius Road and No Through Trucks. The issue will be resolved at the September board meeting.
NEW BUSINESS: Diane F reported that we have a 2 year contract with Assessor, Debbie Dunham. We are OK with the IRS ruling since Diane F is a certified assessor and a sworn government official and will be signing the roll.
Diane F passed out a sample code of ethics to board members to review and discuss at the September meeting.
Diane F reported positive results with the recycling committee and will attend the next meeting next week.
Diane F made a motion to approve a Resolution of Support of the Northern Michigan Broadband Cooperative. Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously. AYES: Diane F, Diane P, Leonard, Theresa NAYES: None ABSENT, Sue
Nemcog has been working with Northern Michigan Broadband to bring the high-speed internet access to Northern Michigan.
There being no further business to come before the board, Leonard made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
Doreen Ostrander, Deputy Clerk Susan Schaedig, Clerk
A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on July 09, 2009 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 6:03 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.
All board members were present. Deputy Clerk, Doreen Ostrander, Ordinance Officer, Ron Geiger, Commissioner, Bruce Brown and Karen Warsow were also present.
Diane P made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
Karen Warsow gave a presentation regarding US Department of Transportation grant application for capital improvements. The grants are awarded based on evidence research. She is writing a grant for the planned long-term improvements to the overall transportation infrastructure serving the Gaylord/I-75 Corridor.
Leonard made a motion to adopt a resolution of support of the City of Gaylord and Otsego County Road Commission’s application for TIGER Discretionary Grant funding. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
AYES: Diane Franckowiak, Susan Schaedig, Diane Purgiel, Leonard Skop, Theresa Plachta NAYES: None ABSENT: None
ASSESSOR’S REPORT: Deb and Diane F are busy verifying Field Cards and comparing the information on the computer. So far Franklin Farms, Glen Meadows, part of the Country Club and the residential in Sections 1, 2,11, 12 and parts of l3 and 14 have been looked at.
It was suggested by the State to sit tight and not to be too anxious for our sales studies due to the lack of good sales which is making it hard to come up with any type of a ratio between last years assessments and what is currently happening(nothing) in the market.
The July Board of Review meeting is on Tuesday, July 21st at 9:00 a.m.. There are a few PRE’s to correct.
The APEX program is installed so when a parcel is checked a sketch and a picture can be entered.
Congratulations to Gene and Barb Fleming for representing Elmira Township and their life long accomplishments in Otsego County as the Joint Bergermeisters.
PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT: Sue reported that the PC has completed the Bill Board Ordinance. The PC discussed the problem with signs and perpetual garage sales and the nuisance they create. Hoffman will take the problem to the land use office.
FIRE AUTHORITY REPORT: Diane F stated that the grant for a new fire hall is due on Friday, July 10, 2009.
ORDINANCE OFFICER REPORT: Ron reported that: the Well’s Fargo property looks good and is mowed, Renee still has some scrap iron; Hostman took care of the building next to Pat & Buds; Trunk Lane has been taken care of and he is still working on the cars on M-32.
READING OF THE BILLS: 4157 Theresa Plachta, salary 125.08 4158 Susan Schaedig, clerk’s salary, PC 1,066.91 4159 VOID 4160 Ron Geiger, Ordinance Officer, Liquor Inspector 224.52 4161 Leonard Skop, trustee salary 125.08 4162 John Middleton, PC 110.00 4163 John Ernst, PC 110.00 4164 Duane Hoffman, PC 110.00 4165 Diane Franckowiak, Supervisor salary 973.16 4166 Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning 131.25 4167 Diane Purgiel, reimb 80.64 4168 Diane Purgiel, treasurer’s salary 1,236.28 4169 Dan Smith, CPA 1,550.00 4170 Otsego County Equalization Dept 1,220.80 4171 Waste Management 48.69 4172 Wal Mart 58.90 4173 Great Lakes Energy 65.84 4174 GBS, election supplies 130.96 4175 Sandra Metzger, hall dep refund 50.00 4176 D & D Assessing 2,000.00 4177 Diane Franckowiak, reimb 50.00 4178 Susan Schaedig, reimb for registrations 140.00 4179 Otsego County, Planning/Zoning Services/cost sharing 1,760.00 4180 Susan Schaedig, reimb internet & phone 29.99 4181 Byte Jumper, tested, cleaned & scanned computer 60.00 4182 CenturyTel 41.32 4183 Great Lakes Energy 307.13 EFTPS, July 09 taxes 518.90 12,480.83
Theresa made a motion to pay the bills. Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Diane P reported that one CD has come due. The interest rates are low. She reinvested for 7 months at 1.75 %
Northern Radio has paid their personal property tax and she is dealing with a property that was put on in error and the board of revue will be writing it off.
