Edelweiss Garden Club, Inc.

When we tug at a single thing in nature, we find it attached to the rest of the world - John Muir

Club Projects
Upcoming Events
Garden Pictures
Tip of the Month
Membership Information
Scholarship Information
Garden Walk
Green SalesLinks
Members Only



Committee appointments will be filled on a first come first served basis.  To sign up for a committee, enter your name or email address in the box and press the 'Submit' button for each committee you wish to sign up for.

2013-2014 Edelweiss Garden Club, Inc
Planting Areas Sign-up

View the current committee sign-ups here

Courthouse - East
(4 appointments)

Courthouse - West
(4 appointments)

Rock and Former Information Center
(4 appointments)

Roundabout - University Center
(4 appointments)

(4 appointments)

McCoy Corner
(4 appointments)

Loon Rest Area
(10 appointments)

Energy Outlet Entrance Garden
(2 appointments)

Maple Garden
(2 appointments)


Flatbed Garden
(2 appointments)


Lilac Garden
(2 appointments)


Hosta Garden
(2 appointments)


Memorial Garden
(2 appointments)


Brem Corner Garden
(2 appointments)



The mission of Edelweiss Garden Club is to stimulate the love of gardening, encourage home and community beautification, promote better horticultural practices, encourage all forms of conservation, provide education and resources, and promote the programs of the Michigan Garden Clubs, Inc., and the National Garden Clubs, Inc.

| Home | Club Projects | Upcoming Events | Garden Pictures | Map | Tip of the Month |Membership Information |
| Scholarship Information | Garden Walk | Green Sales | Links | Members Only |

© 2010 Edelweiss Garden Club, Inc.