Water Management

All waters in the area will be protected from destructive use by management of shore cover such as is practiced in natural river areas. Black River, Pigeon River and Hardwood Creek will be recommended for study and possible dedication under the Wild and Natural Rivers Act.

Streams will be managed for trout, while lakes will be managed variously according to the characteristics of habitat they offer. Any cover or shore protection devices used will be designed and of materials to maintain a natural appearance.

The following points will be observed in water and fisheries management:

1. Streams will not be stocked but will be maintained essentially for wild trout fishing.

2. If it is found that wild populations cannot maintain themselves at adequate levels, more restrictive fishing regulations will be imposed to protect brood stocks.

3. Deep, cold lakes with trout quality water will be chemically treated periodically to eliminate competing species and stocked annually with trout.

4. Warmwater lakes will be managed primarily as natural fisheries for bass, panfish and pike, with the possible exception of a muskellunge plant in Cornwall Flooding if planting stock becomes available.

5. There will be no fishing or boating allowed on Hemlock, East Twin, West Twin, Lost Lake, West Lost Lake, Section 4 Lake, or Ford Lake, which are used continuously for research purposes. When and if research is discontinued in any of these, they will be opened for use.

6. Timber harvest and vegetative cover management on the land within any Water influence Zone* will be coordinated with the fisheries biologist for the area. (* Frontage on lakes, floodings, main streams, and feeder streams. This frontage is where the use of water or danger to water quality is such that some adjustments in the application of forest or ground cover treatment is deemed advisable. It will include the area not less than 200 feet or over one-quarter mile from the water, as mapped by the area administrator.)

7. Stream, lake and shore management practices which may be needed for erosion control, fish cover, or for convenience of people, will be designed to appear natural, in keeping with the surroundings as much as practical.

8. Motors or engines other than electric will not be permitted on any waters in this area.

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