~Minutes of Meetings~


Board of Review

Building Codes


Elections and Ballots
Hall Rental

Master Plan

Meeting Calendar
Minutes of Meetings
Pet Licensing
Planning Commission
Public Safety
Road Issues
Taxes & Assessing      (information is free to taxpayers but you must "sign up" to access)




JUNE 10, 2010


            A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on June 10, 2010 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 6:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


            Board members present were Diane F, Sue, Leonard and Dale.  Diane Purgiel was excused.  Others present were Duane Hoffman, Bruce Brown, Tim Bingham, Charlie and Cheryl Prevo, Brett and Brenda Bingham and Triston Cole.


            Leonard made a motion to approve the minutes as presented.  Seconded by Dale and carried.



            Tim Bingham asked the board if they would consider opening roads in Elmira Township to ATVs.  There was some discussion and Dale said he planned on checking with other townships that are currently allowing ATV travel on the shoulder of the road.

The issue will be placed on the July agenda.



            Diane F read Debbie’s report.  Debbie has started to look and try to analyze the sales for the township for the upcoming year.  Not much data.


            The State reinstated the qualified changes for July and December Board of Review, so if there are any corrections to be made that would be affected by 2007, 2008 or 2009, they can still be considered.  The rules had sunsetted in December.


            Building permits are down again this year.  All indications are that we will pretty much hold our own this year with maybe some reductions.  Possibly three more years before we may see an increase in property values.



            Diane F read Ron’s report.  Ron hopes to have West Lake resolved soon.  He has spoken with both parties involved and progress is being made. 


            Ron is checking on a new problem in Franklin Farms.



Duane Hoffman of the Elmira PC stated that the PC has been working on a presentation for Multiple Use Zoning in Elmira.  They may be able to give the presentation in a couple of months to the township board.


The PC is looking at recreation issues and going to check with Mike Tarbutton of the County for grants.


Duane stated that he cannot be on the Otsego County Planning Commission since he is Chair of the Zoning Board of Appeals.


Duane reported that Rieth Riley is seeking renewal for a permit for a gravel pit located at the end of N Townline Rd.  Their permit will expire on July 15, 2010.


The Land Use Department has not sent any formal request in writing to the Township Board to date.


Leonard made a motion to send the Rieth Riley request to the Elmira PC meeting on June 22 for their review and prep for the township July meeting.  Seconded by Dale and carried.


Duane will contact Joe Ferrigan.


Triston Cole, a candidate for State Representative discussed with the board his stand on issues.



4507    Diane Purgiel, Treasurer Salary                                                   1,831.66

4508    Susan Schaedig, Clerk Salary                                                     1,116.91

4509    Ron Geiger, Ordinance Officer, Liquor Inspector                           224.52

4510    Leonard Skop, Trustee salary                                                        175.08

4511    John Middleton, PC meeting                                                          110.00

4512    John Ernst, PC meeting                                                                  110.00

4513    Gloria Torello, PC meeting                                                             110.00

4514    Duane Hoffman, PC meeting                                                          110.00

4515    Diane Franckowiak, Supervisor Salary                                        1,028.16

4516    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                               87.50

4517    Dale Holzschu, Trustee salary                                                         175.08

4518    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                       492.30

4519    Diane Franckowiak, reimb                                                               50.00

4520    Rhonda Davis, hall dep refund                                                          50.00

4521    Susan Schaedig, reimb                                                                     29.99

4522    Sherry Downey, hall dep refund                                                       50.00

4523    Michigan Townships Association, dues & membership                 1,355.88

4524    Waste Management                                                                         53.31

4525    D & D Assessing                                                                        2,000.00

4526    WalMart                                                                                         28.67

4527    Dunn’s Business Solutions                                                             214.19

4528    Livingston Township, overpayment for street light                             81.80

4529    Ing USA Annuity & Life Insurance Co retirement                        1,633.56

4530    Gleaners Life Insurance Society, retirement                                  4,310.24

4531    Municipal Retirement Systems, Inc                                                 185.00

4532    Great Lakes Energy                                                                         23.17

4533    Michigan Ass’n of Planning, membership                                        300.00

4534    Michigan Township Ass’n  registration                                           109.00

4535    Michigan Township Ass’n  registration                                           109.00

4536    Michigan Dept of Treasury, April, May, June taxes                        930.00

4537    Dunn’s Business Solutions                                                             349.00

4538    CenturyLink                                                                                    40.94

4539    Darlene Tubbs, hall dep refund                                                        50.00

4540    Great Lakes Energy                                                                       341.89

13        EFTPS, June taxes                                                                         486.85



            Leonard made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Dale and carried.



