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Mini Grants
Guidelines for Mini-Grant Applications
The purpose of the
Foundation is to generate and distribute financial support for enrichment
programs or projects which enhance the quality of education and/or educational

The objective of the
mini-grant program is to encourage educational excellence through the funding of
creative teaching and learning projects. |

*Application deadline is the
second Wednesday of November*

Grant awards will
generally be limited to $1000.00. Exceptions will be considered based on
the merit of the project proposal.
All items purchased with
mini-grant funds become the property of the School District.
Individual teachers may
apply each year. However, previous year recipients and projects may
receive lower priority in the allocation of mini-grant funds.
The foundation reserves
the right to recommend partial funding of a mini-grant request.
Applications should
follow the District procedures in requesting expenditures or reimbursements from
their grant fund.
In general, the
Foundation will not consider proposals for hardware such as computer monitors,
printers and the like. Exceptions may be made based on the merit of the
project proposal.
Mini-grant recipients
are required to provide a brief, written report (including photos, if
applicable) to the Foundation regarding the outcome of their project during the
school year in which the grant was awarded.
In the evaluation
process, emphasis will be placed on the creativity of the proposed project.

Please printout the grant application form. Fill the application out
completely and then mail it to the Otsego Education Foundation at the following
Otsego Education Foundation
P.O. Box 572
Gaylord, MI 49734
Mini-Grant Form