~Welcome To Elmira Township~

Board of Review

Building Codes


Elections and Ballots
Hall Rental

Master Plan

Meeting Calendar
Minutes of Meetings
Pet Licensing
Planning Commission
Public Safety
Road Issues
Taxes & Assessing      (information is free to taxpayers but you must "sign up" to access)





Number Percent
Q-1.  Do you feel that Elmira Township should do more to preserve or protect  any of the following natural resources?
Q1-1.  Open space 1. Yes 224 55.0%
2. Neutral 120 29.5%
3. No 63 15.5%
4.  N.A. 27
Q1-2.  Farm Land 1. Yes 262 63.4%
2. Neutral 104 25.2%
3. No 47 11.4%
4. N.A. 21
Q1-3.  Forest Lands 1. Yes 307 73.8%
2. Neutral 70 16.8%
3. No 39 9.4%
4 N.A. 18
Q1-4.  Wetlands 1. Yes 265 64.8%
2. Neutral 92 22.5%
3. No 52 12.7%
4.  N.A. 25
Q1-5.  Lakes & Rivers 1. Yes 321 77.3%
2. Neutral 59 14.2%
3. No 35 8.4%
4. N.A. 19
Q1-6.  Ground Water 1. Yes 340 80.4%
2. Neutral 52 12.3%
3. No 31 7.3%
4. N.A. 11
Q1-7.  Wildlife Habitat 1. Yes 289 69.1%
2. Neutral 82 19.6%
3. No 47 11.2%
4. N.A. 16
Q-2.  If you feel that Elmira Township should do more to protect the natural resources listed in question 1, would you be willing to help pay for these efforts through a voted mileage?
1. Yes 228 54.8%
2. No 151 36.3%
3. Not applicable 37 8.9%
4. N.A. 17
Q-3.  How should Elmira Township balance the preservation of open space vs. an individual's right to develop their own property?
1.  Restrict development rights 77 19.3%
2.  Provide incentives 91 22.8%
3.  Allow owner to develop portions 144 36.1%
4.  Do nothing 75 18.8%
5.  Other - describe 12 3.0%
6.  N.A. 23
Q-4.  How much of a problem are these issues in Elmira Township?
Q4-1.  Empty buildings 1.  Not a problem 129 33.4%
2.  Small problem 156 40.4%
3.  Medium problem 73 18.9%
4.  Big problem 28 7.3%
5.  N.A. 48
Q4-2.  Groundwater Contamin. 1.  Not a problem 126 35.6%
2.  Small problem 125 35.3%
3.  Medium problem 58 16.4%
4.  Big problem 45 12.7%
5.  N.A. 80
Q4-3. IIllegal Dumping 1.  Not a problem 54 14.4%
2.  Small problem 117 31.2%
3.  Medium problem 112 29.9%
4.  Big problem 92 24.5%
5.  N.A. 59
Q4-4.  Noise from Traffic 1.  Not a problem 120 31.1%
2.  Small problem 141 36.5%
3.  Medium problem 90 23.3%
4.  Big problem 35 9.1%
5.  N.A. 48
Q4-5.  Road Disrepair 1.  Not a problem 48 12.1%
2.  Small problem 111 28.0%
3.  Medium problem 110 27.8%
4.  Big problem 127 32.1%
5.  N.A. 38
Q4-6.  Too much Truck Traffic 1.  Not a problem 87 22.7%
2.  Small problem 113 29.4%
3.  Medium problem 116 30.2%
4.  Big problem 68 17.7%
5.  N.A. 50
Q4-7.  Unsightly Businesses 1.  Not a problem 116 29.9%
2.  Small problem 141 36.3%
3.  Medium problem 77 19.8%
4.  Big problem 54 13.9%
5.  N.A. 46
Q4-8.  Zoning Enforcement 1.  Not a problem 119 33.2%
2.  Small problem 93 26.0%
3.  Medium problem 85 23.7%
4.  Big problem 61 17.0%
5.  N.A. 76
Q4-9.  Water Pollution 1.  Not a problem 147 40.4%
2.  Small problem 135 37.1%
3.  Medium problem 52 14.3%
4.  Big problem 30 8.2%
5.  N.A. 70
Q4-10.  Teen Activities 1.  Not a problem 116 31.2%
2.  Small problem 87 23.4%
3.  Medium problem 97 26.1%
4.  Big problem 72 19.4%
5.  N.A. 62
Q4-11.  Affordable Housing 1.  Not a problem 118 31.1%
2.  Small problem 115 30.3%
3.  Medium problem 79 20.8%
4.  Big problem 68 17.9%
5.  N.A. 54
Q4-12.  Seasonal Population 1.  Not a problem 218 58.3%
2.  Small problem 104 27.8%
3.  Medium problem 40 10.7%