Citizens CD   105,595.18     5/3 CD   80,021.02   MBank  CD  95,000.00   63,379.36

63,379.36  Gen Fund  88,487.56   TOTAL   495,862.48


2786 Tax Acct  1,000.48   2787    1,890.82   TOTAL  2,891.30



            Sue made a motion to reappoint Gloria Torello and Jim Theisen to the Elmira Planning Commission.  Seconded by Leonard and carried.


            Diane F reported that the dumpster has been moved out of the roadway that was next to String of Purolls.



            Diane F reported that someone had torn down one of the backboards at the park.


            Diane F made a motion to pay registration and wages for any board member to attend the Nine Golden Rules of Defensible Decision –making on July 14th at Treetops in Gaylord.  Seconded by Dale and carried.


            Bruce Brown reported that the MSU Extension has a new Regional Director.


            There being no further business to come before the board, Dale made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Sue and carried.  Meeting adjourned at 7:27 p.m..


Susan Schaedig, Clerk





MAY 13, 2010


            A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on May 13, 2010 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 6:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting the order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


            All board members were present.  Others attending were Ron Geiger, Debbie Dunham, Bruce Brown and Josh Gilde.


            Leonard made a motion to approve the minutes as presented.  Seconded by Dale and carried.



            Debbie stated that she has finished the reports to the State and there are several that need to be filed after May 1 to reflect the new Pre’s.  All the PRE files have been updated and she has tried to handle the fallout from the State’s audit of 2008 which included two parcels.  One home owner failed to answer the letter within the 30 days.  One has been settled.  She has assisted a realtor in the sale of the Dobrzelewski property.  It was split last year and now the sale will require another split.


            There have been a couple of old (2003) Tribunal cases to deal with.  They were when the State changed the personal property depreciation multipliers.  They will be settled and taken off the books.


            Diane F and Debbie will continue to review parcels and start new pictures and sketches in the computer.


            After numerous discussions with Bill Kerr Debbie has decided that with the down turn of values in the last two years doing an actual reevaluation of the township is not necessary.  Approximately half of the parcels have been reviewed and the cycle should be finished this year.  The new guidelines suggest that at least 20% of the parcels are visited, and of course any new.  Debbie has run a preliminary sales study and there are only two good sales and about ten sales if you include the foreclosures.  Several of these are over a 100% ratio so they will not be considered in the sales study.  All indication is that the values will continue to fall.


            New assessors will be required to take a two year study course, 6 to 7 semesters for a total cost of $2,500.  The new continuing education has not been released.


            Josh Gilde of Lake City Redi-Mix presented a site plan to erect a concreter readi-mix batch plant with main silo and 2 auxiliary silos on their property located at 8715 Parmater Rd; Elmira, MI 49730.  Remodel existing 1200 sq ft residence into office.  Construct accessible parking and sidewalks to serve customers.  Normal business hours will be from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., April through October.


            The Elmira PC recommended approval with conditions.


            Diane Purgiel made a motion to recommend to the Otsego County Planning Commission that the L C Redi-Mix request , reference number SPR 10-001, be approved with the following conditions:


To mitigate concerns of wind blown dust, the applicant shall plant Red Pine or Jack Pine (trees) along the south side of the south retention pond to act as a wind screen.  Trees shall be a minimum of 18-24 inches tall at a spacing of one (1) tree every 12 feet in two (2)  alternating rows.


Regarding the dumpster enclosure, the applicant may provide dumpster screenings compliant with the Otsego County Zoning Ordinance at the time of construction.


Waste concrete shall not be stored on site in a volume greater than 150 cubic yards.


            Seconded by Leonard Skop and carried unanimously.



            Ron reported that he is having problems with the West Lake complaint and continues to work on it.


            The Stoneycroft complaint is at a standstill at the moment.



            The PC worked on the L C Redi-Mix request.


            Sue reported that the PC would like some direction on blight issues. 



            Diane F reported they the new truck is still being built and could possibly expect delivery as early as August or later in October.


 The tanker motor needs some work and the FA will try to get a grant to help fix it.