CD $100,868.72 CD 99,035.77 CD 78,262.64 Gen Fund 164,210.94 442,378.07
OLD BUSINESS: Diane F made a motion to amend the Elmira Township Billboard Ordinance. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously. AYES Diane F, Sue, Diane P, Leonard, Theresa NAYES: None ABSENT: None
The board discussed the Bagley Nuisance Ordinance. Diane P felt that it was too restrictive for a rural community like Elmira.
Sue will take Bagley’s Ordinance to the Planning Commission and compare it to Elmira’s and possibly tweak it.
NEW BUSINESS: Sue made a motion to appoint Doreen Ostrander, Heidi Mead and Janelle Crawford as election inspectors for August 4, 2009 election. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
Karyn Warsow inquired about the resolution for No Thru Trucks on Hallenius Rd. Diane F will check into it.
There being no further business to come before the board Leonard made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m..
Susan Schaedig, Clerk
A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on June 11, 2009 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 6:10 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.
All board members were present. No other persons were in attendance.
Theresa made a motion to approve the minutes. Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.
ASSESSORS REPORT: Diane F reported that Jordans Addition has pictures on the computer. Elmira and Franklin Farms are in the computer, on line and updated.
Theresa was concerned as to why Debbie was not assisting Diane F in the field work.
ORDINANCE OFFICER: Ron spoke with the owner of the cars on M-32 and he said they will be moving them. Renee is having the steel hitch disassembled and her property will be cleaned up.
The board discussed the rental of boats on the M-32 property and the perpetual garage sales.
PLANNING COMMISSION: Sue reported that the Bill Board Ordinance has been completed and sent on to the attorney for final approval.
FIRE AUTHORITY: Diane F reported that they are applying for a FEMA grant through Homeland Security. If awarded the fire department would build a separate building. They have thirty days to apply . A truck grant has been applied for.
REAING OF THE BILLS: 4117 Theresa Plachta, trustee wages 175.08 4118 Susan Schaedig, clerk’s wages 1,116.91 4119 Ron Geiger, Ordinance Officer, Liquor Inspector 224.52 4120 Leonard Skop, trustee wages 225.08 4121 John Middleton, PC meeting 110.00 4122 John Ernst, PC meeting 110.00 4123 James Theisen, PC meeting 110.00 4124 Gloria Torello, PC meeting 130.00 4125 Duane Hoffman, PC meeting 110.00 4126 Diane Purgiel, Treasurer wages 1,441.66 4127 Diane Franckowiak, Supv wages 1,148.16 4128 Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning 100.00 4129 Michigan Townships Association, dues, legal fees 1,331.69 4130 Mark Rygwelski, lawn mowing, cleanup 1,390.00 4131 Great Lakes Energy 22.96 4132 Diane Franckowiak, reimb 208.99 4133 Diane Purgiel, reimb 74.91 4134 Northern Michigan Review, Inc., minutes 33.75 4135 Otsego County Historical Society 100.00 4136 Municipal Retirement Systems, Inc. 190.00 4137 VOID 4138 Chester Township, reimb treasurer’s conf-mileage-hotel 238.75 4139 Waste Management 45.75 4140 D & D Assessing 2,000.00 4141 Dunn’s Business Solutions 110.00 4142 WalMart 4.86 4143 Ing USA Annuity & Life Insurance Co 1,513.37 4144 VOID 4145 J & N Inc, demolition building 6,900.00 4146 Mary Filarski, hall dep reimb 50.00 4147 Ass’n of Public Treasurers US & Canada 200.00 4148 Susan Schaedig, reimb 29.99 4149 Gleaners Life Insurance Society 4,446.50 4150 Century Tel 41.19 4151 Michigan Townships Association 161.00 4152 Great Lakes Energy 316.93 4153 Young, Graham & Elsenheimer, P.C. 294.00 4154 VOID 4155 Michigan Dept of Treasury, Apr, May, June 679.13 4156 Diane Purgiel, reimb postage for tax bills 607.05 25,992.23
Leonard made a motion to pay the bills. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT: CD 100,868.72 99,035.77 78,262.64 GEN FUND 158,652.73 TOTAL 436,819.86
Diane P is trying to collect delinquent taxes from Northern Radio and she will have to start sending letters.
OLD BUSINESS: Diane F reported on recycling in Emmet County and the committee in Otsego County. Funding options are an Act 138 surcharge which allows counties to pass a resolution authorizing up to a $25.00 annual surcharge to households for recycling and the townships would collect; a Pay-as-you-Throw Ordinance and a voter approved millage.
