Growth Management Initiative I. Next Steps for Growth Management Initiative 1. Secure resolutions accepting the One County, One Vision report from all units of government. Resolutions will also be used to support applications for outside technical assistance. 2. Otsego County Land Use Services develops comprehensive map outlining planning issue areas (joint planning areas, open space/forest/ag/large lot areas, hamlets, residential, etc.) 3. Joint planning areas are identified (areas where current planning/zoning jurisdictions intersect) 4. Educational and consultation on best practices and approaches (joint planning, structuring inter-local agreements, zoning language, PDR, TDR, etc.) 5. Form Task Forces and develop recommended goals and objectives to address each planning theme area with review by general public and Roundtable. 6. Redraft/edit Master Plans and Zoning Ordinances 7. Establish inter-jurisdictional structures, mechanisms and processes (Joint Planning Commissions, Inter-jurisdictional Site Review Committee & Guidelines, developer/builder education, infrastructure planning including implementation of the I-75 Crossing Study, and adoption of non-zoning related master plan goals by appropriate community organizations) II. Process 1. Process will entail having each planning theme area Task Force develop recommended goals and objectives as well as address challenges outlined in Visioning report. 2. Public forums will be held at periodic junctures for review of vision theme areas and recommendations. Personal invitations will be sent out to all visioning session participants. 3. After each public forum, recommendations with public input will be reviewed by the Roundtable. 4. Final recommendations will be compiled and moved through the formal adoption processes. 5. The entire process will be facilitated by an outside consultant in order to maintain objectivity and increase our understanding of best practices in growth management. III. Communication 1. The above strategy and process will be communicated to the public via direct mail to visioning participants, radio interview with Mike Reiling, newspaper and through teh web site. 2. Once a time line is established, we will plan appropriate communications using the same mediums (mail, radio, newspaper and web) in order to keep the broader community apprised. We will also use the Township Association as another forum for updating. 3. We have distributed copies of Visioning Report and Plan/Ordinance Comparison Report to County, City and Village Officials plus all participants in the Roundtable (100+) and posted documents to the web (www.otsego.org/growth). 4. We have a list of approximately 170 individuals who participated in the visioning and follow up meetings who will be specifically invited to participate. IV. Roles Otsego County Land Use Services (OCLUS) - Lead staff. Organizes, directs and leads strategy Vision Theme Task Forces - Works with facilitator to develop goals and objectives for each vision theme. Growth Management Roundtable - Steering Committee. General oversight and review of process and recommendations. Public Forums - Public review on Task Force recommendations Otsego County Economic Alliance - Provides logistical and communications support
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