            She also stated that they are considering purchasing an ATV for rescue work.  The firefighters have a $6,000 CD and could help out with the purchase.



4474        Susan Schaedig, Clerk’s Salary                                                       1,066.91

4475        Ron Geiger, Ordinance Officer, Liquor Inspector                                224.52

4476        Leonard Skop, Trustee salary                                                             125.08

4477        John Middleton, PC meeting                                                              110.00

4478        John Ernst, PC meeting                                                                      110.00

4479        Gloria Torello, PC meeting                                                                 130.00

4480        James Theisen, PC meeting                                                                 110.00

4481        Duane Hoffman, PC meeting                                                               110.00

4482        Doreen Ostrander, school election inspector, flower bed                      225.00

4483        Diane Purgiel, Treasurer’s salary                                                      1,441.66

4484        Diane Franckowiak, Supervisor’s salary                                             948.16

4485        Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                                   87.50

4486        Dale Holzschu, trustee salary                                                               125.08

4487        Otsego County, twp contribution Planning/Zoning                             5,779.40

4488        Diane Franckowiak, reimb                                                                    50.00

4489        Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                             90.29

4490        Susan Schaedig, reimb mileage                                                             20.00

4491        Doreen Ostrander, reimb election                                                         21.47

4492        Janelle Crawford, inspector school election                                         133.00

4493        Heidi Mead, inspector school election                                                 133.00

4494        Unemployment Insurance Agency, Jill Kassuba                                 1,237.84

4495        Great Lakes Energy                                                                              23.51

4496        D & D Assessing                                                                             2,000.00

4497        Waste Management                                                                              53.43

4498        GBS Inc, 4 security bags                                                                    282.56

4499        Byte Jumper, computer service & repair                                               90.00

4500        Mark Rygwelski, spring clean-up                                                     1,095.00

4501        Otsego County Treasurer                                                                     16.60

4502        Association of Public Treasurers, yearly membership                           130.00

4503        Susan Schaedig, reimb internet                                                             29.99

4504    Great Lakes Energy                                                                            321.47

4505    Centurylink                                                                                           41.62

4506    Tina Coon, hall dep refund                                                                    50.00

12        EFTPS, May 2010 taxes                                                                     521.58



Diane P made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Dale and carried.



            Diane P discussed printing our own tax bills and possibly using Cross Roads. 

CD’s  105,595.18    80,021.02    95,000.00    63,379.36   63,379.36  Gen Fund  96,126.83

Total  503,501.75

Tax Accounts  2786   1,000.26     2787  1,889.66  Total  2,889.92



            Sue made a motion to pay a half day per diem and mileage for Diane F to attend New Economy 201 in Grayling on May 14, 2010.  Seconded by Dale and carried.


            Diane P made a motion to pay per diem and registration for any board member to attend the Policies & Procedures for Managing Your Township held at Treetops Resort in Gaylord on June 29, 2010.  Seconded by Leonard and carried.


            There being no further business to come before the board, Leonard made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Diane P and carried.  Meeting adjourned at 7:07 p.m..


Susan Schaedig, Clerk





APRIL 8, 2010


            A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on April 8, 2010  at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 6:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


            Diane Franckowiak, Leonard Skop, Dale Holzschu and Diane Purgiel were present.  Sue Schaedig was excused. 


            Diane P made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected.  Seconded by Dale and carried unanimously.



            A list of seasonal roads in the county from the Otsego County Road Commission was presented.


            Diane P made a motion to pay ½ day per diem for any board member to attend the free training program on the New Economy presented by NEMCOG and MSU at the Otsego Lake Township Hall on April 29, 2010  from  5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m..  Seconded by Dale and carried unanimously.



            Debbie was absent so there was no formal report.  Diane F. reported that the March BOR closed on March 10, 2010 and all answers to petitions had been sent.



            Ron Geiger was absent but his e-mail was read. 


            The problem with West Lake should be resolved soon.  There is an unsafe mobile home on Stonycroft that is owned by someone that lives in the State of Washington.  Someone is interested in buying the property and would remove the structure.  The taxes are one year in arrears.  Ron is awaiting the outcome of a possible purchase before he will pursue this as a violation.



            Diane F reported that the FA has secured financing through Oshkosh Capital for the new 2009 Pierce DX pumper at the rate of 2.51% for 5 years.  A down payment of $82,933.00 was made with $128,000 financed.