Sue received a letter from Garret Dawes in regard to M 32 and North Camp Ten Rd. He stated that the lane for turning onto Camp Ten is fine and there haven’t been accidents to warrant a longer one.
NEW BUSINESS: The board discussed an ethics policy and the possibility of holding a special meeting to work on the policy book.
There was discussion in meeting with the Elmira Planning Commission for visioning purposes.
Sue made a motion to allow any board member and planning commission member to attend the Planning and Zoning Workshop on July 22, 2009 at Treetops. Registration and wages to be paid by the township. Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.
Diane F is working on amending the Hall Rental Liquor Agreement. A host liquor liability insurance will be inserted into the agreement.
Leonard obtained a copy of Bagley Township’s Nuisance Ordinance for the board to review.
There being no further business to come before the board Sue made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
Susan Schaedig, Clerk
A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on May 14, 2009 at 6:04 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.
All board members were present. Ron Geiger, Ordinance Officer and Paige Perry of the DNR were also in attendance. There were at least fifty or more township residents attending.
Diane F gave a brief synopsis of a bill(HB4323) sponsored by Representative, Joel Sheltrown. Counties from Clare north can adopt an ORV Ordinance to allow Off Road Vehicles to operate on the shoulder of county roads.
The Otsego County Board of Commissioners will be having a hearing on May 26, 2009 in regard to the County ORV Ordinance.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Diane F took a hand count of those in attendance for or against opening the roads in Elmira Township to ORVs. There was about the same for and against.
Paige Perry , DNR Trails Analyst explained where the ORVs would be allowed to travel. All State land is off limits unless designated as a trail. There are no trails in Elmira Township or any close by. She also answered questions from the audience.
The board then listened to comments from the audience and Diane F read two letters in favor of opening roads in Elmira Township. She also read a letter from Hayes Township encouraging Elmira to open roads. Diane P read a letter from resident against the ORV Ordinance.
The board reaffirmed their decision to keep all roads closed to ORVs at this time but to review it in a year. The Elmira Planning Commission will help monitor the situation in the other townships in Otsego County.
Theresa made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Seconded by Leonard and carried.
ORDINANCE OFFICER REPORT: Ron reported that Renee’s property and the Wells Fargo property have been cleaned up.
The property on Trunk Lane is slowly getting cleaned up.
Diane F reported that the building at the corner of Webster & M32 will be cleaned up by May 18, 2009.
ASSESSOR’S REPORT: Diane F has been working in the Franklin Farms area bringing everything up to date.
FIRE AUTHORITY: They are currently trying to get a FEMA grant.
PLANNING COMMISSION: There was considerable discussion on if/where routing could be placed in Elmira Township for allowing ORV’s to operate on the shoulders of county roads. The topic concluded with the PC not in favor of ORV use in Elmira Township for environmental(erosion) and quality of life(noise, trespass) issues.
The PC reviewed the Billboard Ordinance and a few more changes were made to the draft of the revised BB ordinance. The draft will be forwarded to the township attorney.
Mixed Use Zoning draft text is being reviewed by Otsego County Planning Commission. Elmira PC will work on Commercial Forestry and zoning text at the May meeting.
READING OF THE BILLS: 4082 Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning 181.25 4083 Theresa Plachta, Trustee wages 125.08 4084 Susan Schaedig, Clerk’s salary, PC 1,116.91 4085 Ron Geiger, Ordinance Officer, Liquor Inspector 224.52 4086 Leonard Skop, Trustee wages 125.08 4087 John Middleton, PC 110.00 4088 John Ernst,PC 110.00 4089 James Theisen, PC 110.00 4090 Gloria Torello, PC 130.00 4091 Duane Hoffman, PC 110.00 4092 Doreen Ostrander, school election 165.00 4093 Diane Purgiel, Treasurer wages 2,051.66 4094 Diane Franckowiak, Supervisor wages 953.16 4095 Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning 112.50 4096 Michigan Association of Planning, membership dues 300.00 4097 Diane Franckowiak, reimb 372.11 4098 Susan Schaedig, reimb 25.25 4099 Diane Purgiel, reimb 109.75 4100 Doreen Ostrander, reimb 15.74 4101 Janelle Crawford, school election 133.00 4102 Heidi Mead, school election 133.00 4103 BS&A Software, training 390.00 4104 Great Lakes Energy 22.96 4105 D & D Assessing 2,000.00 4106 Waste Management 45.73 4107 Michigan Dept of Treasury, Jill Kassuba unemployment 4,074.78 4108 Susan Schaedig, reimb 29.99 4109 Independent Bank, May taxes 624.28 4110 Ass’n of Public Treasurers, membership-treasurer 125.00 4111 Centurytel 41.19 4112 Michigan Townships Association, registrations 218.00 4113 Daniel Haller, reimb hall dep 50.00 4114 Judy Graczyk, reimb hall dep 50.00 4115 Paula Birdsall, reimb hall dep 50.00 4116 Great Lakes Energy 324.07 14,760.01
Leonard made a motion to pay the bills. Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT: CD’s 100,868.72 99,035.77 78,262.64 Gen Fund 173,490.32 451,657.45 Tax Accts 1117.08 2,977.84 4,094.92
Diane P reported that she has two delinquent taxes. One is $2,000.00.