4.  Big problem 12 3.2%
5.  N.A. 60
Q4-13.  Oil/Gas Development 1.  Not a problem 100 26.2%
2.  Small problem 85 22.3%
3.  Medium problem 92 24.1%
4.  Big problem 104 27.3%
5.  N.A. 53
Q4-14.  Noise from Industry 1.  Not a problem 205 53.7%
2.  Small problem 108 28.3%
3.  Medium problem 43 11.3%
4.  Big problem 26 6.8%
5.  N.A. 52
Q4-15.  Other (describe) 1.  Not a problem 25 59.5%
2.  Small problem 3 7.1%
3.  Medium problem 1 2.4%
4.  Big problem 13 31.0%
5.  N.A. 389
Q-5.  What is your general attitude towards adding any of the following developments in Elmira Township?
Q5-1.  Light Manufacturing 1.  Favorable 230 55.0%
2.  Neutral 110 26.3%
3.  Unfavorable 78 18.7%
4.  N.A. 16
Q5-2.  Heavy manufacturing 1.  Favorable 64 15.3%
2.  Neutral 89 21.3%
3.  Unfavorable 264 63.3%
4.  N.A. 17
Q5-3.  Farming 1.  Favorable 355 83.5%
2.  Neutral 66 15.5%
3.  Unfavorable 4 0.9%
4.  N.A. 9
Q5-4.  Small Business 1.  Favorable 328 77.9%
2.  Neutral 73 17.3%
3.  Unfavorable 20 4.8%
4.  N.A. 13
Q5-5.  No Growth 1.  Favorable 81 20.0%
2.  Neutral 139 34.4%
3.  Unfavorable 184 45.5%
4.  N.A. 30
Q5-6.  Retail Stores 1.  Favorable 222 53.1%
2.  Neutral 114 27.3%
3.  Unfavorable 82 19.6%
4.  N.A. 16
Q5-7.  Restaurants 1.  Favorable 263 62.0%
2.  Neutral 111 26.2%
3.  Unfavorable 50 11.8%
4.  N.A. 10
Q5-8.  Office Buildings 1.  Favorable 182 43.6%
2.  Neutral 136 32.6%
3.  Unfavorable 99 23.7%
4.  N.A. 17
Q5-9.  Health Care 1.  Favorable 270 65.2%
2.  Neutral 104 25.1%
3.  Unfavorable 40 9.7%
4.  N.A. 20
Q5-10.  Mining 1.  Favorable 49 11.8%
2.  Neutral 132 31.7%
3.  Unfavorable 236 56.6%
4.  N.A. 17
Q5-11.  Oil/Gas Extraction 1.  Favorable 67 16.0%
2.  Neutral 148 35.3%
3.  Unfavorable 204 48.7%
4.  N.A. 15
Q5-12.  Outdoor Recreation 1.  Favorable 240 57.3%
2.  Neutral 116 27.7%
3.  Unfavorable 63 15.0%
4.  N.A. 15
Q5-13.  Commercial Tourism 1.  Favorable 164 39.0%
2.  Neutral 137 32.5%
3.  Unfavorable 120 28.5%
4.  N.A. 13
Q5-14.  Race track 1.  Favorable 52 12.3%
2.  Neutral 82 19.4%
3.  Unfavorable 289 68.3%
4.  N.A. 11
Q5-15.  Casino 1.  Favorable 47 11.1%
2.  Neutral 46 10.8%
3.  Unfavorable 331 78.1%
4.  N.A. 10
Q5-16.  Prison/Jail 1.  Favorable 25 5.9%
2.  Neutral 52 12.3%
3.  Unfavorable 346 81.8%
4.  N.A. 11
Q5-17.  Homeless Shelter 1.  Favorable 92 22.0%
2.  Neutral 137 32.8%
3.  Unfavorable 189 45.2%
4.  N.A. 16
Q5-18.  School/Vocational 1.  Favorable 263 62.6%
2.  Neutral 114 27.1%
3.  Unfavorable 43 10.2%
4.  N.A. 14
Q5-19.  Grocery Store 1.  Favorable 278 66.0%
2.  Neutral 98 23.3%
3.  Unfavorable 45 10.7%
4.  N.A. 13
Q5-20.  Movie Theater 1.  Favorable 138 32.6%
2.  Neutral 148 35.0%
3.  Unfavorable 137 32.4%
4.  N.A. 11
Q5-21.  Outdoor Theater 1.  Favorable 103 24.5%
2.  Neutral 139 33.0%
3.  Unfavorable 179 42.5%
4.  N.A. 13
Q-6.  How do you feel about adding more of the following types of residential developments within Elmira Township's boundaries?
Q6-1.  Single Family Subdivision 1.  Favorable 259 60.7%
2.  Neutral 99 23.2%
3.  Unfavorable 69 16.2%
4.  N.A. 7
Q6-2.  Condominiums 1.  Favorable 144 34.0%
2.  Neutral 100 23.6%
3.  Unfavorable 180 42.5%
4.  N.A. 11
Q6-3.  Apartment Buildings 1.  Favorable 114 27.1%
2.  Neutral 106 25.2%
3.  Unfavorable 200 47.6%
4.  N.A. 14
Q6-4.  Affordable Housing 1.  Favorable 214 50.6%
2.  Neutral 115 27.2%
3.  Unfavorable 94 22.2%
4.  N.A. 11