4448    Susan Schaedig, Clerk’s Salary                                                       1,006.91

4449    Ron Geiger, Liquor Inspector, Ordinance Officer                               224.52

4450    Leonard Skop, Trustee salary                                                            175.08

4451    VOID                                                             

4452    Diane Franckowiak, Supervisor’s salary                                             853.16

4453    Dale Holzschu, Trustee Salary                                                            125.08

4454    Walmart                                                                                               60.49

4455    Diane Franckowiak, reimb                                                                    50.00

4456    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                            116.88

4457    D & D Assessing                                                                             2,000.00

4458    Holton’s LP Gas                                                                                 325.28

4459    Diane Purgiel, Treasurer’s Salary                                                      1,441.66

4460    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                                    87.50

4461    Fidlar Technologies, Inc.                                                                      268.19

4462    Otsego County Road Commission, Mt Jack guard rail                       2,999.17

4463    Great Lakes Energy                                                                               67.55

4464    Warner Township, Maple Hill Cemetery Mowing                                 880.00

4465    Waste Management                                                                               53.14

4466    Susan Schaedig, reimb internet & phone                                                 29.99

4467    Michigan Municipal Treasurer’s Institute                                               350.00

4468    US Postal Service, postage                                                                  132.00

4469    Great Lakes Energy                                                                             320.52

4470    CenturyLink                                                                                           41.62

4471    Paul Smith, reimb hall deposit                                                                 50.00

4472    SafeChecks                                                                                         355.15

4473    Michigan Townships Association, registration                                         89.00

11        EFTPS, April taxes                                                                              398.64



            Diane P made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Leonard and carried.



Citizens CD  105,595.18   5/3  80,021.02   M Bank  95,000, 63,379.36, 63379.36

General Fund  99,864.82  TOTAL  507,239.74


Tax Accounts  2786  1,000   2787  1,889.50  TOTAL  2,889.50



            After discussing the 2011 and 2012 Zoning Funding Agreement with Otsego County Diane F made a motion to sign the agreement, but clarify the section reading:”the County shall appoint and operate a County Planning Commission for the purposes of administering the County Plan and the County Zoning Ordinance.”  Also to clarify that the Townships recommend members to the board.  Seconded by Leonard and carried.


            Diane F reported that the County has disbanded the Recycling Committee and a county run effort for recycling.  The County does not want to compete with private business efforts of Arrow Sanitation for recycling, but will offer assistance in education of recycling.


            Diane P announced she would not be attending the National Treasurers Conference in Charleston West Virginia this summer due to scheduling conflict.



            Diane F made a motion to appoint Doreen Ostrander, Janelle Crawford and Heidi Mead to the election board for the May 04, 2010 school election.  Seconded by Leonard and carried.


            Diane P made a motion to pay registration and per diem for any board member to attend the MTA Spring Regional(District) Meeting held at Shanty Creek Resort in Bellaire on May 20, 2010.  Seconded by Leonard and carried.


            The board read and reviewed sections 6 and 7 of the Township’s Policy and Proceedure Manual.  It is complete at this time.  Diane P will retype and print new booklets.


            There being no further business to come before the board Diane P made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Dale and carried.  Meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m..


Susan Schaedig, Clerk






MARCH 11, 2010


            A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on March 11, 2010 at the Elmira Township Hall commencing at 6:05p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


            All board members were present.  Others attending were Randy Stoltz and Matt Dobrzelewski.


             Leonard Skop made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected.  Seconded by Dale and carried.



            Windlabs has rented the township hall on March 30th  & 31st for presentations on wind farms.  They have invited big land owners.



            Diane F reported on the March Board of Revue.  There were 18 protests and the BOR has been closed.



            Sue reported that the PC discussed the township’s request of possible cutting back on meetings.  The PC suggested possibly holding nine meetings per year. 


            The PC continues to work on the power point presentation to explain Mixed Use Zoning in the Village of Elmira.



            Diane F reported that the FA met with a representative from Pierce at a meeting held on March 10, 2010 and that it has been decided to purchase a new 2009 International Chassis.


Matt Dobrzelewski of Warner Township explained to the board the complete process that the FA has gone through before making their decision. 


The purchase price will be about $208,000 and payments will be spread out for five years.



