History Matters
The purpose of History Matters is to
engage and empower a team of volunteers who will conduct research, answer
questions, and share information related to Otsego County's
past, about:
* People & Communities * Business & Industry
* Events & Activities
Information explored, created,
and shared will enrich the lives of people interested in the
history of our community.
Update #1
January 6, 2018
Update #4 January 27,
Update #7 February 17
Update #2 January 13, 2018
Update #5 February 3, 2018
Update #8 February 24
Update #3 January 20, 2018
Update #6 February 10, 2018
Update #9 March 3
Update #10 March 10
Click Here
for the 2019 Schedule
Click Here for
the recruitment flyer
Click Here for the organizational chart
The Historical Thinking Project
Promoting critical historical
literacy for the 21st Century
source: Canadian Heritage
Historical Thinking Concepts
click here for report
here for poster
1. Establish Historical Significance
"How do we decide what and whose stories to tell?"
Work Sheets
2. Use Primary Source Evidence
"How do we know what we know?"
Work Sheets
Identify Continuity & Change
"Does change always mean progress?"
Work Sheets
4. Analyze Cause & Consequences
"What are the causes that are
hidden from view?"
Work Sheets
5. Take Historical Perspectives
"How can we ever understand
the past?"
Work Sheets 1
Understand Ethical Dimensions of History
"What do historical
injustices and sacrifices mean for us today?"
Work Sheets
Two highly recommended books that every local historian should read:
1. "Nearby History: Exploring the Past Around
You" 3rd Edition
by David E. Kyvig and Myron A. Marty
"On Doing Local History" 2nd Edition by Carol Kammen
Check Out These Web Sites

Teachinghistory.org is designed to help K–12 history teachers access
resources and materials to improve U.S. history education in the
classroom. It builds on and
disseminates the valuable lessons learned by more than 1,000
projects designed to raise student achievement by improving teachers’
knowledge and understanding of traditional U.S. history. It places history content, teaching strategies, current research and
issues, community building, and easy access to resources at center
stage. The aim is to bring together the many communities involved in
improving history education and professional development for history
teachers, allowing practitioners, historians, administrators, and
history educators to present multiple perspectives, debate current
issues, and work together to improve history teaching in classrooms
throughout the United States.
Link to What
Was There - Put History In Its Place! See old photos
superimposed onto Google Street View for a before and after comparison.
The fade feature is very cool!
"Recording local history is a privilege -- and fun!" by Jim Grisso
Gaylord Herald Times January 9, 2018