OLD BUSINESS: Diane F reported that the annual water test for the township hall has been completed and compliant.
Revenue Sharing has been cut by about $6,000 for 2009.
The Otsego County Zoning Dept has eliminated Dorothy’s part-time position. The Building Dept is taking on the extra duties. The board discussed the questions that Leonard had since the townships are helping to fund the department.
The Hall building will be demolished and removed by the 18th of May.
NEW BUSINESS Leonard made a motion to reappoint Duane Hoffman to the Elmira Planning Commission. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
Diane F made a motion to pay the certification fee of $200.00 for Certified Public Finance Administration. She has completed year 3 of the Basic Institute for Michigan Municipal Treasurers Institute. Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.
The board discussed having visioning meetings with the Elmira PC, working on the ethics policy and discussing setting up on-line tax payments with Dan Smith.
Sue made a motion to allow Diane F to attend two or more BS&A trainings(Apex Sketch) and Assessing I & II in June. Registration, mileage, wages, meals and motel to be paid for by the township. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
There being no further business to come before the board, Leonard made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m..
Susan Schaedig, Clerk
A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on April 09, 2009 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 6:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Supervisor, Diane F, Clerk, Sue Schaedig, Trustee, Leonard Skop and Trustee Theresa Plachta were present. Treasurer, Diane P was excused. Others attending were Don Sevenski, Ron Fisk, Rob & Becky Beagle and Ordinance Officer, Ron Geiger.
Leonard made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
Opening of bids for removal of building at the corner of Webster Rd and M-32.
1. Sevenski Excavating $8,700 2. Tri County Excavating- Harbor Springs $7,572 3. F & F Excavating $6,030 + 1,500 Abatement $7,530 4. Williams Construction $8,500 5. North Central Excavating $5,900 does not included abatement 6. Wcisel Construction $7,500 7. Specialty Trucking-Elmira $7,635 8. O’Rourke Enterprises $10,400 9. Jerry’s Roustabout $6,300 does not mention abatement 10. Harbor Springs Excavation $7,643 11. J & N Construction $6,900 12. Jordan Construction Group East Jordan $9,875
Leonard made a motion to award the demolition and removal of the building at the corner of Wester Rd and M32 to J & N Construction for a total cost of $6,900. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
ASSESSOR’S REPORT: March Board of Review is over and the roll has been signed and balanced. Because a one year study was used, the assessed values of most residential parcels went down approximately 3%. Some more, some less. There were 22 appeals including letters. Debbie believes most were concerned with the current market.
Diane F and Debbie will start looking at the residential parcels as soon as the snow goes away.
Debbie will be setting up new neighborhoods and land values and be checking to be sure the information we have is correct.
If any resident questions why their property is being inspected have them call Debbie or Diane F to try and reassure them it is for the benefit of the entire township that the information be reviewed. They are not just out looking for more value. Which is a common misconception sometimes.
Our taxable value is at 73 million.
ORDINANCE OFFICER REPORT: Ron reported that he continues to follow up on the Wells Fargo property on M32. There are still three vehicles left on Trunk Lane. Only one has been removed.
PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT: Sue reported that the PC discussed the proposed ORV use in Elmira Township. The PC worked on the Commercial Forestry(Large Track Forestry) text of the definition of the ordinance. Reviewed the Billboard Ordinance. Draft changes were forwarded to the Township attorney.