Q6-5.  Mobile Homes 1.  Favorable 58 13.7%
2.  Neutral 95 22.5%
3.  Unfavorable 270 63.8%
4.  N.A. 11
Q6-6.  Mobile Home Parks 1.  Favorable 52 12.3%
2.  Neutral 75 17.8%
3.  Unfavorable 295 69.9%
4.  N.A. 13
Q6-7.  Senior Citizen Housing 1.  Favorable 270 63.4%
2.  Neutral 110 25.8%
3.  Unfavorable 46 10.8%
4.  N.A. 8
Q-7.  How do you feel about adding the following types of commercial/retail developments within Elmira Township's boundaries?
Q7-1.  Stand Alone Business 1.  Favorable 255 60.6%
2.  Neutral 123 29.2%
3.  Unfavorable 43 10.2%
4.  N.A. 13
Q7-2.  Strip Mall 1.  Favorable 97 22.9%
2.  Neutral 94 22.2%
3.  Unfavorable 232 54.8%
4.  N.A. 11
Q7-3.  Large Retail 1.  Favorable 106 24.8%
2.  Neutral 93 21.8%
3.  Unfavorable 228 53.4%
4.  N.A. 6
Q7-4.  Downtown Development 1.  Favorable 226 53.4%
2.  Neutral 124 29.3%
3.  Unfavorable 73 17.3%
4.  N.A. 10
Q7-5.  Gas/Convenience Store 1.  Favorable 198 46.4%
2.  Neutral 157 36.8%
3.  Unfavorable 72 16.9%
4.  N.A. 7
Q7-6.  Office Building 1.  Favorable 173 40.7%
2.  Neutral 142 33.4%
3.  Unfavorable 110 25.9%
4.  N.A. 9
Q-8.  What should Elmira Township do to encourage more commercial growth within the Township?
1.  Discourage growth 117 27.8%
2.  Do nothing 67 15.9%
3.  Support growth 168 39.9%
4.  Favor growth 69 16.4%
5.  No answer 11
Q-9.  What should Elmira Township do to encourage more industrial growth within the Township?
1.  Discourage growth 160 37.6%
2.  Do nothing 79 18.6%
3.  Support growth 125 29.4%
4.  Favor growth 61 14.4%
5.  No answer 9
Q-10.  If commercial/retail developments are to take place in Elmira Township, where do you think they should be located?
1.  Spread along M-32 94 22.9%
2.  Clustered in concentrated areas along M-32 161 39.3%
3.  Concentrated within the downtown 150 36.6%
4.  Near neighborhoods 5 1.2%
5.  No answer 19
Q-11.  What additional businesses, products or services would you like to see available in the Elmira Township business community?
Q-12.  Please list any other comments you wish to make or questions you wished we had asked about growth and land use issues within Elmira Township.
Q-13.  Which of the following would you support in order to raise funds to be used to improve Elmira Township's roads?
1.  Increase of .25 mills 46 11.4%
2.  Increase of .5 mills 40 12.6%
3.  Increase of 1 mill 87 21.5%
4.  Increase of 1.5 mills 8 2.0%
5.  Increase of 2 mills 65 16.0%
6.  Would not support road millage 159 39.3%
7.  No answer 26
Q-14.  For what length of time would you support a township road millage?
1.  5 years 94 23.2%
2.  10 years 87 22.3%
3.  15 years 15 3.7%
4.  20 years 23 5.7%
5.  > 20 years 26 6.4%
6.  Would not support millage 160 39.5%
7.  No answer 29
Q-15.  Should the Township explore the possibility of contracting for weekly door-to-door township-wide garbage pick-up service supported through taxation?
1.  Yes 145 35.3%
2.  No 266 64.7%
3.  No answer 23
Q-16.  Would you favor a once per year drop off trash disposal day funded by the Township?
1.  Yes 347 83.6%
2.  No 68 16.4%
3.  No answer 16
Q-17.  Current resident status:
1.  Full-time resident 304 72.2%
2.  Part-time resident 45 10.7%
3.  Own property, but don't live here 72 17.1%
4.  No answer 13


Elmira Township
2035 Mt. Jack Rd.
Elmira, Michigan  49730
(231) 546-3309

© 2001 Elmira Township

Visit the Otsego Community Connection web site.