4411    Susan Schaedig, Clerk Salary                                                           1,066.99

4412    Ron Geiger, Ordinance Officer                                                           249.38

4413    Leonard Skop, Trustee salary                                                              175.12

4414    John Middleton, PC meeting                                                                110.00

4415    John Ernst, PC meeting                                                                        110.00

4416    James Theisen, PC meeting                                                                  110.00

4417    Gloria Torello, PC meeting                                                                   110.00

4418    Duane Hoffman, PC meeting                                                                110.00

4419    Diane Purgiel, Treasurer salary                                                          1,441.74

4420    Diane Franckowiak, Supervisor salary                                                  973.24

4421    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                                     37.50

4422    Dale Holzschu, trustee salary                                                                 125.12

4423    Barbara Lewandowski, deputy treasurer                                               137.50

4424    Susan Schaedig, reimb                                                                            79.99

4425    Roderick Wright, reimb                                                                           25.00

4426    Cindy Prusakiewicz, reimb                                                                      64.00

4427    Jill Ostrom, reimb hall deposit                                                                  50.00

4428    Lynn Murphy, reimb hall deposit                                                             50.00

4429    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                              174.95

4430    D & D Assessing                                                                               2,000.00

4431    D & H Excavating, plowing Feb                                                            168.75

4432    Michigan Dept of Treasury, water supply annual fee                               106.57

4433    Otsego County Treasurer, chargebacks                                                   50.07

4434    WalMart, Quickbooks Pro 2 copies                                                      289.23

4435    Byte Jumper                                                                                            90.00

4436    Waste Management                                                                                52.11

4437    Great Lakes Energy                                                                                23.51

4438    Diane Franckowiak, reimb                                                                      50.00

4439    Roderick Wright, BOR                                                                         380.00

4440    Janet Hancock, BOR                                                                            380.00

4441    Eugene Fleming, BOR                                                                           270.00

4442    Cynthia Prusakiewicz, BOR                                                                   380.00

4443    Jessica Searles, replace #4277(Elaine Hart)                                             50.00

4444    Michigan Dept of Treasury, Jan, Feb, Mar 2010 taxes                           615.97

4445    Susan Schaedig, reimb                                                                             29.99

4446    CenturyLink                                                                                            41.46

4447    Great Lakes Energy                                                                               342.95

10        EFTPS,  taxes for March                                                                       728.45



            Leonard made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Diane P and carried.



CD 105,595.18     CD  80,021.02  CD  95,000.00  CD  63,379.36

CD  63,379.36    GEN FUND  108,591.66  TOTAL  515,966.58


            Diane P reported that she took 68,724.00 out of the General Fund to open a new CD.


            She has balanced with the County Treasurer.


            Diane Purgiel made a motion in the form of a resolution that the Elmira Township Board authorizes the Township to utilize electronic transactions in compliance with the written procedures and internal controls developed and adopted by the Treasurer as the Township’s ACH policy and presented to the Township Board on March 11, 2010.  Seconded by Sue Schaedig.


AYES:  Leonard Skop, Dale Holzschu, Diane Franckowiak, Diane Purgiel, Sue Schaedig

NAYES:  None


            Diane Purgiel made a motion in the form of a resolution that Elmira Township authorizes the use of financial transaction devices and authorizes the treasurer to implement their use according to the following policy;

Financial transactions that may be made by a financial transmission device shall include;

Real and personal property taxes

Special assessments payments

             The Treasurer’s staff are authorized to accept such payments by financial transaction devices.  Seconded by Leonard.


AYES:  Sue Schaedig, Leonard Skop, Dale Holzschu, Diane Purgiel, Diane Franckowiak.

NAYES:  None


            Meeting recessed at 6:55 p.m. for the Budget Hearing.  Meeting resumed at 7:25 p.m.


            Diane F. made a motion to adopt the 2010-2011 budget.  Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.


            Sue made a motion to amend the General Fund Board of Revue 428.74 to come from Fund Balance  Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.


            Sue made a motion to amend the General Fund Township Board 964.07 to come from Fund Balance.  Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.


            Diane F reported that Elmira’s contribution share of the Zoning Agreement has been reduced to 5,779.40 for 2010.



            Diane P made a motion to collect 50% of the total school property taxes as certified by the school district for levy on July 1, 2010 on all properties within the township.  Expenses have been established at $2.50 per parcel to be paid to Elmira Township by September 30, 2010.  Seconded by Dale Holzschu and carried unanimously.