READING OF THE BILLS: 4047 Theresa Plachta, Trustee April 235.08 4048 Susan Schaedig, Clerk salary 1,276.91 4049 Ron Geiger, Liquor Inspector, Ordinance officer 224.52 4050 Leonard Skop, Trustee, April 285.08 4051 John Middleton, PC mtg 110.00 4052 John Ernst, PC mtg 110.00 4053 James Theisen, PC mtg 110.00 4054 Gloria Torello, PC mtg 130.00 4055 Duane Hoffman, PC mtg 110.00 4056 Diane Purgiel, Treasurer salary 1,601.66 4057 United States Postal Service, postage 126.00 4058 Young, Graham & Elsenheimer, P.C. 140.00 4059 Waste Management 45.45 4060 WalMart 40.14 4061 Dunn’s Business Solutions 327.98 4062 D & D Assessing 2,000.00 4063 Diane Purgiel, reimb 114.08 4064 Susan Schaedig, reimb 21.04 4065 Diane Franckowiak, reimb 50.00 4066 Great Lakes Energy 65.84 4067 Diane Franckowiak, Supervisor Salary 903.16 4068 United States Postal Service, postage 84.00 4069 Donald Franckowiak, hall repair 10.00 4070 Independent Bank, taxes-April 525.26 4071 Donald Franckowiak, reimb 24.69 4072 Sagasser & Associates, environmental consulting 431.00 4073 Carquest 150.48 4074 Susan Schaedig, reimb 29.99 4075 Gaylord Herald Times 178.15 4076 D & H Excavating, snowplowing 112.50 4077 Northwest Mich Community Health, water testing hall 34.00 4078 Young, Graham & Elsenheimer P. C. 182.00 4079 Centurytel 38.03 4080 Holton’s LP Gas 421.32 4081 Great Lakes Energy 315.71 10,664.07
Diane F made a motion to pay the bills. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
TREASURERS REPORT: CD’s Citizens 100,868.72 M Bank 99,035.77 5/3 78,262.64 Gen Fund 173,032.07 TOTAL 451,199.20
Tax Acct NW 1,115.00 Tax Acct MM 2,975.07 TOTAL 4,090.07
OLD BUSINESS: Diane F reported that the floe tank in the toilet has been fixed to satisfy the inspection. She will have the drinking water tested at the Health Department. The cost will be 34.00.
There will be a meeting on April 27th at 2:00 p.m. at the County Multi-Purpose room held by the County ORV committee for more input into the ORV Ordinance. Elmira voted by roll call at a special meeting on March 25, 2009 to close all roads in Elmira Township to ORV’s at this time but will review it in a year.
The board felt that there had not been sufficient time to make a good conscientious decision and that there is always two sides There were six residents present at the special meeting that voiced their concerns against opening the roads and two that had phoned Diane F to say they would like to see the roads open to ORVs.
The township board will ask the Elmira Planning Commission to help monitor the situation. A newsletter with the tax bills may be a way of informing the residents so that they can give their input.
Sue reported that she had contacted Great Lakes Energy in regard to placing a light at the corner of Flott and M32. GLE informed her that it could cost anywhere from $900 to $1,500 plus the monthly fee. The issue is considered closed.
NEW BUSINESS: Theresa made a motion to pay for registration and wages for any board member to attend the Spring District meeting at Treetops on June 5th . Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.
Leonard made a motion to pay for registration(195.00), wages, mileage and meals to allow Diane F to attend Equalizer training I & II on April 27 &28 in Lansing. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
The Economic Alliance Meeting and Luncheon will be held on April 29, 2009 at the UC center from 11:30 to 2:00 p.m.. It is free to the township board members.
Sue made a motion to appoint Doreen Ostrander(chairperson), Heidi Mead and Janelle Crawford as election inspectors for the May 5, 2009 School Election. Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.
Theresa made a motion to pay for wages and mileage for Diane P to attend an informative seminar on CDARS, a new investment tool from Northwestern Bank. Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.
There being no further business to come before the board Leonard made a motion to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m..
Susan Schaedig, Clerk Unapproved minutes for April’s meeting. Next regular board meeting, May 14, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. ORV Ordinance will be discussed at the May meeting.
A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on March 12, 2009 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 6:10 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.
All board members were in attendance. Ordinance Officer, Ron Geiger and County Commissioner, Bruce Brown were also present.
Leonard made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
ORDINANCE OFFICER REPORT: Ron presented a copy of the signed judgment for Renee Patton/Kowalski. She has to clean up and remove all debris by May 30, 2009.
Diane F reported that the Health Department of Northwest Michigan inspected the township hall on April 09, 2009 and found some minor work in the toilet tanks that needs to be attended to by April 9, 2009.
Shingles have also been blowing off the roof and need to be replaced. The board directed Sue to contact the insurance company.
The board received a new plat book which will be left in the office. They are $27.00 each.
Diane F reviewed the Sheriff’s report with the board. Elmira Township has the most complaints written.
The meeting was recessed at 6:21 for the Budget Hearing. Meeting resumed at 6:52 p.m..
