As a means of keeping the management of the Pigeon River Country responsive to the wishes of people who use it and who may be affected by its use and management, and also as a means of gaining citizen involvement and assistance and the cooperation and support of local government, an advisory and supporting organization comprised of private citizens and representatives of local government will be formed. It will be called the Pigeon River Country Advisory Council. The guidance of its members will be helpful in carrying out this plan.

Establishment of the Pigeon River Country Advisory Council is intended to:

1. Assure response of management to the wishes and needs of people;

2. Help to gain understanding, assistance, and support for the program of management and for decisions made;

3. Maintain a balance between various interests served;

4. Avoid implementation of programs or actions with potentially adverse effects;

5. help to overcome problems encountered in the management of this unit of forest land.

The Council will consist of 12 citizen members and 3 ex-officio members from the Department of Natural Resources. The Area Forester will serve as secretary. Each will have an equal vote in adopting recommendations. Citizen members will be appointed by the Director of the Department of Natural Resources. The Council will include citizen representation from both local and statewide organizations, also including governmental organizations. From the Department of Natural Resources, the ex-officio members will be the Area Foreseer responsible for administration of this area, the Fisheries Biologist for this area and the Wildlife Biologist.

Terms of citizen members are to be for three years, with four of those first appointed to serve for one year only, and four to serve for two years, so as to create staggered terms of membership. After appointed memberships expire, new members will be appointed for three- year terms by the Director of the Department of Natural Resources. The Council will elect its own Chairman annually and in cooperation with the Ares Forester will determine its own schedule of meetings and methods of conducting business. Meetings will be called at least annually and as determined by the Chairman and the Area Forester or by the Director of the Department of Natural Resources.

The Advisory Council will be advisory and supportive. Its responsibility will be to consider plans, programs and activities proposed or conducted within or affecting the Pigeon River Country, and to advise the Director of the Department of Natural Resources by written report of their views in regard to these matters. One of their primary roles will be to develop public support and local cooperation for programs adopted for this unit.

There are a number of specific problems which could well be brought before the Council for its recommendations. Among them are such matters as disposition, maintenance, improvement, or abandonment of roads and trails; what to do about growing recreational pressure on Cornwall Flooding; location and directional signs; litter and trash removal; and land use planning and zoning in the local area.

Properly balanced, representative membership in the Council should assure that no single interest will gain unjustified dominance over others in the management and use of the area.

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