            Diane F made a motion to set the annual clean-up day for September 25, 2010 from 7:00a.m. to 11:00 a.m.  at Arrow Sanitation.  Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.


            Diane F. made a motion to pay registration fee of $358.00 and per diem for Diane P to attend the National Conference of Treasurers in Charleston, North Carolina on July 25th thru July 28th.   Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.



            Randy Stoltz stated that the Elmira PC put a lot of time and effort into assisting Otsego County on language for Mixed Use Zoning and is a valuable asset.


            There being no further business to come before the board Leonard made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m..


Susan Schaedig,






FEBRUARY 11, 2010


            A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on February 11, 2010 at the Elmira Township Hall commencing at 6:15 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


            Board members present were Diane Franckowiak, Susan Schaedig, Leonard Skop and Dale Holzschu.  Diane Purgiel was excused.  Others attending were Dave Johanningsmeier, Commissioner, Bruce Brown and Assessor, Deb Dunham.


            Leonard made a motion to accept the minutes as presented.  Seconded by Dale and carried unanimously. 


            Dennis Lennox of Indian River addressed the board in regard to his running for State Representative in August. 



            Debbie stated that Elmira lost about a million six in taxable value.  Ag is at 52.7 down about 5%, Commercial down 5% and residential 4 1/4 % down.



            Northern Michigan Broadband will hold a meeting on February 12, 2010 at the University Center at 10:00 a.m. in regard for a grant.


            Otsego County Road Commission will be holding their hearing on seasonal roads on March 8, 2010.



            Sue stated that the PC continues to work on the power point presentation for revitalizing the Village of Elmira. 



            Diane F reported that the FA is researching the purchasing of a new pumper sometime this year.



4373    M Bank, open cds                                                                   120,000.00

4374    Diane Purgiel, treasurer’s salary                                                   1,881.66

4379    Barb Lewandowski, deputy treasurer                                             120.00

4380    Susan Schaedig, Clerk’s salary                                                    1,066.91

4381    Ron Geiger, ordinance officer                                                         224.52

4382    Leonard Skop, trustee salary                                                          175.08

4383    John Middleton, PC meeting                                                           110.00

4384    John Ernst, PC meeting                                                                  110.00

4385    James Theisen, PC meeting                                                            110.00

4386    Gloria Torello, PC meeting                                                             130.00

4387    Duane Hoffman, PC meeting                                                          110.00

4388    Diane Franckowiak, Supv salary                                                    783.16

4389    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                               68.75

4390    Dale Holzschu, trustee salary                                                          175.08

4391    BS & A Software, taxroll support                                                   475.00

4392    Dunn’s Business Solutions, office supplies treasurer                         103.16

4393    Waste Management                                                                          52.21

4394    Great Lakes Energy                                                                          23.51

4395    Otsego County Township Officers Ass’n                                         720.00

4396    Dan Smith CPA, W2’s & 1099’s                                                   350.00

4397    D & H Excavating, snowplowing January                                        236.25

4398    D & D Assessing, January                                                           2,000.00

4399    Diane Franckowiak, reimb                                                               50.00

4400    Ron Geiger, reimb mileage                                                                30.00

4401    Chester Township, reimb hotel room MTA convention                    213.03

4402    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                       340.23

4403    United State Postal Service, clerk postage                                        88.00

4404    CenturyLink                                                                                     41.46

4405    Young, Graham & Elsenheimer, PC                                                  84.00

4406    Great Lakes Energy                                                                        321.57

4407    Holton’s LP Gas                                                                             326.98

4408    Susan Schaedig, reimb                                                                      29.99

4409    United States Postal Service, postage assessment change                604.98

4410    VOID

09        EFTPS, Feb taxes                                                                          573.51




CD  105,595.18    CD  80,021.02   CD  95,000.00  CD  63,379.36  CD  63,379.36

Gen Fund  68,712.00    TOTAL  476,086.92


Tax acct  2786  1,102.81  Tax Acct  2787  104,967.57     TOTAL  206,070.38



            Diane F reported on the zoning funding meetings.  A time study has been done on zoning and building.  They are working on reducing the contribution shares for 2010,  possibly from 6,300.00 down to 5,000.00 for Elmira.  They are also negotiating for 2011.


            Diane F made a motion to enter into an agreement with Official Payments Corporation to handle our Electronic Transaction Processing.  Seconded by Sue and carried unanimously.