Diane P made a motion to adopt the budget for the 2009-2010 fiscal year. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
The board decided not to take a 3% cost of living increase this year due to the economy. Sue made a motion to amend the General Fund Township Board $850.00 to come from the fund balance. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
Sue made a motion to amend the General Fund Treasurer $400.00 to come from the fund balance. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
Sue made a motion to amend the General Fund Assessor $90.00 to come from the fund balance. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
READING OF THE BILLS: 4012 Barbara Lewandowski, assist treasurer 180.00 4013 Nicholas Purgiel, assist treasurer 47.50 4014 Theresa Plachta, trustee wages 125.12 4015 Susan Schaedig, Clerk’s wages 1,066.99 4016 VOID 4017 Leonard Skop, trustee wages 125.12 4018 John Ernst, PC meeting 110.00 4019 Gloria Torello, PC meeting 130.00 4020 Duane Hoffman, PC meeting 110.00 4021 Diane Purgiel, treasurer’s salary 1,391.74 4022 Diane Franckowiak, Supervisor’s Salary 838.24 4023 Waste Management 45.54 4024 Diane Franckowiak, reimb 50.00 4025 Diane Purgiel, reimb 130.21 4026 Ron Geiger, reimb 52.54 4027 Holton’s LP Gas 542.34 4028 D & D Assessing 2,000.00 4029 D & H Excavating, snowplowing 358.75 4030 Crossroads Industries, Inc 170.00 4031 Dunn’s Business Solutions 49.83 4032 Walmart 209.97 4033 Michigan Municipal Treasurer’s Institute, registration 550.00 4034 Great Lakes Energy 22.96 4035 Ron Geiger, ordinance officer, liquor inspector 253.93 4036 United States Postal Service 84.00 4037 Roderick Wright, BOR 270.00 4038 Eugene Fleming, BOR 270.00 4039 Cynthia Prusakiewicz, BOR 270.00 4040 Susan Schaedig, reimb internet 29.99 4041 Diane Franckowiak, reimb BOR lunch 19.56 4042 CenturyTel 92.38 4043 Great Lakes Energy 317.55 4044 Independent Bank, March taxes 724.71 4045 Theresa Plachta, reimb internet 322.00 4046 Michigan Dept of Treasury, taxes 571.51 11,532.48
Leonard made a motion to pay the bills. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT: CD 233 100,868.72 CD 334 99,035.77 CD 335 78,262.64 Gen Fund 183,606.43 461,773.56 Tax Acct 1,115.00 MMkt 2,591.15 3,706.15
BOARD OF REVIEW REPORT: Diane F reported that there were twenty petitioners. The board was very happy with Debbie.
FIRE AUTHORITY REPORT: Officers were reviewed. Peggy resigned as Captain of the EMS. Position is filled by Diane Franckowiak.
PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT: The PC worked on the changes to the Billboard Ordinance. Sue will send them to the attorney for review. The PC also worked on the text of the draft Large Track Forestry Ordinance.
OLD BUSINESS: The bids for the demolition of the Hall building located at M32 & Webster Road are the Gaylord Herald Times for a two week period. Diane F contacted John Burt of Otsego County and received information in regard to the demolition.
The board discussed discontinuing one of the phone lines(546-3309) at the township hall. Sue will contact the phone company
NEW BUSINESS: The board discussed the possibility of installing street lights at M32 & Camp Ten and Flott Rd and M32. Camp Ten has the lighted billboard to help mark it. But, there is a problem with a short turning lane onto Camp Ten Road. When the board meets with the Otsego County Road Commission on March 25th at 9:00 a.m. they will address this issue and ask Mr Roper to contact MDOT.
Sue will contact Great Lakes Energy in regard to the cost of installation of a light at Flott Rd., which is the beginning of the four lanes.
Sue made a motion to adopt the Municipal Retirement Systems Adoption Agreement, Prototype Non-Standardized Money Purchase Plan and Trust Document with the attached amendment. Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.
Sue made a motion to pay registration, wages, mileage, motel and meals for the Michigan Municipal Treasurers Institute Year 3 Basic Institute. Seconded by Therese and carried unanimously.
There being no further business to come before the board Diane P made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned 7:50 p.m.
Susan Schaedig, Clerk
A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on February 12, 2009 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 6:06 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.
All board members were in attendance. Assessor, Debbie Dunham, Ordinance Officer, Ron Geiger and Mr & Mrs Beagle of Specialty Trucking were also present.
Leonard made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
Becky Beagle of Specialty Trucking presented the board with a quote from Arrow Sanitation in regard to what possible cost it would be to remove the material from the house located on the corner of Webster Road and M-32. The siding is asbestos and would need at least one, ten yard roll off container at $600.00 each. Possibly seven 30 yard roll off containers at $625.00 each may be needed.
