If you are interested in becoming a member or want to renew your membership, print this page & drop off at the GACA Community Arts Center or mail to GACA, 125 E Main St, Gaylord, MI, 49734.


Name (as you would like it to appear in print/on mailings):______________________________________________________
Home phone:________________________ Alternate phone:______________________________
Business name (if business is the listed member):________________________________________________________
Contact person (optional):_________________________________ Business phone:_____________________
Address:__________________________________________________ P.O. Box ___________________
City:________________________________ State:_____________________ Zip Code:_______________
Email address:___________________________________________________________________________
Membership Category: _____Partner _____Sponsor _____Patron ____Supporter
____Family _____Senior _____Senior Couple _____Individual ____Student
Amount of check or money order:$_____________ (Made payable to Gaylord Area Council for the Arts)
Please charge my: ___Visa ___MasterCard Card #:_____________________________ Exp:__________
Cardholder signature:__________________________________________ Amt. to be charged: $__________
Dues ensure active membership status from October 1 through September 30 of the following year. Thank you for your support."