            Elmira Township chose to attend the OCRC annual meeting  on February 22, 2010 at 9:00 a.m..


            The board discussed the Health Dept proposal for annual township hall water testing.  It was decided that we would do our own collection for testing.


            Leonard made a motion to upgrade the BS & A for Assessing(2,600) and for taxes(2,195).  Seconded by Dale and carried unanimously.


            Bruce Brown stated that the county plans to go ahead with recycling.


            The board discussed the upcoming budget year.


            There being no further business to come before the board Leonard made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Dale and carried unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m..


Sue Schaedig, Clerk





JANUARY 14, 2010


            A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on January 14, 2010  at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 6:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


            Members in attendance were Supervisor, Diane F., Treasurer, Diane Purgie and Trustees Leonard Skop and Dale Holzschu.  Clerk, Susan Schaedig was excused.


            Others present were Dave Johanningsmeier, Commissioner, Bruce Brown, Assessor, Deb Dunham and Ordinance Officer, Ron Geiger.


            Leonard made a motion to accept the December minutes as presented.  Seconded by Dale and carried.



            Deb reported that Equalization’s studies are in and will use an appraisal study in all three classes.  There will be a 4.5% to 5% decrease in township values.  It is not known how that will affect our taxable receipts.



            Ron stated that three vehicles have been removed from West Lake.  The concern of the original complaint was that there was a school bus but it is a legal licensed vehicle.

Ron continues to work on the problem.



4343    Susan Schaedig, Clerk wages                                                           1,006.91

4344    Ron Geiger, Ordinance Officer, Liquor Inspector                                 224.52

4345    Roderick Wright, Dec BOR meeting                                                      50.00

4346    Leonard Skop, Trustee                                                                       175.08

4347    Eugene Fleming, Dec BOR meeting                                                       50.00

4348    Diane Purgiel, Treasurer, wages                                                        1,441.66

4349    Diane Franckowiak, Supervisor wages                                                808.16

4350    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                                  150.00

4351    Dale Holzschu, Trustee                                                                        125.08

4352    Cynthia Prusakiewicz, Dec BOR meeting                                               50.00

4353    Waste Management                                                                               51.88

4354    VOID 

4355    Diane Franckowiak, reimb                                                                   125.00

4356    Independent Bank, Withholding-Theresa Plachta                                  898.25

4357    Michigan Dept of Treasury, Oct, Nov, Dec taxes                                 584.62

4358    Joanne Gee, hall dep refund                                                                   50.00

4359    Darlene Persons, hall dep refund                                                            50.00

4360    D & D Assessing                                                                              2,000.00

4361    Young, Graham & Elsenheimer, P.C.                                                     70.00

4362    Great Lakes Energy                                                                               49.60

4363    Dunn’s Business Solutions                                                                    214.45

4364    MMTA, dues-Treasurer                                                                        50.00

4365    Michigan Townships Association, 6 registrations BOR class                  420.00

4366    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                             126.76

4367    Theresa Plachta, pension settlement                                                   3,593.02

4368    Janet Hancock, Dec BOR meeting                                                         50.00

4369    D & H Excavating, snowplowing                                                          506.25

4370    Mid North Printing, envelopes                                                              159.20

4371    Dale Holzschu                                                                                        50.00

4372    Otsego County Equalization Dept                                                      1,364.80

4375    Susan Schaedig, reimb internet & phone                                                 29.99

4376    Holton’s LP Gas                                                                                  871.52

4377    Great Lakes Energy                                                                             328.13

4378    CenturyLink                                                                                           41.46



            Diane P made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Dale and carried.



CD  105,569.18     CD  100,721.84    CD  80,021.02  Gen Fund  178,064.04   464,402.08

Tax Account  1,075.96        213,471.98       214,547.94



            There was general discussion on the zoning training that all board members had attended on January 7, 2010 at Otsego Lake Township hall.  Supervisors are meeting on January 18, 2010 to discuss options.


            Bruce Brown reported that the commissioners approved the addition of golf cart(orv)use in Gaylord Country Club.  The public hearing may possibly be held on March 28, 2010.



            The board discussed the Electronic Transaction Processing Agreement.  Diane P gave copies to each member to read over and bring to the February meeting to act upon.


            There being no further business to come before the board Leonard made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Dale and carried.  Meeting adjourned at 6:57 p.m.


Susan Schaedig, Clerk


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