Kelsey Lake Extravaganza
Treat yourself and friends to a sensational weekend in August, 2004 that you will remember
forever and that will help advance land protection at the same time.
Owners and hosts Virginia Pierce and Don Inman will treat up to three couples
to a weekend in August, 2004 at their fabulous Kelsey Lake Lodge in Millersburg,
Michigan. The event includes all lodging and meals from Saturday morning
to Sunday lunch, including a "five star" wild game gourmet meal on
Saturday evening (the "less refined" can order chicken). You can arrive
Friday evening if you would prefer, but you would be on you own for
The lake has excellent trophy bass fishing (catch and release),
swimming, boating and there are several miles of trails on the 495-acre
property. The area is wild (bear and bobcat frequent the property) and
the lodge is rustic, but with modern conveniences. No pets or children
under 12 please. Guests will be required to sign a release form (waiver
of liability) .
This extravaganza will be auctioned off in a silent auction (please
contact our office at 989-731-0573 or at to be
mailed an auction form) and will be awarded to the
highest bidder. Bidding starts at $800 for up to three couples. Bids
must be received by July 15, 2004 as bidding closes July 15 at 5:00 p.m. Proceeds
will be generously contributed to HeadWaters Land Conservancy to further
land protection. We wish to thank Don and Virginia for this very
generous contribution.
What others have to say about this property:
"When I visited the Inman property I felt as if I was in Maine. The
property is absolutely breathtaking and the lodges take me back in time
to an era when things were simpler. The lodge and stone fireplace make
you want to stay forever. When I need to relax, I think back to my time
spent on this property. The loons on the lake just add to the wilderness
Kirt Manecke, Director of Development, HeadWaters Land