Becky also pointed out some guidelines that the Township may want to follow and offered to answer any questions that the board may have in regard to the demolition of the building.
The Township will be placing bids for the demolition of the building in the Gaylord Herald Times for two weeks in March and extended an invitation to bid to Specialty Trucking. Bids will be opened and discussed at the April, 2009 meeting.
ASSESSOR’S REPORT: Debbie reported that the assessed value went down but the taxable value went up due to Proposal A. She will be including information on Understanding Proposal A in a Declining Market with the tax change notices being sent out.
The roll has been completed.
The organizational meeting for the March Board of Review will be on Tuesday, March 3, 2009 at 9:00 a.m.. The BOR will be held on Monday, March 9th from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p,.m. and Tuesday, March 10th from 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m..
ORDINANCE OFFICER REPORT: Ron received an e-mail from Mr. Garvey from Wells Fargo who informed Ron that the property on M-32 will be completely cleaned up in the spring.
Renee Patton admitted she is the owner of the property at 2390 Division St in Elmira, Michigan and is in violation of the Township Nuisance Ordinance.
The 46th Circuit Court ordered Renee to have the property cleaned up and all debris removed from the property by May 30, 2009.
Renee paid a $100.00 fine to the court on February5, 2009.
Elmira Township can petition the Court for actual attorney fees and costs if Renee does not have the property cleaned up and all debris removed by May 30, 2009.
PLANNING COMMISSION: Sue reported that the PC reviewed and revised the wording for Large Tracts which will then be submitted to the Otsego County Planning Commission.
READING OF THE BILLS: 3971 Independent Bank, 20% withholding Dale Holzschu 204.51 3972 Dale Holzschu, pension settlement check 1,028.62 3973 Theresa Plachta, trustee wages 565.08 3974 Susan Schaedig, clerk wages, PC 1,066.91 3975 Ron Geiger, ordinance officer, liquor inspector 224.52 3976 Leonard Skop, trustee wages 125.08 3977 John Middleton, PC meeting 110.00 3978 John Ernst, PC meeting 110.00 3979 James Theisen, PC meeting 110.00 3980 Gloria Torello, PC meeting 130.00 3981 Diane Purgiel, treasurer wages 1,391.66 3982 Diane Franckowiak, Supervisor wages 1,123.16 3983 Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning 100.00 3984 Barbara Lewandowski, deputy treasurer wages 77.50 3985 Diane Purgiel, reimb 114.15 3986 Theresa Plachta, reimb 784.25 3987 Dan Smith, CPA 350.00 3988 Holton’s LP Gas 473.44 3989 Waste Management 45.90 3990 Great Lakes Energy 22.96 3991 D & D Assessing 2,000.00 3992 D & H Excavating, snowplowing 416.25 3993 Gloria Torello, reimb 43.45 3994 Diane Franckowiak, reimb 452.80 3995 Diane Purgiel, treasurer’s meeting 50.00 3996 Roderick Wright, BOR class 50.00 3997 Eugene Fleming, BOR class 50.00 3998 Diane Franckowiak, BOR class 50.00 3999 Cynthia Prusakiewicz, BOR class 50.00 4000 BS & A Software, equalizer tax system support 475.00 4001 Susan Schaedig, reimb 59.98 4002 Diane Franckowiak, reimb 24.34 4003 Apex Software, assessor 545.00 4004 United States Postal Service 672.00 4005 Diane Franckowiak, reimb 247.50 4006 Otsego County Township Officers Ass’n 530.00 4007 Century Telephone 85.90 4008 Great Lakes Energy 314.69 4009 Young, Graham & Elsenheimer, P.C. 532.00 4010 Warner Township, Maple Hill Cemetery reimb 982.50 4011 Independent Bank, Feb 09 taxes 665.33 16,454.48
Leonard made a motion to pay the bills. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Citizens CD 100,868.72 M Bank 99,035.77 5/3 78,262.64 Gen Fund 150,532.24 Total 428,699.37 Tax Accts #2786 1,084.60 #2787 145,809.59 Total 146,809.59
Diane P checked on the Hall property. Elmira Township does not have to pay any taxes on the property.
OLD BUSINESS: The annual meeting with the Otsego County Road Commission will be held at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, March 25, 2009.
