Administration of the Pigeon River Country will be headed by an Area Forester whose headquarters will be the buildings which were constructed for this purpose long ago. Although these buildings are now assigned to Fisheries Division for research purposes, research has not been conducted here for some years.

Under the Area Forester in charge will be one Assistant Area Forester, one Wildlife Biologist and one Forestry Technician. The duties of these men will involve wildlife and recreation management as well as timber and cover management. They must be versatile. Their contacts with the public will be many. Stenographic help will be needed, as will seasonal help in summer when recreational use is heaviest. These are new positions in the Region.

New Forest Headquarters Administration Building and Information Center

One Area Forester and one Forestry Technician will be needed to handle the problems of the Otsego State Forest, approximately 56,000 acres of state forest land in the rest of Otsego County.

Labor, directly employed or accomplished by contracts, will be needed for many jobs to be done in management of this area. Elk range and wildlife habitat improvement and maintenance, maintenance of buildings, roads, trails, campgrounds and an untold number of daily chores which must be done all will call for manpower and funds.

It must be recognized that new restrictions, new uses and the recent increase in visitors brings a need for added law enforcement and the considerable assistance our Conservation officers provide to those who use the out-of-doors.

The greater resource values now present warrant greater vigilance and protection against fire. A forest fire could cause irreparable damage and terrible loss to resources of the area.

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