NEW BUSINESS: Leonard made a motion to sign the Gaylord Community Schools Agreement for the Collection of Summer School Property Taxes in 2009 by Elmira Township. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
Diane F made a motion in the form of a resolution to adopt the Poverty Exemption Income Guidelines and Asset Test. Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously. Resolution adopted. Ayes: Diane F, Susan S., Diane P., Theresa Plachta, Leonard Skop Nayes: None Absent: None
Sue made a motion to amend the General Fund, Treasurer, $3,500 to come from the fund balance. Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.
Sue made a motion to amend the General Fund, Assessor, $2,500 to come from the fund balance. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
There being no further business to come before the board, Leonard made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m..
Susan Schaedig, Clerk
A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on January 08, 2009 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 6:08 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.
All board members were in attendance. Bruce Brown, Debbie Dunham and Ron Geiger were also in attendance.
Diane P made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Commissioner, Bruce Brown commented on the President’s Stimulus package and the Elmira board stated that roads would be considered if there would be any money offered for townships.
ASSESSOR’S REPORT: The State Tax Commission recommends doing a one year study but since we are doing a reappraisal it doesn’t matter. The ratio has been brought up from 48.9 to 50.3.
ORDINANCE OFFICER’S REPORT: Ron reported that the property owned by Well’s Fargo on M32 has a dumpster roll-a-way on it but he couldn’t tell what had been cleaned up. He will send an e-mail to Mr. Garvey to clean up everything that has been left in the spring.
Ron received a call on December 30, 2008 from Renee who wants to pay the fine but our attorney sent a copy to the court on December 26th and the court will send a copy to Renee. She will have to appear. Elmira Township wants the property cleaned up.
The front half of the building on the Hall property has caved in from the snow. Diane P will ask Diane Axford what she has to do with the delinquent taxes. Elmira Township now owns the property and request for bids will be placed in the paper as soon as the snow allows.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Citizens CD 100,868.72 MBank CD 99,035.77 5/3 78,262.64 Gen 121,334.93 TOTAL 399,502.06
Northwestern Tax Acct 2786 1,061.49 Tax Acct 2787 42,694.19 43,755.68
Diane P reported that the Otsego County Road Commission has been paid in full for the construction work on Mt Jack Rd. The bill was under by about $25,000. The bid was 254,000 and the bill was 229,000. We still have 400,000 left in savings.
READING OF THE BILLS: 3942 Theresa Plachta, trustee wages 125.08 3943 Susan Schaedig, Clerk wages 931.91 3944 Ron Geiger, Ordinance Officer, Liquor Inspector 224.52 3945 Leonard Skop, trustee wages 125.08 3946 Diane Purgiel, Treasurer wages 1,391.66 3947 Diane Franckowiak, Supv wages 708.16 3948 Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning wages 125.00 3949 Barbara Lewandowski, deputy treasurer wages 115.00 3950 Michigan Townships Association, BOR reg 241.50 3951 Diane Franckowiak, reimb 92.00 3952 Diane Franckowiak, MTA Convention 100.00 3953 Theresa Plachta, MTA Convention 100.00 3954 Susan Schaedig, reimb 57.49 3955 Diane Purgiel, reimb 95.25 3956 Safechecks, 500 288.40 3957 Waste Management 46.03 3958 D & D Assessing 2,000.00 3959 D & H Excavating, Dec plowing 607.50 3960 Standard Electric, light bulbs 44.28 3961 Great Lakes Energy 57.88 3962 Susan Schaedig, wages 25.00 3963 Darlene Persons, hall dep refund 50.00 3964 Independent Bank, Dec 08 taxes 625.80 3965 Otsego County Equalization Department 1,339.80 3966 Michigan Dept of Treasury, taxes 594.01 3967 CenturyTel 85.90 3968 Young. Graham & Elsenheimer, P.C. 50.00 3969 Great Lakes Energy 327.94 3970 Independent Bank, Jan 09 taxes 437.36 11,012.55
Leonard made a motion to pay the bills. Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.
Sue made a motion to allow any board member to attend a class in Grayling on Feb 19, 2009 on the Enabling Act. Wages, mileage and registration to be paid by the township. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
NEW BUSINESS: Sue made a motion to amend the General Fund, Township Board. $5000.00 to come from the fund balance. Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.
Sue made a motion to amend the General Fund, Elections $532.72 to come from the fund balance. Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.
Diane P made a motion to pay the registration and wages for Cindy Prusakiewicz, Gene Fleming, Diane F and Rocky Wright to attend the Board of Review advanced session on February 09, 2009 at Treetops. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
The next Township Association meeting will be held at Hayes Township on March 17, 2009 at 6:00 p.m..
There being no further business to come before the board, Leonard made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 6:47 p.m..
Susan Schaedig, Clerk © 2001 Elmira Township Visit the Otsego Community Connection web site. |